Here's an example of Predictions that affect what DJ's play on the Radio:
- I said 3/26/2006 that KBIG was playing "Like a Virgin" by Madonna
- While I was reading the article below, it was talking about Paul Dana (PD = Police Department)
- The Radio Station started playing "Every Breath You Take" by Sting and the Police
- I said 3/26/2006 that I'm Sting and the Police
- The song after is "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot who's from Seattle where I'm from. I said 3/26/2006 that it's not a good idea to talk back to your Mother
- You see "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany. My niece tiffany is in San Diego. Penthouse Pet Aimee Sweet from San Diego added me to her Friends List and I was talking to her Subconscious
- Before that song (not showN) was "Don't Cha" by the Pussycat Dolls, which is on Sunny Leone's Page. Aimee Sweet and Sunny Leone know each other
It's an example of how you can use the Electromagnetic Field to affect the Play Lists on the Radio. People think it's impossible and that what Radio DJs choose is random, but it's not.
Also when it comes to timed coincidences, it's not coincidental. Things are planned or scheduled days, weeks, months, or even years ahead of time. That's how you can time coincidences.
The reason why I know this is because when I used to drive on the California Freeways, I'd run into Vanity License Plates that have special names, Superman Decals on Cars, and Darth Vader Decals.
The only way you can make such events happen is if you are planning out the route of the Drivers using the Subconscious Minds to integrate everything. People think it's impossible, but that's how you do a weave pattern when you're making a Tapestry.
Your'e integrating everything. That's how I get a heads up or have a Spider Sense that serves as PRECOGNITION.
Article Highlights
In the article below, it mentions how IRL Driver Paul Dana died:
- IRL:
- IRL = In Real Life
- IR/L = IR Bad(L/Non-7)
- In Re-AL Li/Fe = Final(I+N=W) Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic) IR(AL) Fire(Li-Chinese) Ir Activated(Fe/IR on)
- Paul Dana:
- I said Davis is PA u L = Pennsylvania(PA) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7)
- Initials for Paul Dana PD = Police Department. I said about Sting and the Police
- I said 3/25/2006 about the Racecar Driver that killed 2 people 8/22/2005 for Valentine Leone's B-Day
- Raceway Deaths:
- I said Davis was responsible for the Deaths of two people 8/22/2005
- He was trying to borrow more money from me even though he hadn't been able to pay back the loan on my car that he pawned.
- I got so pissed that a car was assigned to spin out of control and kill people.
- The Racecar was acting like an Agent in the "Matrix" in retaliation to Davis being a bonehead
- Ed Carpenter spun out of control and Paul Dana died crashing into his car:
- Paul Dana is Davis getting "terminated"
- I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table. Jesus Christ was a Carpenter
- Initials for Ed Carpenter = EC = 53 = I on the Periodic Table
- "Obviously, this is a very black day for us," Rahal said. "This is a great tragedy": Davis is Black. That's why Rahal's Subconscious chose those words to indicate who is responsible
- Buddy Lazier said Dana passed him and Scott Sharp after both slowed because of the accident:
- Lazier: I said 3/25/2006 Davis has a Lazy Eye
- Scott Sharp = SS = Gemini Superman
- Buddy = Pal = B u DD-y = Gemini(B/2) in Union with Aquarian Male(DD) Male(Y)
- PA/L = Pennsylvania(PA) Bad(L/Non-7)
- I said 3/26/2006 that I'm the real D-AR/T-H VA/Der
- Davis has been holding my finances for ransom because of what he owes my mom. So he's Emperor PA/L-PA-T in E (PA/Pennsylvania)
- As I said, Davis was given specific tags. I'm under control of Davis as Darth Vader being forced to do this stuff
- That's why it was Queen Am-Id/A-L.A. (Mother Self God Los Angeles) as Pa/D-M.E. (Father Leo Female Mother Earth)
- Dana is the first IRL driver killed since Tony Renna died:
- TR = My Mom's Initials.
