LESSONS: "Who's the Boss," "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

Mar 20, 2006 12:34

Ugh. I was looking at the news today. It's awful. This is an example of how Political trends are being affectied on a Global Scale. People think I joke around or that I'm delusional, but my life has been condensed into a microcosm of what's going on in the Planet. Whatever is happening in my Life is getting magnified across the Planet.

For example, I've been complaining for two years saying it's a BAD idea to put all the Power in the hands of one individual. Not everyone is going to agree with the that Individual's Vision or the way they do things. I will argue on the other hand that if we're talking about a Corporation, it's a good idea to have Unity.

When we talk about splintered Political Factions and Countries that can't agree on a Planet, that's the equivalent of "Planetary Schizophrenia." It's where you have different voices that are tugging in all directions and the Conscious, Human or Planetary, doesn't know who to listen to. Worse yet if it's inconsistent.

The problem I'm having right now is finances. I have to figure out how to fix my personal finances because it's running parallel to the Planet. If you could condense all the problems of the Planet down into one human being, you'd get me.

Yes, I know hard to believe. I've been said to be suffering from Megalomania. It's a condition prescribed to individuals who are suffering from delusions of grandeur.

This comes back to why it's so important for me to keep on nailing those Psychic Readings on a daily basis to show that I do have command or control over the Electromagnetic Field and that it's not some farcical or fantastical story.

I guess the one nice advantage though is that when you have a whole bunch of problems, people years later can't chew your ass out thinking you were born with a Silver Spoon in your mouth. Years from now, this is what peopel will do:
  1. "Well if you're so high and mighty, how come you couldn't fix my problem?"
  2. "I see why we should be listening to you when you don't know what it's like to be poor"
  3. "What makes you qualified to be in charge when you don't know what it's like to work?"
  4. "Where have you been all this time? Why have you suddenly just surfaced out of nowhere?"
I already calculated that you can't have this stuff handed over to you on a Silver Platter because you'll get Civil Unrest. You'll get a lot of pissed off people that don't think it's fair and don't see why these powers were handed over to me. On top of that, they don't even know me.

