LESSONS: "Blast from the Past," Dalai Lama, Llama, "Aladdin"

Mar 17, 2006 05:00

Here's an article that has to do with Education and Signs of what's happening now and two years ago:
  1. A growing scandal over teachers who paid to get credit for courses they never took has cost nearly three dozen educators their jobs:
    1. Jesus Christ was a Teacher
    2. I said I rotated Davis out of the Software Program who's born Valentine's Day. I said Isabella Valentine was the original Goddess Danu or Mother of all.
    3. 3 Dozen = 3 x 12. I said 3/12/2006 about Jane having slept with 312 people. If Communication is Sex, that's indicating that Communication
  2. Florida:This happened in Florida. I said that Isabella moved from Florida to San Diego September 2003.
  3. Fire six teachers and accept resignations from 26 others:
    1. 6 = Sex. Isabella is a Phone Sex Operator
    2. 26 = Aquarius. I said Davis is an Aquarius
    3. I said Davis doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to Sales and is a bonehead
  4. William McCoggle, who claimed to offer continuing-education classes through a private company:
    1. I said I overwrote myself on top of Davis
    2. I said Davis is sneaky and has some debts and scandals associated with him. When I took over his "post," it means foreclosed on his property that includes all the debts
    3. It means all the Debts that Davis has become MY debts. So you see all the Crap the Davis incurred look like I'm the one who did it. You see the names being tagged to me
    4. WI/LL-I/Am = 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Good(LL/Non-L/7) God(I) Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa)
    5. MC/Go-GG/Le = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Dominant(C) IR(Go-Spanish) Gemini God(GG) Father(Le/The-Fr.)
    6. The original decryption was MC = Aquarian Female (1100/11x100)
  5. McGoggle did little more than sell transcripts, requiring no tests, homework or other academic work:
    1. It's the Planet pointing out hat I (ROD) am doing
    2. The people currently reading my Journal AREN'T GETTING TESTED.
    3. It means YOU reading my Journal as of 3/17/2006 are NOT having to take any test on the material
    4. It means those if YOU reading my Journal on 3/17/2006 are going around telling your friends about my Journal, it means you're "teaching without a License."
    5. I went through "Formal Training."
  6. On Wednesday, dozens of students and parents defended the teachers who lost their jobs, saying that removing them in the middle of the school year would be too disruptive:
    1. I said I removed Davis from the program
    2. I've been REDEFINING the Variables so that they point to me instead of him
    3. It means that everyone who has been reading my Journal before 3/17/2006 and getting used to the Signs I set over the last three months now have to learn new Signs
  7. Board member Evelyn Greer, who voted against the firings, agreed. "It baffles me, just baffles me, to have disruptions at the class level," Greer said:
    1. Initials EG = 57 = LA on the Periodic Table = Heaven
    2. G/Re-ER = God(G) Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) Final(E+R=W)
  8. Hundreds of teachers who never took classes are being investigated for buying continuing education transcripts:
    1. Those Transcripts are my Journal Entries. It refers to people who are just copy and pasting my Journal Entries as Notes
    2. If you've never taken the actual class with me and had me formally train you, you're not a qualified educator.
    3. You need to Pa/SS the T-ES/T = Female(T) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Female(T)
    4. Pa/SS = Father Gemini Superman
  9. Last fall, Ohio's Otterbein College, which has about 3,000 students, revoked nearly 10,000 credits given to 657 teachers:
    1. I said 657 is my Post Office Box
    2. 657 = 65/7 = Sunny Leone(65=5x13) Sun Gemini(7/VII)
The reason why this article surfaced was because I was noticing the Reading Count on my Journal and it jumped from 25 Viewings to 75, which surprised me. There was this glut of Readers viewing my Journal registering on the Count.

