SIGNS: Victim, $9 Million, Biting the Hand That Feeds You

Mar 25, 2006 23:00

I said I lost a Verbal Debate this afternoon to Davis:
  1. He was complaining about how his investor Ed Bone hasn't gotten reimbursed by Mark Shelton and Mark Shelton doesn't want to give a good reference to Davis eventhough Davis brought him $110,000
  2. I said to Davis on the phone that it's the same with my mom and how I don't push Davis on paying bakc the loans
  3. Davis claims it's "similar" but not the same because with Ed Bone it was for an investment purely on his part.
  4. He claims that with my mom she was doing it to help me and that it was for development of the company we were partnered up in
My translation of what he was saying is that I'm a low priority when it comes to paying back debts.

That's why I said that Davis' excuse he came up with getting $15,000 out of my mo to do a $100,000 Refinancing of Dave Summers' Condo was because Davis chickened out. He didn't want to be held liable for $100,000. It would've been HIS responsibility between him and Dave Summers if he didn't come through.

He didn't want to take that chance and he felt I'm easier to deal with when I complain. Whatever the case may be, Davis didn't use the $15,000 as was the agreement by my mom. She gave that money specifically for that Refi.

Davis used it on something else and tried to gloss it over saying it's a blessing in disguise and was a good investment move:
  1. When you give $15,000 to invest in a Refinancing with all the Stats and the return on investment and the security on the deal, you do it based off of those numbers
  2. How would you like it if that person takes your $15,000 and says, "Oh, I decided to put it in something else. It was a good thing I didn't do it with that other thing I showed you."
  3. I said that's Embezzlement
  4. When you put money into something that is not for its intended use, that's embezzlement.
If I knew that Davis was going to be taking that type of attitude with me, I wouldn't have asked on Davis' behalf:
  1. I was financially stable where I didn't need to borrow
  2. It was Davis who was anxious and in need of money to pay for bills and people he owed
  3. That's the reason why he kept pressuring me to talk to my mom
  4. He'd call me EVERY DAY from Mid-November 2004 to Mid-December 2004 to convince me to speak to my mom expressing the importance of how the money would be better used given to him
  5. I told Davis that I didn't want to do it
  6. Davis just kept on wearing me down and talking to me and "massaging" me and ---assuring--- me about how it's a wise business decision
  7. That's how Sales and Marketing people do it. I shoudl know because I'm one of them
It's worse yet when Davis lied and covered it up for three months from January 2005 - March 2005 stalling and claiming he'd given the money to Dave Summers and the filing and paperwork hadn't finished yet. He even said that Dave Summers was taking his time in doing the Refi once Dave got the money.

On the other end, he was telling Dave Summers asking about the money if I'd come up with the money yet. Davis lied to Dave Summers and made it look like it was my fault and that I was "having family problems" and wasn't able to come up with the money.

Talk about adding insult to injury. Then he has the NERVE to talk down to me about how I'm not contributing. This doesn't take into account that I've been in "Labor" or on "Maternity Leave" giving birth as the V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y :P.

That's why it's so laughable and why I have very little patience for the African-American Community should they try coming at me years later making demands and talking about the "plight of the Oppressed Black Man."

That's why the Planet chose Davis to do all the FUCK-UPS to make the Black Community look bad and show where the Black Community REALLY stands. The Black Community has been riding that whole Slavery Torment issue on the Caucasian Community and MILKING it for all it's worth.

If a White Person SNEEZES the wrong way, it'll be seen as Racism. If you cough in the direction of an African-American Person and you're White, they'll blame you for trying to give germs to a Black Person.