In the article below, this is a prime example of what could happen if it's not done correctly:
  1. Minsk: M in SK = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in South Kitsap(SK)
  2. The government sent busloads of riot police into central Minsk on Monday night as the opposition protested President Alexander Lukashenko's overwhelming re-election: Initials AL looks like 112 = IR
  3. Lukashenko: Notice all the K's for Age of Aquarius
  4. Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus with an iron fist since 1994:
    1. Be/L.A.-R u S = Jesus Christ(Be/25) Los Angeles(L.A.) Gemini(R) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
    2. Be-L/AR u S = Jesus Christ(BE/25) Bad(L/Non-7) IR(AR) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
    3. IRon = IR Activated(On)
    4. F is T = Bad(F) is Female(T/20/XX)
    5. 94 = God(I/9) IV(4)
    6. I said that Isabella Valentine is Scorpio(M) and I'm SK. So she's "ruled" over "M in SK" until I deleted her out
  5. Declared that his foes had failed to topple him in a foreign-backed "revolution":
    1. Technically, that's true and he's remained in power
    2. However, I said that I rotated Isabella out of the Software Program. She started it, and the "God Force" with me shifted in
    3. So you see this MUCKED UP version where it started out with someone else and ended with another
    4. You have to think of World Leaders like Agencies or Organizations where the Subconscious Minds are the CEOs
  6. Kremlin: K/Re-M/L-IN = Aquarius(K/11) Rabbit(Re) Scorpio(M) Bad(L) Final((I+N=W)
  7. International observers described the vote as falling short of democratic standards, Europe's main human rights organization deemed it a "farce" and Washington called for a new election:
    1. Those are residual traces of the "sham voting" that took place when all the women sided with Isabella and Bliss branding me as a Stalker
    2. You're seeing residual traces of how it was a crappy voting method that they used. It was just all the friends and co-workers of Isabella. Plus, since they were all women, Bliss just sided with them over me because I was a guy
    3. "Obviously" all guys are guilty when it comes to sexual harassment and Stalking and OBVIOUSLY women are always right. They're NEVER wrong
    4. That's why I'm glad I qualify as a FE-Male!!! It must mean I"m NEVER wrong :o).
  8. "The United States does not accept the results of the election," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said, adding that the vote was flawed by "a climate of fear":
    1. That's for my best friend Scott
    2. I'm Fe/AR = Iron(Fe) IR = IR on IR
    3. I create "Fe/AR" in people
    4. Notice how F/Ear = Bad IR(Ear)
  9. Official results showed Lukashenko with 82.6 percent of the vote: 826 = Superman(H/8) Aquarius(26). Gee. Who do we know who's the Man of Steal and Aquarius. Davis perhaps? :P
  10. Main opposition candidate Alexander Milinkevich received 6 percent:
    1. Initials AM = Non-Ma = Pa
    2. It's another variation of Davis, but it's tricked out with AL
    3. 6 percent = Virgo the 6th Sign
  11. I said Alexander was the original Subconscious Charlie. I had assigned to Brittney Skye, but I didn't know that SensualSky was using pictures of Brittney. Then Subconscious Charlie slipped in as Alex. That's the residual traces of the mess two years ago
  12. At the square Monday night, a 45-year-old woman who gave her name only as Irina said she was scared about the prospect of bloody police action, but "if Lukashenko stays in power, it will be even worse":
    1. IR in A = IR in God(A). That would be me as a FE-Male
    2. It's me complaining about another variation of Davis
  13. At a boastful and belligerent nationally televised news conference where he repeatedly criticized the United States, Lukashenko repeated allegations that the opposition was backed by Western forces plotting to bring him down: That's a messed up variation where George Bush is 72 and a variation of Davis born Year of the Rat in '72
  14. "The revolution that was talked about so much ... has failed," he said, adding that Belarusians had resisted "colossal pressure from outside" and "showed who's the boss":
    1. That's variation of me. Whe you add Leadership/Rod + Conceited/Davis + Arrogant/Experienced Rod + Opinionated/Stubborn Isabella = Lukashenko
    2. You have to think in terms of Chemical Formulas if you could put Emotions in Kool-Aid or Powder form. Take a Pitcher of Water and start pouring all those different powders and you get CRAP. The Clear Pitcher of Water becomes MURKY
    3. "Who's the Boss" is referring to the show. Everyone saw how Alyssa Milano blossomed.
    4. I'm AL-y/SS-A MI-LAN/O = IR(AL) Male(Y) Gemini Superman(SS) God(A) of the Sun(M+I=V) Local Area Network(LAN) Sun(O)
    5. It was with Angela played by Judith LIGHT and Tony Danza as Tony Micelli
  15. "Our protest will be long and strong," he vowed. "We will never recognize this election. It's not an election by an anti-constitutional seizure of power":
    1. That's a variation of the Electromagnetic Field and me being in Power
    2. I've been in Power and people are wondering, "Where the Hell did you come from? That's not fair! I didn't even get to vote!"
    3. That's why the 2004 Election was rigged so that John Kerrya nd John Edwards lost. That's who John Edwards is like Jonathon Edwards the PSYCHIC
    4. Same with the 2000 Election where Al Gore got stiffed because it was stacked.
  16. "You have seen our opposition, and if you are reasonable people you have been convinced that it's worthless," said the 51-year-old leader who has ruled since 1994:
    1. 51 = Luck of the IR is H
    2. Once again, it's a tricked out variation of what's been going on the last two years
    3. This is also another variation because I've never DIRECTLY confronted Davis. I sent him a couple of E-mails, which he ignored. Maybe he responded to one with his own version of the story.
    4. However, on the flip side, nobody contested me. This comes back to how all the Consciosu Minds of women voted for Isabella and Bliss. On the flip side, all the Subconscious Minds voted for Rod
  17. Milinkevich called the official vote tally for Lukashenko "monstrously inflated" and denounced the leader as an "illegal, illegitimate president":
    1. Notice the Prefix "IL" meaning Definite(The-Italian)
    2. It means a "God" Legitimate President, which may not always be to the content of the people
  18. "In Belarus, we did not have an election but an unconstitutional seizure of power," he said, repeating his demand for a revote "in which he law of the country is followed":
    1. If people think this is bad, wait until they get a load of me. They're going to be pissed when I come out of nowhere with Command over the Electromagnetic Field. This is what's going to happen
  19. Monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe said the Sunday's election was neither free nor fair:
    1. I'm Fr./EE = Father(Fr.) Gemini Sun(EE)
    2. FA/IR = Non-Superman(FA/61/Non-19/Non-S) IR. When I'm seize control and do things it's UNFA/IR :o)
    3. The Planet's already teasing about how what I do is unfair and already admits it