- I said Sunny Leone looks like my Mom in 1961 and Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
- T on Y = Female(T/20/XX) on Male(Y)
- Re/NN-A = Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic) Valentine(NN/2x14) God(A)
- (R)enna = (P)enna wen the Rabbit Valentine God = Pennsylvania God
- Last driver to die in Formula One was Ayrton Senna in May 1994:
- A-y/Rt-On = God(A) Male(Y) Correct(Rt.) Activated(On)
- SE/NN-A = Penis(SE/Florida) Valentine(NN/2x14) God(A)
- John Nemechek was killed: NE-M.E./C-H/E-K = Northeast(NE) Mother Earth(M.E.) Dominant(C) Superman(H) Sun(E) Aquarius(K/11)
- Jeff Clinton died in a Grand Am sports car event: JC= Jesus Christ
You get to see who gets chosen to die. That's why I said I'm the real G/RI-M Re/Ap-ER. You now know the secret of who gets slated to die based off of people's actions. It's the Planet's way of gaining compliance so that you'll listen to me and take me seriously.
As we all know, nobody will give a rat's ass about you and will continue to ignore you until people start dying and you can show a consistent track record of how people's Life Strings are being intentionally yanked in accordance with Legislature and Laws that I pass and what gets disoboyed. That's how you enforce the Laws of Go/D.
- You have my own Mother as the alternate V-IR/G-IN Mother
- She is the Mother of the V-IR/G-IN (Rod)
- M.O.-T/He-R = Mission Objective(M.O.) Female(T/20/XX) Gemini(He/Helium/2) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- Mission Objective Female Gemini Gemini = Mission Objective Female Sagittarius
- My mom is born Sagittarius = Sign of Higher Learning and Expanstion
- That's how you can get Layers of Go/D to secure the Identity
- It's so that if anyone else tries to claim they're God, they can't because my mom and I are a Pa/IR of Virgin Mothers
- I'm a V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y
- My Mom is the V-IR/G-IN Mother
- I'm a real Virgin and a Ma/R-y
- I'm also the V-IR/G-IN M/AR-y = 5/29(M) IR(AR) Male(Y)
- V-IR/Go = Sun Gemini(2) (IR) = The Virgin
It gives me authority over anyone else claiming to be God to define WHO is God because the Virgin Mary is the MOTHER of God. That would be ME.
It's a back-up clause in case anyone tries to be sneaky :P. Other people could qualify, but I'm the one with the M-OS/T = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Operating System(OS) Female(T/20/XX) Variations. It's like Poker and who has the Strongest Hand :o).
It's also to outsmart the Skeptics and Scientists that claim it's mere coincidence with only one Interpretation. That's why you give MULTIPLE interpretations that all coincide with each other to show that it's an established pattern and not purely Random.
Now, you know why the Subconscious Minds around the Planet acknowledge me as the QUEEN MOTHER and Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II). Regardless of whether the Conscious Minds around the Planet choose to acknowledge my B-IR/T-H/RI-GH/T, the Subconscious Minds listen to me and can override the Conscious Minds.
- I'm always F-IR/S-T. = 6 IR ES/T = V-IR/Go(6/6th Sign) IR(My Initials) Northwest(S/ES/Non-SE/NW) Fe-Male(T/20/XX).
- Mercury = the First Planet
- Mercury = Ruling Planet of Gemini and Virgo
- It's the Smartest and Fastest
- M.E./RC u R-y = Mother Earth(M.E.) Remote Control(RC) in Union with(U) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)
- It's poisonous if it seeps into the pores of your skin
That's why you live on the T-H/IR-D Planet and it's called EAR/T-H = IR/T-H.
That's why as the Ba/CK (Spiritual Clark Kent), I can Ba/CK Hand you :D. That's why as a Fe-Male, you'll know when I'm being BITCHY because I'll start to PM/S (Prime Minister Superman) or Pee 5/29(M) Superman(S)!!! :o)
That's why I wear a T-IA/R-A on my He/Ad:
- T-IA/R-A = Fe-Male(T/20/XX) I o' WA(IA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) God(A)
- He/Ad = Gemini(He/Helium/2) Promo(Ad)
- That's why as a Fe-Male, I know how to give He/Ad
- I know how to S u CK Co-CK and make you C u M (Dominant in Union with 5/29)
- I'll give you a Ma/J-Or Or/GA-S/M
- I said Communication is Sex ;).
- I'll get you pregnant with ideas and get you knocked UP
- If you get in my WA-y (Washington Male, or inside my mind), I'll knock you down
- That's why it's not a GO(OD) Id/EA to G.E./T in M-y WA-y.
This is how you get to see Davis act like a Bonehead who laughs in the face of Death. Amusingly enough, I used to have to chauffeur Davis as his personal driver. I'd pick him up. That's how you get Death knocking at your door.