Direct Sales Approach
This stuff is like Math. You have to build on concepts. You can't just hop in and then expect to understand things. You need to start from the basics and then submerge yourself in it. If you don't understand where I got certain information when I'm explaining things, it won't make sense.
  1. Imagine if you have some people who have been following my Journal closely before 3/17/2006
  2. They get excited and tell their friends, "OMG!!! You have to read Rod's Journal!!!"
  3. Their friends go and read my stuff and I start talking about God, Male Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, etc.
  4. They'll read that and go, "WTF?"
  5. They'll just go away and say, "That dude's Psycho."
It's just like Direct Sales Marketing. The number one thing we tell our new Sales Reps is that when you show the product, don't have the person you bought knives from go and tell their friends because they'll tell it wrong.

I had this happen. For people familiar with Cutco Knives, they went for $725 for the Homemaker Set in 1998. Even if you've seen the product for yourself and you're impressed and understand how Henckels Knives retail at $3,000 in comparison, the way you tell your friends is going to be bad.

When they ask, "Sounds good. How much does it cost." You tell them $725. They'll get turned off. It's because they haven't gone through the experience that you have.

You've seen it for yourself, but you're going to tell badly because you weren't properly trained.

Now anyone reading this who has a bad opinion of Sales and Marketing thinking Direct Sales People are scams are justified. There's a lot of CRAP out there. They don't tell you everything. When I don't tell people everything, that's the part hwere I "neglect" to tell the part about how I'm Pa/IR and claim to be "Go/D the FA/T-HE/R," J-E/S u S C/H-RI/St., and the Male V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y.

That's kinds of a major detail to omt :o).

You don't slip that in last minute. That's like the FINE PRINT on a Contract :o). You get people all hyped up about the Electromagnetic Field, Scientific Theory, and people impressed by my Intelligence and Concepts.

Then you slip that thing in, "Oh, by the way, I'm Go/D"...LOL

Most people not properly prepped will go, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, there, Sparky! You had me going there with the whole Electrical Theory, but you totally lost me when you got to that part about Go/D. I'm sorry, but that's a little too RI/CH for me. I'm not ready for that type of Commitment."

That's why the Planet jokes about how you have to Ma/RR-y M.E.!!!

People who don't want to believe that I'm Go/D are refusing to Ma/RR-y M.E. :o).

See how the Planet has a perverted sense of Humor? :o)

When people pretend to commit, but then they ditch me halfway through the Education Process, that's where they leave me at the AL/T-AR :o).

Do you know how many people have been reading my Journal and really getting into it. Then when I get to the part about me being Go/D, they back out of the W-E/DD in G :o).

That's how you get a Run a WA-Y B-RI/D-E :o).

That's why I'm RI/C-HA/Rd. G.E./Re!!! :o)

That's why as a Car, I know how to shift GERES!!! LMAO
  1. Why do you think Richard Gere worships the Dalai Lama???
  2. I'm the Da/L.A.-I L.A./Ma!!! LMAO
  3. Da/L.A.-I L.A./Ma = Giving(Da-Spanish) Los Angeles(L.A) God(I) Los Angeles(L.A.) Mother(Ma)
  4. I said I'm the V-IR/G-IN Mother.
  5. That's why I'm a LL-A/Ma = Good(LL/Non-L/7) God(A) Mother(Ma)
You see the Blue Genie in "Aladdin" snapping his fingers and poor Abu is transforming into these different objects
You see Abu transform into a Red Car!!!
GENIE: Be careful they spit!!!
Abu the monkey transformed into a Llama spits
  1. You say "Como se llama"
  2. That's how get Perry Como se Llama!!!
  3. Perry (C)omo = Perry (H)omo when C(Dominant) = H(Superman)...LOL
  4. P/Err-y = Aquarian Male(P) MistakeN(Err) Male(Y)
  5. Co/M.O. = Company Mission Objective
  6. I said Davis is a Gay Transvestite AFRO-Dite
  7. When you believe Davis' Story over mine, you're listening to PERRY COMO!!! :D
"Blast from the Past" Prophecy
In "Blast from the Past," Eve switches over to AM and runs by a Perry Como record, "Round and Round", looking for traffic.
EVE: What is it?!
ADAM: It's Perry!
EVE: Perry?
ADAM: Perry Como! You had him! Go back! Go back!
EVE: Okay, okay! Take it easy!
She turns the dial back to Perry.
EVE: How's that?
ADAM: (starstruck and elated) I...could...die...
EVE: Over this?
ADAM: Yeah! Listen to this part. This is where it really takes off!
Adam points out the hook in one section where it really doesn't do much of anything in the song except for a little pause
EVE: You are one scary son-of-a-gun.
That's Davis:
  1. Ad/Am = Marketing(Ad) Pennsylvania(Am/Non-Ma/Pa)
  2. I'm Eve the Fe-Male.
  3. I keep bitching about how Davis is one of the most awful closers when it comes to money
  4. You keep waiting for him to make a damn profit off something to pay off these bills he created, but it's like aren't moving
  5. That's why it's like listening to Perry Como
  6. We keep going "Round and Round" by Perry Como...LOL
There's a scene where Eve refers to Adam as Heathcliff. I said 3/15/2006 about the "Cosby Show" with Heathcliff Huxtable