    4. It's like K/Ids who live under their Parents roof throw a Tantrum when the Parents declare Marshall Law. That's what I'm doing as the Virgin MOTHER and GO/D, which is totally UN/FA-IR :o)
  20. "In a country in which freedom of expression and association are so thoroughly and aggressively suppressed, a vote is not an exercise in democracy, it is a farce," said Terry Davis, president of the Council of Europe, the continent's premier human rights organization:
    1. T/Err-y Davis = Female(T/20/XX) Mistaken) Male(Y) DAVIS. I said my associate is named DAVIS
    2. Te/RR-y = Non-Alien(Te/Non-ET) Rod Rodillon(RR) Male(Y)
    3. You see a variation of Davis complaining
  21. The European Union said the elections were marred by intimidation, and the 25-nation bloc likely will impose financial and diplomatic sanctions on Belarus' top political leaders. McClellan also said penalties such as travel restrictions "are things we will look at":
    1. That's another variation of me when it comes to Davis because he knows I'm intimidated by him and not very vocal on the phone. That's why Davis dominates during the phone conversations. Any time I make an objection, Davis is more outspoken and knows how to talk over me as well as come up with a crafty answer that leaves me speechless. I have to get off the phone with Davis and think about what he said. When I write my E-mail response after reviewing what he's said and come up with a rebuttal, he doesn't bother to read my E-mails. That's why I said I'm B/Lack (Communication Lacking).
    2. Davis will disagree and say he's never intimadted me. However, he's sitting on $45,000 that he's borrowed from my family. If I get bitch with him directly or complain loudly, he can front an attidue with me and find some reason to blame it on me and just walk away stiffing me with a $45,000 debt. Davis maneuvered things where we have no written contracts. The only way you can pin Davis is by forming a class action suit and rounding up all the people who have similar complaints. I don't say anything about that. That's why Davis should be more appreciative. I've been more than fair.
    3. That's why Karma has been coming around and slapping him across the face with Mark Shelton and the "Ben of Egypt" Project. Mark Shelton has been saying he doesn't see why he should be a good reference for Davis even though Mark Shelton accepted $110,000 from Davis and didn't do anything with it. Just as Davis lost money with Ed Bone, I lost money with Davis as Mark Shelton and my mom as Ed Bone. See how the Planet sets up parallels? It sets up mirror images so that people who screw me over get screwed over in the same way
  22. EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said "some action is now very likely," including a visa travel ban on top government leaders in Minsk. EU foreign ministers also are considering expanding a freeze on the assets of top Belarus officials, Ferrero-Waldner said:
    1. Fe/RR-E/Ro = Iron(Fe) Rod Rodillon(RR) Sun(E/5) Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V/Non-5/2 in Digital)
    2. That's me going through the Electromagnetic Field and putting a FREEZE on all of Davis' Assets and his business dealings. Davis has been wondering why his deals keep falling apart. It's because I've been putting a CHOKE-HOLD around his finances and punishing him
    3. If Davis wants to dick around with me and he doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities, that's fine by me. I'm putting the Clamp
    4. He's been waiting on that $125,000 that he was only going to pay me $20,000 even though I'm the one who pulled all the leads together using my Psychic Abilities. So now there's this mysterious "delay." It was supposed to happen late January 2006. It's now mid-March :o)
  23. Russia, which has an agreement with Belarus envisaging close political, economic and military ties, has staunchly backed Lukashenko, who has become a pariah in the West for his relentless crackdown on opposition and independent media:
    1. That's a variation of me putting a clamp down on my Journal. NO ONE except people on my Friends List can reply on my Journal.
    2. There are a whole bunch of people opposing me who have been SNOOPING MY JOURNAL who would LOVE to post what fake, scame, and a fraud I am as well as insult me on every little thing I say and do. However, I blocked my Journal off so I don't have to hear that crap. So you see it manifest on a larger scale. This is how AWFUL it is
    Western countries have forged close ties with the opposition and made no secret of their contempt for the ruler of what Washington calls an outpost of tyranny in Europe: Davis is Tyra/NN-y = Tyra (Banks/Money) Valentine(NN/2x14) Male(Y)
  24. While Lukashenko is a dictator to his opponents and foreign critics, many Belarusians see the former collective farm manager as having brought stability after the uncertainty that followed the 1991 Soviet collapse:
    1. That's another layer of my personality. Two years ago, there was a whole bunch of crap going on, and I was forced to take over. That's why there's a smaller strand of me that shows the Organization. It's not the best, but it's all I could figure out at the time since no one believed my story about Psychic Phenomenon and I was forced to deal with it on my own. People can get mad about how I block off my Journal so that no one can respond, but I have enough problems on my plate to deal with and I don't need the Negativity of people who don't even know a damn thing about the Psychic Realm and how the Laws operate. I wrote most of the Laws. It's a Software Program :P.
    2. Politics is nothing more than a Software Program with ATTITUDE PROBLEMS. Imagine if you were writing a Software Program and your Software Program would complain or talk back to you. Imagine if you were writing a Software Program and it complains about you as its parent. That's all Politics is. At least with Politics, you can get a better understanding of what's going wrong. With Software Bugs, you just get an error and you have to figure out the solution on your own. At least with "Political Bugs" you can ask the people what's wrong. They may not agree, but at least you'll get some feedback
  25. While the landlocked nation, about as big and flat as Kansas, is far from prosperous, the economy is growing and salaries are rising: Notice the mention of Kansas for Clark Kent. I said I'm Superman. Just a lucky coincidence, I guess :P
  26. Critics say the economic successes are unsustainable, based largely on cheap Russian energy and heavy-handed state intervention reminiscent of the communist era: I agree. I'm "C/He-Ap R u SS-I/An EN-ER/G-y" :P. I'm going broke. I can keep this up. That's why I was HOPING that Davis could get his damn act together and start making money. Howeve, he hasn't listened and fixed his problems with closing.
That's why when I say I understand the Political Climate intimately, I'm not kidding. In fact, it's actually a SMART way of looking at it because all the Problems in my Life are being translated in LAYMAN'S TERMS to the People of Earth. Especially in the United States and the people who don't understand Politics and what's going on.