I know I know. Just you wait. I'm going to get charged with be a White Supremacist. You think I joke. They will. They're going to SCOUR through my Journal, pick out every little insinuation that they find offensive, and use it as cannon fodder on me:
  1. This is why I really HATE my job that got dropped in my lap
  2. I don't even get PAID for this shit, and I already know what's coming
  3. I'm going to have to clean up this bullshit
  4. Regardless of whatever people think about me, we all know you have to be really BRAVE or REALLY STUPID to go around saying such things about the Black Community. You KNOW they're going to come after my ass.
  5. It's a dangerous and even DEADLY job. You're walking around with a Death Wish by pissing off a whole bunch of Special Interest Groups some of whom have no qualms of solving such issues with Violence. Look at Ghandi and Martin Luther King. Both of them got blown away :P. That's why I complain about how PITIFUL my life is all because you're sticking up for your Principles and trying to do the right thing and hoping "People don't Kill the Messenger."
  6. If people don't learn from History, you'll get some fanatic that will twist my words and create another Hitler:
    1. The White Community would be Germany because the White People will be like the downtrodden Germans
    2. You'll get desperate White People that will eagerly embrace whatever Psycho Fanatic embraces a cause about the plight of the Germans (White People blamed for Slavery).
    3. The Black People are taking the roll of the Countries that punished Germany after World War I.
    4. The Germans were so miserable that they eagerly put Hitler into Power because he said all the RIGHT things
    5. I said I get my powers from the Electromagnetic Field spinning on its AXIS. Hitler ran the AXIS Powers. DUH!!!
    6. That's why the Black People need to set aside their own Prejudices and learn from History
    7. That's how you get World War III with the new "Psychic Hitler" (Rod) with the Axis Powers (controlling the Electromagnetic Field generated by the Earth spinning on its AXIS)
    8. All the Conscious Minds need to get their ASSES in GEAR to stop that shit. You're SUPPOSED to stop me by EDUCATING YOURSELVES on the Psychic/Subconscious Realm so you don't get tricked or fooled by Illusions generated by the Subconscious Minds to lure you as bait by manipulating your emotions
    9. I said everyone thinks I'm NUTS and you can trace all the Historical Figures that went Insane. Hitler went INSANE at the end showing the "God Force" that took over and when he started acting irrationally
  7. That's why it's CRAPPY job where the innocent person who didn't do anything wrong and never bothered anyone gets STUCK having to do the dirty work
This comes back to why it's so critical that I establish the Role of Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, and God. It's out of SURVIVAL else people would just rip me to shreds. That's why I have to show the Power of the Electromagnetic Field and that you've got a "God Force" that extends beyond the people of the Planet.

Even if it means having to scare the shit out of people as the Grim Reaper and Satan himself along with the Superman Title. It's so people who try to front a bitchy ass attitude with me will step off and know that I'm just doing clean-up.

This comes back to why I'm a VIRGIN MALE. You don't get more pure than me and it makes most of the people who try to criticize me look like HYPOCRITES because I'm more Pure than them. It's that saying, "He who is Sinless cast the first stone." I happen to be S in Le/SS or S in L-ES/S :o).

That's why I get to CA/St. the F-IR/St. St./One :o).

That's why I always talk like I'm Stoned :o).

If I really had the mind to do so, all I 'd have to do is get a written confirmation from Dave Summers that he never received the money. I could also then summon records from Krassimier Veltchev's bank account confirming having received $15,000. Then you could summon the records of the money that was withdrawn. Possibly even subpeona Krassi.

Davis doesn't think about these things. That's whyif the Black Community tries to chew my ass out claiming that I'm harsh on the African-American Community, I have a HUGE Laundry List that shows what Davis has done and how PATIENT and LENIENT I've been on him.

I've let a LOT of things slide and Davis exploits the Business Relationship:
  1. That's why I said 1/26/2006 about Kansas City Chiefs Len Dawson who was associating with a Bookie who got caught.
  2. They did an investigation on Len Dawson to find out his level of involvement
  3. It was a tense moment, but the findings showed that Len Dawson wasn't involved
  4. I'm Len Dawson and Davis is the Bookie
The Planet was showing way ahead of time the CRAP that Davis was going to pull. This comes back to why you've got embedded tags and a hidden Bar Code attached to people's Date of Birth, Location of Birth, Full Name, and Full Name Initials.

It's so that when you apply that Decryption Code to find out who's telling the Truth and who's lying, everybody's name GLOWS with that Bar Code.