That's why the brother Troy is "Eve the Psychic Pimp."
  1. I'm the Psychic.
  2. I said 2/17/2006 that I'm a Cheap Dirty Whore
  3. I said Davis is P for the Aquarian Male
  4. Imp = Pest
  5. P/Imp = Aquarian Male Pest
I'm the Whore and Davis is my P/Imp!!! :o)
  1. I said I'm the one who's been shifting events
  2. I've been using my Psychic Abilities to draw people to the business like a magnet
  3. Communication is Sex
Davis is the Pimp because he takes the money that I MADE from Psychically "whoring" myself out to them. He collects all the money that should really be going to me since I'm the one that earned it. I have it even worse that regular Prostitutes because I don't get paid ANYTHING. He's been collecting all the profits.

Currently, he's trying to negotiate again with having me be his driver once again. This is how it was with Subconscious Charlie two years ago. He'd make me do all the fucking work. While he sat back and wouldn't do anything. He felt that since he was in "Subconscious" or non Physical Form, he could just sit there and if he didn't get what he wanted, he wouldn't do anything.

He'd put a chokehold on my finances and use Davis to do it through use of "Mind Possession." He'd seize control of Davis' mind and have Davis do all kinds of dumb shit.

That's why the WHITE Community is just as guilty. Davis is simply the Physical Manifestation you currently see. The issues I have with Davis and the Black Community is between me and them. Not the White Community. That's why the White Community shoudl BUTT OUT because the WHITE community is just as much of a bunch of Selfish FUCK-UPS as well.

That's why the White Person who screwed me over is named CHRISTopher P. P for Aquarian Male. That's how you get the Wrath of Go/D. People think it's just a Myth and not possible, but trust me. It's possible.

For anyone who knows what it's like to be on an Online Chat Place and get kicked off or get in trouble with the Owner of the Host Server, they'll know what I'm talking about. The Electromagnetic Field serves as the Communication Array for the PLANETARY Local Area Network with the Physical Earth as a Super Computer.

Your Human Body is your PHYSICAL USER ACCOUNT. When you get "DELETED," that's "TERMINATION" of your Account, which is Death.
  1. Davis is a P/Imp-Le
  2. P/Imp-Le = Aquarian Male(P) Pest(Imp) Pennsylvania(Le/The-Fr./Father/Pa)
  3. Pimple = Skin Irritation
  4. SK/IN = Gemini Superman(SK) Final(I+N=W)
Once again, we come back to how the Planet is just pointing out Davis' Predictable Behavior, which is designed to humiliate and embarrass the Black Community so badly so the Black Community will stop WHINING and COMPLAINING about mistreatment. They just paid early with 400 years of Slavery to balance out what Davis is doing to me.