By examining my Life with all the cheesy Scandal going on between stubborn Phone Sex Operators, being branded as a Stalker, the way that I've shut down my Journal, and my own personal hang-ups and Social Dysfunction, you're looking at a Cut and Dried version of the World Climate. I'm MINIATURE version of Planet Earth and what's wrong with it.

If you can figure out what's going on or wrong with me and the problems I have to fix, then you MULTIPLY it or do something similar on a GLOBAL Scale to FIX the Planet. The Planet is using ANALOGIES with all the SHIT that is happening MY life so that you know what's happening around the Planet in different Countries.

It's like difussing a bomb and maknig sure it doesn't go off.

It make sit so obvious that I'm not supposed to be in power :P. However, because of people's SELFISHNESS and closed attitudes, I was the Default Leader That's why people have no one to blame but themselves for ignoring the Signs.

I never said I wanted to be in power. Do you think I wanted this dumb title where I have to wearing a stupid D/Re-SS and walk around in Drag to show I'm Leader? That's why the song "Meet Virginia" by Train has lyrics that fully capture how unhappy I am about not wanting to be the Queen.

It was supposed to be Isabella Valentine and a Phone Sex Operator, but because she was DEAF and DENSE, I had to take over. That was the choice. Slutty Opinionated Phone Sex Operator or Virgin Cross-Dressing Male :P.

That's how STUPID Politics is. You SHOULD be laughing when you need a Cross-Dressing Male in a friggin' dress passing himself off as a Fe-Male to make decisions for you.

That's so sad...

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
I said 10/26/2005 about "Monty Python and the Holy Grail":

Scene 3 is the BEST explanation of what happened when I took over the Electromagnetic Field like King Arthur pulling Excalibur from the Stone. It shows how people would react to me as King Arthur.