It shouldn't surprise anyone:
  1. For people who are religious and believe in "God," wouldn't it make sense for God to put an Encryption Code or Serial Numbers on Human Beings?
  2. If God is "All-Knowing," then we'd have to assume that God already knew about Bar Code Systems
  3. If God is omnipotent, we'd assume God already knew about the Internet, Electricity, and the Periodic Table
Once again we come back to my it's important that Psychic Readings always come out accurate.
  1. In the article below, it talks about Paul
  2. I said Davis is PA u L = Pennsylvania in Union with Bad
  3. The Attorney for Paul is Derek Sells
  4. I said Davis is a Marketer. He "sells" people on stuff
  5. Derek = Bo Derek = BD = Davis' Initials.
  6. Bo Derek was in "10" = X in Roman Numerals = 24th Letter = 24 = BD = Davis' Initials
In the article, it talks about how the legs were lost and amputated.

Esposito had sued for $300 million in damages in 2003, alleging that the crew of the Andrew J. Barberi and city officials "basically left him to die" after the ferry drifted off course and slammed full-speed into a concrete pier on Staten Island on Oct. 15, 2003.

I said 3/23/2006 that I was basically left or abandoned and have been sending up S.O.S. Distress Calls that go ignored. That's how you see a hybrid of Davis winning but where my own plight of being handicapped and losing my legs was won in a court case.

Though you see the inversion being a Ferry. I said 3/19/2006 that I'm a Washington Ferry. Notice the inversion where the person awarded for damages is a Davis name while the people to blame have Rod Names.

However, it's a Rod-Like Law Suit that the Davis Character is using to sue the Rod Employees that screwed up.

This is how you can get inversions or twisted plot lines. However, if you know what strands to look for, you'll see them manifest themselves.

Disney Movies do it all the time where they'll take a Davis Character acting Heroically like Rod but make all the Villians have Rod Name doing sneaky Davis Acts.

The reason why it's $9 millions is because it's 9 x M x M = God(I) 5/29(M) Gemini(2). It's talking about how Davis "won" me as an award when he verbally defeated me on the Phone this afternoon.

Personally, I think Esposito deserves: ES/P.O.-S/I-T/O = Northwest(ES) Port Orchard(P.O.) Superman(S) God(I) Female(T/20/XX) Sun(O). Our verbal scuttle was just showcasing that.

New York Must Pay Ferry Victim $9 Million
NEW YORK (March 25) - The city has agreed to pay nearly $9 million to settle a lawsuit brought by a former waiter and avid hiker who lost his legs in a 2003 ferry crash, lawyers said Friday.

Paul Esposito claimed that the crew did not help him when he was immobilized and bleeding.

The payout for Paul Esposito was by far the largest so far in the tragedy that killed 11 passengers and injured dozens of others. Ninety-nine of the 190 claims against the city have been settled for a total of $3.6 million, city officials said.

Esposito's attorney, Derek Sells, said the settlement was fair, given that his client's injuries "forever altered the way he can live his life."

In a statement, one of the city's top attorneys, Lawrence Kahn, confirmed that the city agreed to pay $8,986,852.

Esposito was scheduled to receive monthly payments for the next 50 years to cover medical costs and living expenses. With interest, he could collect an estimated $25.6 million during that period, Sells said.

Esposito had sued for $300 million in damages in 2003, alleging that the crew of the Andrew J. Barberi and city officials "basically left him to die" after the ferry drifted off course and slammed full-speed into a concrete pier on Staten Island on Oct. 15, 2003.

As he lay immobilized and bleeding profusely, the crew and city employees did not assist him, he alleged. A British nurse tied a belt around his limbs above the knee, stemming the blood flow. His legs were later amputated.

The former ferry captain received 18 months in prison for passing out at the helm before the crash, and the city's former ferry director got one year and a day for failing to enforce a rule requiring ferries be operated by two pilots whenever docking.

03/25/06 00:14 EST

[Click Here for Original Link]

hitler, illusions, history, davis, axis, signs, psychology, mind, manipulation, accidents

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