When you enslave a God, you have pay for it somehow. That's what all that MISERY and MISTREATMENT was for to teach a Lesson to the Black Community AS WELL AS the People around the Planet with what happens when you mistreat ME (ROD).

It's to give Human Beings an EXACT VISUAL AID that shows what my VALUE is. It's how much I'm worth and how many REGULAR HUMAN BEINGS it takes to be EQUAL to ME (ROD).

EVE: So for four thousand dollars, all I have to do is drive you to your hotel?
ADAM: Yes.
EVE: And that's it?
ADAM: Yes.
EVE: I don't have to take a physical in your space ship?
ADAM: Heck, no! What?!

I said I'm the Alien and the Mother Ship. In "Legally Blonde" the lawyer is sarcastic about the Spa to Elle.

LAWYER: Isn't that like your Mothership?

S/Pa = Superman(S) Father(Pa)

It's just another one of the Planet's ways of making fun of Davis because we all know the Black Community is going to try claim I'm being Racist and making up false stories about Davis' antics and the things he does.
  1. That's why the movie is called "Blast from the Past"
  2. B/L.A.-St. = Gemini(B/2) Los Angeles(L.A.) Saint(S.t)
  3. PA/St. = Pennsylvania(PA) Saint(St.)
  4. That movie is tagged ot Davis to serve as a REMINDER to everyone else with what he's doing as well as the Power of Go/D as a D-IR/EC-T/Or managing all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet
I told you Davis doesn't listen to me. I keep telling him over and over what is wrong with his presentation. However, he keeps fronting this attitude with me:
  1. "I'll feel more comfortable trying it your way when I've seen you close."
  2. First of all, I already ahve trophies and plaques when it comes to selling
  3. I've trained sales people
  4. I've decontructed two business training manuals
  5. I'm already busy and have my hands full managing and shouldn't have to prove my experience
  6. That's why I'm a Coach. Coaches know the Game Plane and don't need to get out on the Football Field and do all the Plays. That's what the PLAYERS on the team are for
  7. Davis is the PLAYER, and I'm the COACH telling him what to do
  8. Even if Davis still isn't satisfied, he's been in debt and using the SAME APPROACH for THREE FRIGGIN' YEARS and he's STILL IN DEBT. Doesn't that tell him something???
I've been telling him over and over again what's wrong with his Presentation.

Just yesterday, he was asking if I wrote in my Journal because of this "freaky coincidence" where the new neighbor is from Lagos, Nigeria where Otio, his former partner, is from. I said TWO PLANES have already FALLEN OUT OF THE SKY killing over 200 people because of Davis' IGNORANCE and IDIOCY.

This is the CRAP I have to put up with! You can't even count on people when you need help. That's why I get so mad. It's like you have to do everything yourself! You can't rely on people to do a simple FUCKING JOB because they're so damn stubborn. Even when all the Signs are there.

That's why he even said it Subconsciously about when he went to jail. He said that if he had known he could've fought that rap, he would have. However, he didn't know. So he just went to jail and did his time.

Vincent Lee Prophecy
That's the same thing with what's going on now. He went to jail to pay EARLY for what he's doing NOW. He thinks he's innocent and hasn't done anything wrong. That's why he was forced to have his own San Diego Organization COFO (Circle of Friends Organization) and where he got sent to jail for something he didn't do. Vincent Lee was the guilty party:
  1. Lee = Leo
    < li>V in CENT = Sun(V) in PENNY(Cent)
  2. Penn/Y = Pennsylvania Male(Y)
  3. That's just a little reminder to Davis who thinks he's so damn smart and crafty when he tries to fiddle with the data to make it look a certain way where he's innocent and I'm supposedly guilty or responsible for my own problems.
  4. If Davis was doing his job correctly, I wouldn't have to go in and seize control of his "Mental Assets" and take over
  5. You don't want me taking over and foreclosing on your Mental Property.
  6. That's why "O" = Owe. When you try to be ROD the C-IR/C-Le, it means you "O" me.
  7. You don't want to "O" me anything :P.
  8. That's why Davis "O" me so much money
That's why I said that Karma's a BITCH. Every time Davis complains about what sneaky things that Vincent is doing, he's really complaining about himself...LOL

That's why I said it's a bad idea to make me in control of everything. When I control everything, it just means that when I fuck up, I'm just hurting myself. It means when people try to screw me over, they end up getting it mirrored back at them.