If you read carefully what's being said, you'll understand from a comical perspective the Political Climate and the objections people would have about me just walking in out of nowhere claiming I'm King chosen by the Planet:
ARTHUR: Old woman! DENNIS: Man! ARTHUR: Man. Sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there? DENNIS: I'm thirty-seven. ARTHUR: I-- what? DENNIS: I'm thirty-seven. I'm not old. ARTHUR: Well, I can't just call you 'Man'. DENNIS: Well, you could say 'Dennis'. ARTHUR: Well, I didn't know you were called 'Dennis'. DENNIS: Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you? ARTHUR: I did say 'sorry' about the 'old woman', but from the behind you looked-- DENNIS: What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an inferior! ARTHUR: Well, I am King! DENNIS: Oh, King, eh, very nice. And how d'you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers! By 'anging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there's ever going to be any progress with the-- WOMAN: Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here. Oh! How d'you do?
ARTHUR: How do you do, good lady? I am Arthur, King of the Britons. Who's castle is that? WOMAN: King of the who? ARTHUR: The Britons. WOMAN: Who are the Britons? ARTHUR: Well, we all are. We are all Britons, and I am your king. WOMAN: I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective. DENNIS: You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship: a self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes-- WOMAN: Oh, there you go bringing class into it again. DENNIS: That's what it's all about. If only people would hear of-- ARTHUR: Please! Please, good people. I am in haste. Who lives in that castle? WOMAN: No one lives there. ARTHUR: Then who is your lord? WOMAN: We don't have a lord. ARTHUR: What? DENNIS: I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week,... ARTHUR: Yes. DENNIS: ...but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting... ARTHUR: Yes, I see. DENNIS: ...by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,... ARTHUR: Be quiet! DENNIS: ...but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major-- ARTHUR: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet! WOMAN: Order, eh? Who does he think he is? Heh. ARTHUR: I am your king! WOMAN: Well, I didn't vote for you. ARTHUR: You don't vote for kings. WOMAN: Well, how did you become King, then? ARTHUR: The Lady of the Lake,... [angels sing] ...her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. [singing stops] That is why I am your king! DENNIS: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. ARTHUR: Be quiet! DENNIS: Well, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! ARTHUR: Shut up! DENNIS: I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away! ARTHUR: Shut up, will you? Shut up!
DENNIS: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system. ARTHUR: Shut up! DENNIS: Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed! ARTHUR: Bloody peasant! DENNIS: Oh, what a give-away. Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about. Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?
Why do you think at the end there's a White Vampire Rabbit guarding the Cave? I said I'm a Vampire and Year of the Rabbit :D.

That's why I look like this harmless rabbit just hopping around. Then when people attack me or trying to enter the C-A/VE (Dominant God Gemini Sun), you see that Rabbit going on a killing spree mauling everyone's neck.

  1. That's why it's Mont/y Snake
  2. Mont/y = Davis Male
  3. Python = Aquarian Male(P) Male(Y) Female(T/20/XX) Superman(H) Activated(On)
  4. It's from the UK = Old God(U/V in Old Alphabet) Aquarius(K/11)
That's why you're not supposed to take Davis seriously :o).

There's Scene 4 with the Black Knight that is guarding the Bridge. That was Isabella Valentine as well as all the people who've stood in my way.

I was King Arthur and I'd totally KICK THEIR ASS in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm as well as in Verbal Debates, but they just keep on attacking even though I've already disarmed them. When you see all the arms and limbs cut off, that's how people sound when they challenge.

They're losing so BADLY in a Debate, but they act just like the Black Knight. I totally outrationalized and outthought the opposition, but they're all in DENIAL about having lost and that's what it looks like on VIDEO when someone tries to attack me and I decaptitate the, but they still keep on talking and acting as if they haven't lost.

That's how DUMB people sound when you've ousted them in a Debate but they refuse to yield and believe that you've bested them. That's how Isabella, Bliss, and RobynZ sounded when they were trying to mount an argument and I cited Business, U.S. Law, and used examples.

That's how stubborn people are. I said 10/26/2005 about Witch Hunt Scene that makes fun of Isabella, Bliss, RobynZ, and all those women. That's why they use a Duck as method of measurement to see if someone's guilty or not :o).

I'm the D u CK = Leo Female(D) in Union with Clark Kent(CK). That's how stupid it looks when you use everything I say as a measure of Truth :D.

Belarus Sends in Police As Vote Questioned
Observers Label Re-Election of President a 'Farce'
MINSK, Belarus (March 20) - The government sent busloads of riot police into central Minsk on Monday night as the opposition protested President Alexander Lukashenko's overwhelming re-election, and the United States and Europe threatened sanctions over the vote they said was fraudulent.

Ivan Sekretarev, AP
Thousands of opposition supporters protested the election results in Minsk's main square and chanted, "Long Live Belarus!"

Only about 5,000 demonstrators showed up - about half the number that had come after the polls closed Sunday night for a protest whose size was extraordinary in the tightly controlled country where police have cracked down swiftly on unsanctioned opposition gatherings.

Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus with an iron fist since 1994, declared that his foes had failed to topple him in a foreign-backed "revolution."

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Lukashenko and said the outcome would strengthen their alliance. He said in a telegram to Lukashenko that the vote "highlighted voters' trust in your course aimed at strengthening welfare of the Belarusian people," according to the Kremlin.

International observers described the vote as falling short of democratic standards, Europe's main human rights organization deemed it a "farce" and Washington called for a new election.

"The United States does not accept the results of the election," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said, adding that the vote was flawed by "a climate of fear."

