ADVICE: Bianca, Not Deleting Blogs, Catching Fish and Flies

Feb 03, 2006 04:00

No offense to Bianca, but I want to make this point clear to other people. Don't delete your Blogs. Your Subconscious has you post them for a reason. If Bianca had deleted her Blog, I wouldn't have known about it.

I told her 1/22/2006 that her Subconscsious was sending her messages. Her Subconscious is aware that she's in contact with me and that I read her Blogs. So it posts things. It's been intervening and keeping her from deleting them so that I'll read them and know what they mean.

This is so that Bianca can take the next step if she so chooses to develop her Psychic Abilities even further because it's all about the belief. If you don't believe in it, it won't work as well. You have to believe in Psychic Abilities.

If you play Basketball, you have to believe in yourself and know that you can shoot the basketball. If you think you suck or that you can't do it, you'll only make a half-assed attempt and your accuracy will most likely be bad and miss.

This is how people tend to approach Psychic Abilities and why they never go on to developing them to a Level that they could be at. Bianca is not only extremely beautiful, but incredibly smart. If she really concentrated, she could really hit a grand slam and launch her Psychic Abilities.

However, her thoughts are always scattered. That's why she has difficulty reaching the potential she coulld. All the equipment is there, but she doesn't apply herself. Maybe Psychic Abilities doesn't seem that exciting or useful, but they are. You can use those abilities to help you in Life. It works in all aspects of your life, personal, career, and in love.

That's why I keep stressing that EVERYONE should keep a Journal. If people who follow my Journal kept their own, I bet that they'd post something, and then when they compared it to what I'd written the next day, they'd see that their thoughts are aligned to mine.

It's like a woman's period where everyone's cycle starts to become in sync with each other. It's the same thing with Psychic Energies. If you hang around me long enough and create that Communication Link or "Psychic Bond," you'll start posting things that align with what I'm saying because your Subconscious is picking up what I'm saying.

However, if you never post those ideas or thoughts, you'll never know. I don't post this stuff for my health, you know. I post about 7 - 15 Journal Entries a day because I know that I'm going to run across something related to a Psychic Phenomenon in the news. I don't know what, but I know where to look.

That's why catching Psychic Phenomenon is like fishing. You cast nets or traps to catch those fish. You don't know when you'll catch them that day, but you know they're out there. Then you reel them in.

That's how I do it with Psychic Readings. I throw out a whole bunch of nets (Journal Entries). Then I wait the next day to see what surfaces. When I catch something, I reel it in, post it as a Journal Entry with a Hyperlink to the original article, and then show the Hyperlinks leading to how I had said something related to it the day before.

It's a really simple hunting and trapping method. I'm a skilled Hunter and Trapper of Cyberspace using this method to capture Psychic Occurrences in action.

That's why I'm like a Spider or like Spider-Man with Precognition or a "Spider Sense." I'll spin a Web. Then like a Spider (with a huge ass), I'll sit and wait for a Fly to get caught in it. Then when a Fly gets entangled, I crawl onto my web, wrap the Fly (Psychic Occurrence) up tightly in Spider Silk and then leave it hanging in a little coccoon suspended on my Web (Journal) for later consumption.

It's a very simple process. My Journal is like a Spider'S Web where you've got all these Journal Entries criss-crossing and intersecting each other at various points that link each other together. That's why my Journal is much stronger than it was two years ago because I've gotten hundreds of Jounral Entries that I've posted on Psychic Research.

This comes back to why I get irritated when poeple question my Methods, already claim I'm a hoax or a fraud when they haven't bothered to read my Journal, or try to prescribe their own Defintion of what Psychic Powers are and if I am unable to perform or exhibit such Psychic Abilities based off of their requirements then it means I'm "obviously" fake.

I siad Psychic Abilities are like Art. I developed my own style and this method works for me. It's remained consistent and is easy to understand if anyone attempted to duplicate it.

From: Bianca
Date: 03 Feb 06 1:52A
Subject: [Dream with a Hole]

My place of dreams has a hole, it seems.
From: MarkE
Posted by MarkE on February 3, 2006 • Friday at 2:07 AM

Dream of the hole.
From: ~Chico.superstar*
Posted by ~Chico.superstar* on February 3, 2006 • Friday at 2:09 AM

I dream of her...... uh, never mind.
From: Bianca
Posted by Bianca on February 3, 2006 • Friday at 3:33 AM

it's okay, nothing I said made sense either.

infact, I thought I deleted this blog.

oh well.
To: Bianca
From: Rod
Date: Feb 3, 2006 3:52 AM
Subject: I Know Why You Wrote That Post

I know why you wrote that post. Your Subconscious is just forwarding what I've been posting in my Journal today:
  1. Hole: I said 2/2/2006 about "Austin Powers: Goldmember" and Preparation H with the hole or anus
  2. Dreams: I said 2/2/2006 about Dreams and Subconscious Minds
Your "mistake" of thinking you had deleted it when you hadn't is because your Subconscious was intervening. It didn't want you to delete it so that I'd see your Post and know what it meant pertaining to what I'd just posted.

Like I keep saying, you have strong Psychic Potential. You just need to listen to your Subconscious more when it's telling you things. That's accidents aren't random. Your Subconscious steps in.

You shouldn't be deleting that stuff. It's your Subconscious plotting points for you that you can later use as reference. That's why I was telling you to have your Journal set up as well as link up to mine because then you would've been able to compare your own thoughts with what I write.

It would've been a way of "checking your answers" to see if your premonitions and thoughts you are receiving are indeed accurate. The more you get right, the more you trust your intuition.


personal, complaints, psychic, technology, signs, advice, dreams, psychology, supporters, wisdom, science

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