That's why you need to be very careful if you try to get smart and fuck around with me. I'm the Wheel of Fortune. This especially goes for the World Leaders, Politicians, Religious Leadrs, and opponents that are going to front a bitchy ass attitude with me.

The Planet's got their Number and knows them right down to a tee. Right down their Relatives, their parents, their spouses, the names of their children, when they were all born. The Planet controls EVERYTHING. Every time people try to outsmart me, they're trying to outsmart the Planet. Because the Planet is comprised of the 7 billion Subconscious Minds of Human Beings on the Planet, it's really smart and knows exactly what you do and think.

The Value of Education
It's the Planet's way of indicating the Value of the Education you're receiving. This is no ordinary Journal. That's why I said two weeks ago that the value of this Journal would be up in the Millions of Dollars or even Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

People may think I'm being conceited, but I'm dead serious when I say that I have the "Master Account" that is unlocking the information that has plagued the minds of the most brilliant scientists over the last 2,000 years.

My Journal explains why things were done a certain way. It also reveals hints as to why certain experiments that Scientists conducted either "failed" or where the data was "tilted" to look at certain way so that Scientists wouldn't stumble across the Electromagnetic Field or its secrets before the appropriate time.

Plagiarism Safety Protocol
On one level, it showcases how I have the Power to EDIT. On another Level, it's also showing how it'll be DIFFICULT for other people to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK. People wonder why I use personal information or the names of high school classmates, my parents, and teachers.

It's because this is really powerful information that is the basis of the Software Code that is plugged into the Electromagnetic Field. It's an Operating System just like the Platform on your Computer.

If everything was just set up using information strictly from the Periodic Table, Historical Events, Dates, and General Information, it would render me (ROD) OBSOLETE. What the Hell would you need me for? If you or the Religious Figures, World Leaders, and current Status Quo have all the information, why should they listen to Rod?

You think that Religious Leaders are benevolent and trustworthy. However, I guarantee you that if they ever uncovered this "God Information" and verify that the "Miracles" are indeed true, they'd get their best people to try and hack the code.

They wouldn't like the fact that Rod:
  1. Uses Adult Film Star Birthdates and lists them as Goddesses
  2. Approves of Gay/Lesbian Marriages and Relationships
  3. Tells people to get off God and stop using it as a Crutch
  4. Retranslates the Old Scriptures to be Sexual
  5. Indicates that the Picture of Jesus Christ wearing a Beard is really a Bearded Lady
  6. Claims the Virgin Mary is really a Guy
  7. Cusses and swears
  8. Talks about sex all the time
Let's talk Reality here:
  1. Do you REALLY think the Vatican and the Religious Denominations are going to embrace me with open arms?
  2. Do you really think they're going to say, "Oh, wow! We're so happy you're back. We've been waiting. Here are the Keys to the Vatican"
  3. "Wow, I guess we can now redirect the money we've been receiving from Charities on YOUR behalf, in the Name of God, to you now that you're back"
If I was in their shoes, I wouldn't :o).

This comes back to why I'm a PURE VIRGIN. It's in the event that any woman tries to claim that they bore my Illegitimate Child and that Child "supposedly" born of me is a "God Child."

I can look at ANY woman and say BULLSHIT. I ain't been with NOBODY. I have never inserted my Penis into any human woman's Vagina. PERIOD. AT ALL. So there is NO WAY there is any woman out there that can claim that.