Underlying the election is a struggle for regional influence between Russia and the West, which is seen by Lukashenko's government and its backers in Moscow as a major culprit in the political upheaval in former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.

Official results showed Lukashenko with 82.6 percent of the vote, Central Election Commission chief Lidiya Yermoshina said. Main opposition candidate Alexander Milinkevich received 6 percent, she said, citing a complete preliminary ballot count.

Milinkevich refused to accept the outcome, branding the longtime leader an "illegal, illegitimate president."

Monday night's smaller crowd could indicate that the opposition is unable to get critical momentum to force through its call for an election rerun. But Milinkevich called on the demonstrators to gird for a lengthy campaign.

"Our protest will be long and strong," he vowed. "We will never recognize this election. It's not an election by an anti-constitutional seizure of power."

As the rally was about to begin, the riot police streamed into Karl Marx Street near Oktyabrskaya Square. Security forces in helmets and camouflage uniforms jogged into neighborhood courtyards and prevented pedestrians from walking toward the square.

The show of strength was in sharp contrast to the previous evening, when police had only a small, unobtrusive presence at the rally, estimated at about 10,000 people.

The protesters had jammed the square shouting "Freedom!" and Milinkevich's name - echoing the much larger crowds in Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution, which turned that nation toward the West.

At the square Monday night, a 45-year-old woman who gave her name only as Irina said she was scared about the prospect of bloody police action, but "if Lukashenko stays in power, it will be even worse."

Complained demonstrator Dmitri Kharyevich, a 20-year-old student: "They are frightening the people."

At a boastful and belligerent nationally televised news conference where he repeatedly criticized the United States, Lukashenko repeated allegations that the opposition was backed by Western forces plotting to bring him down.

"The revolution that was talked about so much ... has failed," he said, adding that Belarusians had resisted "colossal pressure from outside" and "showed who's the boss."

"You have seen our opposition, and if you are reasonable people you have been convinced that it's worthless," said the 51-year-old leader who has ruled since 1994.

Lukashenko said the protest leaders were in the pay of Western ambassadors and said there was no crackdown because the opposition is weak.

"Who was there to fight with? Nobody, understand? That's why we gave them the opportunity to show themselves, even though it was illegal," he said of Sunday night's rally.

Milinkevich called the official vote tally for Lukashenko "monstrously inflated" and denounced the leader as an "illegal, illegitimate president."

"In Belarus, we did not have an election but an unconstitutional seizure of power," he said, repeating his demand for a revote "in which he law of the country is followed."

Monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe said the Sunday's election was neither free nor fair.

The mission said "arbitrary use of state power and widespread detentions showed a disregard for the basic rights of freedom of assembly, association and expression, and raise doubts regarding the authorities' willingness to tolerate political competition."

The European Union said the elections were marred by intimidation, and the 25-nation bloc likely will impose financial and diplomatic sanctions on Belarus' top political leaders. McClellan also said penalties such as travel restrictions "are things we will look at."

Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik, whose country holds the EU's rotating presidency, said the opposition "was systematically intimidated" during the campaign.

"In a country in which freedom of expression and association are so thoroughly and aggressively suppressed, a vote is not an exercise in democracy, it is a farce," said Terry Davis, president of the Council of Europe, the continent's premier human rights organization.

EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said "some action is now very likely," including a visa travel ban on top government leaders in Minsk. EU foreign ministers also are considering expanding a freeze on the assets of top Belarus officials, Ferrero-Waldner said.

The Soviet past is strongly palpable in Belarus. The government makes five-year plans, the main state newspaper has "Soviet" in its title and the state security service is still officially called the KGB. Russia, which has an agreement with Belarus envisaging close political, economic and military ties, has staunchly backed Lukashenko, who has become a pariah in the West for his relentless crackdown on opposition and independent media.

Western countries have forged close ties with the opposition and made no secret of their contempt for the ruler of what Washington calls an outpost of tyranny in Europe.

While Lukashenko is a dictator to his opponents and foreign critics, many Belarusians see the former collective farm manager as having brought stability after the uncertainty that followed the 1991 Soviet collapse. While the landlocked nation, about as big and flat as Kansas, is far from prosperous, the economy is growing and salaries are rising.

Critics say the economic successes are unsustainable, based largely on cheap Russian energy and heavy-handed state intervention reminiscent of the communist era.

03/20/06 14:17 EST
Updated: 03:22 PM EST

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monty python, rabbits, mont, humor, economy, davis, animals, holy grail, king arthur, politics

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