HUMOR: Emma Frost is a Guy, "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"

Feb 06, 2006 06:25

I said 2/4/2006 about White Queen (a.k.a. Emma Frost). Out of curiosity, I did a Google Search on "Emma Frost" I was so shocked to see all these seductive drawings of this character.

The real kicker that will blow all these comic artist and fans' minds is that Emma Frost is a GUY. I said 2/5/2006 about Homosexuality and Gay Males. For all those guys that are fantasizing about Emma Frost thinking she's hot shouldn't be bashing on Gay People considering they're fantasing about a Male:
  1. E(MM)A = EM with MM in it
  2. I said MM = Mary Magdalene
  3. I said M(Scorpio/Isabella) x II(Gemini/Bliss) = MM
  4. (E)(A) = (5)(1)
  5. 51 = 3 x 17
  6. 3 x 17 = 3/17 = St. Patrick's Day
  7. St. Patrick's Day = Luck of the IR is H
My stepdad is born St. Patrick's Day. All these people are fantasizing about me or my 68 year old stepdad :P.
  1. Frost = Fr./OS-T = Father(Fr.) Operating System(OS) Female(T/20/XX)
  2. F-Ro/St. = Bad(F/6/Non-9) Gemin(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V in Philosophy/Non-5/20) Saint.
That's how you get the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"...LMAO. They advertising agency has to promote DIAMONDS. So they come up with the slogan "Frost yourself"

BOSS: (leaning out the window and shouting) Hey, New York! Frost yourself!
NEW YORKER: (from outside) Fuck you!!!

Frost is for Emma Frost...LOL. Do you know what Frost is? It's CUM. That's why Emma Frost is Male Cum...LOL
  1. 10 = X = Cross-Eyed
  2. Andie Anderson = AA = 11 = II = Gemini
  3. Matthew McConaughey = MM = Mary Magdalene
  4. The Genders of both actors are crossed
  5. That's why the parents of Kate Hudson are Kurt Russell (KR = Kryptonite) and Goldie Hawn (Gold = Sun/Yellow)
  6. Kurt Russell's born St. Patrick's Day...ROTFL
  7. I said 2/5/2006 that Davis is Kryptyonite and he's been weakening me as Superman
  8. Davis and Kurt Russell are male.
  9. KH for Kate Hudson = Aquarian(K) Man of Steel. I said Davis is the Aquarian Man of Steal, which is why Kate Hudson's a guy.
  10. GH for Goldie Hawn = God(G) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel)
That's the Planet playing a practical joke on people by messing up the Genders and encoding the real genders on a sublevel that Subconscious Minds pick up that Conscious Minds don't. I bet that when you look at all the people who are fans of various Female Superheroines that when you decrypt their names, you reveal their true Genders and that various Fans were attracted to certain Female Superheroes not knowing why.

However, their Subconscious Minds knew and depending on whatever Homosexual Tendencies, they have on a Subconscious Level, it was a way where Subconscious Minds could enjoy fantasizing about a guy without disrupting the thinking processes or confusing the Conscious Mind.

I keep saying the Planet has a perverted sense of Humor...LOL. You have all these Male Comic Fans fantasizing about Emma Frost who's a Guy. That's just too funny :o).

It just goes to show that people need to stop making a big deal out of Homosexuality. You got a lot of people out there who are Closet Homsexuals and don't even know it being Hypocrites.

personal, humor, movies, emma frost, relationships, gay, celebrities, love, superheroes, bio, white queen

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