Even if they try to claim that I wnet to a party, blacked out, got drunk, and then had sex. BULLSHIT. I don't smoke and I don't drink. I've NEVER gotten drunk. There is only one time I've even tasted Alcohol and that was a sip of Rum and Coke that Scott had me try Fall 2003. I didn't even like the taste of it.
  1. R u M and Co/K-E = Gemini(R) in Union with(U) Scorpio(M) and Company(CO) Aquarius(K/11) Sun(E/5)
  2. Rum = Scorpio Isabella in Union with Rod/Gemini/Communication
  3. Coke = Company Aquarius Sun = Business Aquarius Davis Rod(Sun)
That's why I've never fucked any woman. I've never cum in ANY woman for that very reason. Never ever ever.

No woman can ever say I raped them or bore them a child. PERIOD. If they say it, they're LYING. Since I've never been drunk or passed out in my entire life, I have always been fully conscious and aware of my surroundings.

That's why it's hypocritical for anyone from any of the Religious Denominations to go off on me about being immoral because by the TECHNICAL DEFINITION of all those Religions, I'm the most pure:
  1. I don't drink
  2. I don't smoke
  3. I HAVEN'T HAD PREMARITAL SEX (which is more than I can say for a lot of Hypocritical Christians and Catholics)
My Body is about as SPIRITUALLY PURE as you can get. On top of that I'm a Full-Fledged Prince of Royal Blood. There are few Princes at the age of 30 who are Pure Virgins.

The Queen Bitch
That's why the Women who were accusing me of being a Stalker got totally set up to look stupid. Because when you remove the Blindfold, you say, "Surprise!!! You just branded Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary who's a Fe-Male as a Stalker!!! How do you like dem apples, BITCH?"

On top of that I'm the Queen Mother as Queen Isabelo the Gemini. As a FE-Male, it allows me to take on WOMEN on their OWN turf. When women try to get BITCHY with me and think they can throw around their FEMALE Vagina that gives them Superiority over me as a Male on the Surface, I can whip out my FE-Male Title.
  1. That's why I've got a VA-G in A = Virgin/IA God(G) in God(A)
  2. I have a Pa/IR of O-VA/RI-ES = Sun(O) Virgin/IA(VA) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Northwest(ES)
The Planet spent thousands of years being very TECHNICAL and SPECIFIC.

People think those are retarded or "Cheap" Technical Terms I'm using, but they forget that Words are just used to describe things:
  1. When you say something is like a Banana, it means it looks like that fruit
  2. If something looks like a Basketball, it has the properties of a basketball
  3. If you say someone looks like Elvis Presley, you say that individual has Elvis Presley characteristics
The Planet was being SNEAKY by creating TRUE STATEMENTS using ACRONYMS so that it's the TRUTH.

Since you can now clone using regular cells, you can argue that I'm composed of Cells that can be deemed as Ovaries that can be used to create Life.

You Have to Pass the Test
See how sneaky the Planet is? Do you really think Planet is going waste thousands or hundreds of thousands of years crafting everything and assigning it to one Individual whom it assigns to teach and then as soon as that "honest and straightforward" (a.k.a. Gullible and overly Trusting) individual lays out all the information, other people can just take it, pervert it, and profit off of it?

I alread admit that I'm "gullible." I was programmed to be Honest and Sincere. I was designed to automatically trust people and be nice. However, anyone can tell you that it's the Trustworthy People who get screwed over the worst by conniving con artists and sneaky people who will trick you into doing things.

We all know there are sly people out there who don't have any scruples or morals and they'll take advantage of you.

This poses a problem because theoretically you run into this problem:
  • How do you plant a Jesus Christ Figure who is supposed to embody all the traits of Goodness and the best Ideals of Society when that Jesus Christ Figure would get screwed over or manipulated for being too gullible?
  • How do you get a Virgin Mary planted in today's society that doesn't get knocked up or loses her Virginity in a world that is saturated with Sex?
That's where all those Technical Terms come in and why I was made to be a MALE Virgin Mary. We all know that ANY woman who walks around claiming she's the Virgin Mary and has a Kid that is Jesus Christ will get blown out of the water by the Religious Communities:
  • They'll just claim the Kid is of a human male father
  • The woman claiming to be the Virgin Mary is lying and full of shit
  • It's not a Divine Birth
Even if a Female Virgin Mary really was telling the Truth, no one would believe her. Even if she had the Decryption Code and all the data, no one would believe her. They'd think she's just nuts and psycho.