It's no wonder Davis would Subconsciously leave me waiting outside for sometimes 15 - 45 minutes. It's because Subconscious Davis knows my true identity.
IRL Driver Dies After Two-Car Crash During Practice
Dana Collides With Carpenter Before Season-Opening Race
HOMESTEAD, Fla. (March 26) - Driver Paul Dana died after a two-car crash Sunday during the warmup for the season-opening IRL IndyCar Series race at Homestead-Miami Speedway.
Driver Paul Dana, 30, died after a two-car crash during the warmup for the IRL season opener.
The other driver, Ed Carpenter, was awake and alert at a Miami hospital, IRL officials said.
Dana, 30, a former motorsports journalist with a degree from Northwestern, was a rookie who competed in three IRL races for Ethanol Hemelgarn Racing last year with a best finish of 10th in the race at Homestead.
The Toyota Indy 300 race was expected to be run as scheduled. Bobby Rahal, co-owner of Rahal Letterman Racing for which Dana was to race this season, said the team's other two cars - driven by Danica Patrick and Buddy Rice - will be pulled out of the race.
Dana's wife, Tonya, was in Indianapolis, where the couple lived, and was notified of her husband's death while attending a church service.
"Obviously, this is a very black day for us," Rahal said. "This is a great tragedy."
Carpenter spun and hit the wall moments after the practice began at 10 a.m. EST. As Carpenter's battered car slid to a stop, Dana slammed into it at almost full speed - about 200 mph.
Dana's car nearly split in half. The chassis flew about 6 feet off the ground and pieces were strewn down the track. It nearly turned over, but landed on its wheels before sliding to a halt.
Buddy Lazier said Dana passed him and Scott Sharp after both slowed because of the accident.
"He carried way too much speed in and wasn't aware of what was going on around him," Lazier said.
Asked about Dana, Tony George, who founded the IRL in 1995 and is Carpenter's stepfather, said, "I really don't know at this point what happened or who was at fault. It's just a real shame. I don't know that it was inexperience. I don't want to say anything about that."
There was no immediate explanation for Dana's failure to slow down several seconds after the yellow lights came on around the track because of Carpenter's crash.
"That's just the first time of the weekend that we got all 20 cars on the track at the same time," said IRL president Brian Barnhart. "Ed had his problem in turn two initially. The yellow lights were called immediately and all systems functioned properly. It's just a busy time out there, with a lot of cars and a lot of traffic."
Rahal said the team knew of no problem with communications.
"The spotter made clear the incident," Rahal said. "From what I could see, there was a car on the outside. Paul was just passing or had just passed, but I think it would be conjecture and probably very irresponsible for me to try to dissect as to why what happened, happened. But there was no problem with communication."
It took track safety workers about 15 minutes to get both drivers out of their cars. The practice session did not resume.
A moment of silence was observed before the start of the 300-mile race. Otherwise, the prerace ceremonies, including the introduction of the remaining 17 drivers, went according to schedule.
Rahal, who co-owns the team with television talk show host David Letterman, said the plan was to field cars for Patrick and Rice at next Sunday's race in St. Petersburg, Fla. He said any future plans for the No. 17 entry, the car driven by Dana, "are unclear at this time."
Dana and Carpenter, the stepson of IRL founder Tony George, both were airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. IRL officials said Dana died shortly before noon.
George, who owns the Vision Racing team that fields cars for Carpenter and Tomas Scheckter, returned from the hospital about one hour before the start of the race. He did not disclose his stepson's injuries, but said Carpenter was still awaiting a CAT scan, adding "He's the lowest priority, so it looks like he will be fine."
Dana is the first IRL driver killed since Tony Renna died in a crash during testing at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in October 2003. The last NASCAR driver killed was Dale Earnhardt in February 2001, and the last driver to die in Formula One was Ayrton Senna in May 1994.
It is the third racing death at the Homestead track - John Nemechek was killed in a NASCAR truck race in February 1997 and Jeff Clinton died in a Grand Am sports car event at the track in March 2002.
The IRL also had a tragedy in May 1999 when a wheel from a car sailed into the grandstand at what was then Charlotte Motor Speedway, killing three spectators and injuring eight others.
03/26/06 15:57 EST
Updated: 04:06 PM EST
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