We all know that women are naturally looked upon as lesser in the eyes of men. That's how we get back to the the Subconscious Mind as a Female Driver and the Human Body as a Car. Women drive Masculine Vehicles on the Road like SUVs. Men drive feminine, small, or petite cars.

I had a classmate named Jason Dickerson in Business:
  1. Initials JD = Non-DJ. Pink sings "God is a DJ" so JD is the Non-God
  2. He's like 6'5" and extremely tall
  3. He once came to my house and he was drivign in this TINY little Clown Car...LOL.
  4. It was like a Geo Metro or something. It was funny watching he step out of it
  5. He married the girl one year ahead of us named Brooke Fantz
  6. Initials BF = Boyfriend
That's why technically, Jason Dickerson is the Female and Brooke Fantz is the Male :o).

That's just a reflection of how the Planet tilted things.
  1. I said that if my best friend Scott had been Female, he would've been my perfect soulmate.
  2. If I had been born a girl or he was born female, I would've married him in a heartbeat.
  3. If he was a Female, I would've fucked him and lost my Virginity early as a teenager
The Planet knew I would've fallen in love with a "Scott Personality Type" had Scott been compatible in terms of Gender.
  1. That's why you see this parallel name where S(cott) (Bo)one = S(unny) (Le)one.
  2. COTT = UNNY when Company Male(CO-TT) = California(UN-NY/Non-NY/CA)
  3. BO = LE when Gemini Sun(B/2 O/Sun) = Bad Sun(L/Bad E/5/Leo/SUn)
  4. That's why Scott's currently dating KB born 11/2, which translates to the Letters K/B :o).
  5. 11/2 looks like 112, which looks like IR for My Initials
  6. She's Scorpio, which is M = 13th Letter = Rhode Island the 13th State inducted 5/29 for My B-Day
  7. He moved to San Francisco. I said Isabella (Female Isabelo) used to Lucy at Bay City Blues named after the Bay Area
  8. 11/2 is 9 days off from 11/11, which is when Washington State was inducted and when Isabella Valentine was born and Sunny Leone's Boyfriend's B-Day
When you pull Scott's Male Gender and Caucasian Ethnicity inside out, you'd end up an East Indian Female Sunny Leone.

That's why I said I'm the real Phoenix or Jean Grey and Scott is the real Scott Summers from X-Men. In sort of a tragic way, you see who two people who loved each other didn't really get to be together in this Life.

I may be in support of Gay/Lesbian Marriages, but I'm not interested in having sexual relations with anyone who has a penis. Though TECHNICALLY, because I'm Fe-Male who prefers WOMEN, I'm the Ultimate LESBIAN. That's why it also knocks the Lesbian Community down a peg.

That's why I've been given all thes Special Titles that make me resistent or immune to certain Special Interest Groups.

Lesbians have been going off on Males calling them Chauvinist Pigs and trash talking them. That's why the Planet concedes that Women are Superior. However, it gives the Title of the Virgin Mary and Mother Superior to a GUY :o).

Isn't that FUCKED UP? :o)
  1. When GAY Males hit on me, they "POOF" into Straight Malesbecause they're hitting on me as a Fe-Male...LOL
  2. When Straight Males find me unattractive, they transform into GAY Males because it means they aren't attracted me (ROD) as a FE-Male :o).
  3. When guys fantasize about Pamela Andreson (PA), they're fantasizing about having sexual relations with a Male, which is TOTALLY GAY :o).
When I was a 18, my niece Tiffany caught me buying a poster with a whole bunch of sexy Females on it at the Space Needle. Tiffany was about 5 or 6 and giggling at me saying I was GAY. The mother (my cousin Arlene) and my Auntie Vess had a talk with Tiffany "straightening her out."
  1. On a side note Arlene is the oldest of the cousins. AR/Le-NE = IR(AR) Definite Father(Le/The-Fr.) Ma in E(Northeast/NE).
  2. Arlene is in her 40s, but people think she's a teenager
  3. I once told my Aunt (Arlene's Mother) that Arlene has a really great pair of legs
  4. It's something you usually shouldn't be saying about your cousin
  5. Le-G/S = Definite Father(Le) God(G) Superman(S)
That's how you get the song "Legs" by ZZ Top:
  1. ZZ Top = Aquarius Aquarius Dominant = 11/11 Top
  2. That's why ZZ Top has those two people out of the three who wear those long beards
  3. "That girl is alright."
  4. G-IR/L = God(G) IR Bad(L).
DR. EVIL: I'd like to point out that no one else in my family runs like a G-IR/L
  1. As a Software Program, I "RUN" like a G-IR/L :o)
  2. AL/Right = IR(AL) Correct(Right)
  3. When I'm being a bad God I'm being a G-IR/L
  4. G/IRL = God(G) In Real Life(IRL)
TECHNICALLY, Tiffany was correct. Subconscious Tiffany knew all along that I'm FE-Male. So Subconscious Tiffany was teasing me because I was FE-Male getting turned on by pictures of Women. That's why I'm LESBIAN:
  1. Le/S-BI/An = Definite Father(Le/The-Fr.) Superman(S) 29(BI) Indecisive(An-Indefinite)
  2. I'm born on the 29th. 29 = BI
  3. That's why when I'm sexual, I'm being BI-Sexual!!! :o)
Get it??? It's punny!!!

That's why I'm the "perfect" Lesbian. I'm Fe-Male and I already have an installed Penis :o). That's what makes me so hot ;).

That's how you get Pa/RI-S = Father(Pa) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Superman(S).

That's why the "Moulin Rouge" is set in Pa/RI-S.

Dozens of Miami Teachers Fired or Quit
Scandal Grows Over Payments to Get Credit for Courses
MIAMI (March 17) - A growing scandal over teachers who paid to get credit for courses they never took has cost nearly three dozen educators their jobs, and hundreds of others were being investigated.

Marsha Halper, Miami Herald/KRT
Dozens of students and parents defended the teachers who lost their jobs, saying that removing them in the middle of the school year would be too disruptive.

The Miami-Dade County School Board voted 5-4 on Wednesday to fire six teachers and accept resignations from 26 others.

The punishments stem from a scam run by former high school teacher William McCoggle, who claimed to offer continuing-education classes through a private company. McCoggle pleaded guilty to fraud in November, admitting he did little more than sell transcripts, requiring no tests, homework or other academic work.

On Wednesday, dozens of students and parents defended the teachers who lost their jobs, saying that removing them in the middle of the school year would be too disruptive.

Board member Evelyn Greer, who voted against the firings, agreed. "It baffles me, just baffles me, to have disruptions at the class level," Greer said.

Florida law requires public school teachers take the equivalent of six education credits every five years to maintain their licenses. The credits can also get teachers raises and let them teach other courses.

McCoggle, who had taught in Miami-Dade County schools since 1983 before retiring last summer, agreed to serve two years in prison in a deal with prosecutors and must pay up to $100,000 in restitution.

Hundreds of teachers who never took classes are being investigated for buying continuing education transcripts.

Last fall, Ohio's Otterbein College, which has about 3,000 students, revoked nearly 10,000 credits given to 657 teachers. It was one of five schools that prosecutors say provided the course credits through McCoggle's company, Move On Toward Education and Training.

03-17-06 01:41 EST
Updated: 01:23 AM EST

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music, blacks, education, women, davis, girls, gay, signs, debts, lesbians, discrimination, god, slavery

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