PROPHECY: Iago, "American Psycho" Batman, Spider-Man, Doc Oc

Jan 23, 2006 02:02

Iago the Parrot from "Aladdin"
Here's a HUGE giveway regarding Davis:
  1. I said 1/7/2006 that he's the one who borrows money all the time
  2. I said in my previous post 1/21/2006 about the characters of Aladdin.
  3. I said 1/21/2006 that I've been under the control of Davis
  4. The parrot is Iago played by Sir Gilbert Gottfried
  5. The parrot is the one in service to Jafar
  6. IA/Go = I o' WA (IA) IR(Go-Spanish). That would be me :P
  7. Initials GG = Gemini God
  8. Go-TT?Fried = IR(Go) Male(TT/Non-T/Non-Female) Fried(Toasted)
Notice it's the Parrot that is subservient to Jafar who's bad. I also said that the storyline is inverted where everything is the opposite.

Gottfried has the most annoying and grating voice that gets on people's nerves. If it's the opposite, then it means that the voice is Non-Grating and Non-Annoying.

Isabella Valentine told me 4/2/2004 how she wishes that she had talked to me on the phone because when she hears me tell her stuff she said she can tell that I actually sound like I care.

However, Charlie had made himself look like an ass storming in without checking to see what was going on and looked like an idiot. So to save face, he stuck by his guns claiming that I'm a bad person and not to be trusted and convinced Isabella out of it again once he got her alone and when we finished talking on the phone.

Ironically enough, that's how I ended up transforming into the very Monster they were afraid of. I was harmless and just a normal individual. When Charlie "disposed" of me, that's what set me on my course to developing my Psychic Abilities in an attempt to prove my innocence.

Batman Story Arc
That's how you get the Batman Prophecy. The Joker, formerly Jack, kills Bruce Wayne's parents. Bruce Wayne then goes to reap his revenge on the man that killed his parents. So he goes after the Joker.
  1. I said 1/21/2006 about inverted storylines told by a certain perspective
  2. Batman iis by Bob Kane
  3. K = 11th Letter. Davis is Aquarius, which is the 11th Sign
  4. KA/NE = FloridaPenis(KA/Non-Alaska) Northeast(NE)
  5. I said 1/17/2006 that Davis, Charlie, and Bliss are in the Northeast
That's why he's the Dark Knight rather than a White Knight. It's a story told from the perspective of the Northeast.

I said I'm of Royal Blood. "Batdance" was done by Prince. I said that Batman and Joker are the same person. Notice how Prince's outfit in the Music Video is where one-half was Batman and the other half was Joker.

I said 1/22/2006 that I had to play dirty and get rid of Subconscious Charlie. He was the original "Joker" because he used to "joke around" and make fun of my Psychic Readings and claims back in June 2004. All the women and him had a huge laugh over it.

That's why you see me, like Batman, training. I've been training and continually training:
  1. I said CHRISTian Bale played Batman
  2. I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table for my Initials
  3. Everyone has been calling me "Crazy" or "Psycho" because I believe in Psychic Phenomenon
  4. I said 4/4/2005 that CHRISTian Bale was in "American Psycho"
  5. I also said 10/23/2005 that Cillian Murphy played Scarecrow born 5/25 like Bliss
  6. I said 11/5/2005 that Ian McKellan who plays Magneto is also born 5/25 like Bliss. I'm like Professor Charles Xavier the Psychic opposing Magneto/Bliss(5/25).
  7. I said you can trace my movements in history by whomever went "insane"
Notice how the Green Goblin was the Father and the SON becomes the Hobgoblin and they're both Mentally Deranged:
  1. In "Spider-Man 2," Spider-Man goes up against Doctor Octopus
  2. I'm from Washington State where Jacque Cousteau said the largest octopi are found in the Puget Sound
  3. Jacque Cousteau was French (Fr./Father) and his Initials are JC for Jesus Christ
  4. Doc Oc has 8 Mechanical Legs just like a Spider
  5. In the movie, you see how 4 minds of the Mechanical Arms take over Doc Oc who was a brilliant scientist because the Inhibitor Chip burns out

  6. Two years ago, I had to deal with 4 other Colors on the Color Wheel. They were like the 4 arms of Doc Oc
  7. I was originally White/Justice on the Color Map who was writing the Laws for the Psychic Realm. However, Subconscoius Charlie found a way to sneak in and exploit a loophole that shoved me down in to Black while corrupted Subconscious Charlie was sitting in White
  8. That's how you get the Dark Knight who has to play Vigilante and go above the Law that is corrupt
  9. The Inhibitor Chip that burnt out was the Wall between my Conscious and Subconscious Minds. In the movie, you see how the Four Mechanical Arms fused with his spine.
That's why the chilling reality is that many of the admired Superheroes people worship are also the Villains. They're merely extremes of the same personality that would represent "God."

Why the Planet Created Superheroes
The reason why you use such fantastic characters to represent his is because it's the best way to explain Godhood. I said every individual is God in their own right. That space between your ears is like Planet and your Consciousness is God.

So if your Mind was "New York City," your Good Side would be Spider-Man and your bad thoughts would be Doctor Octopus or the Green Goblin "in you."

It's the struggle of Good vs. Evil in everyone. However, when you take the "Mathematical Average of your Soul," you'll end up being somewhere in the middle (hopefully) if you were raised with good values.

When you see Spider-Man using his web to swing from Skyscraper to Skyscraper, that's like your God Consciousness in your Mind moving to different sections of your brain to take care of problems or "Intellectual Crime" being done against the natives of your "Intellectual New York City" in your Mind.

So when you talk about YOUR "Intellectual Lex Luthor" battling against YOUR "Superman" in your Mind representing the Planet Earth, that's where you see Good vs. Evil.

Taking that a step further, this is how we come back to the God Concept of the Planet that is a floating brain in space orbiting around the Sun. When we talk about "Superman" Software Program in the Subconscious Realm battling against "Lex Luthor" Software Program, it's a cumulative of all the Minds of Living Things on the Planet.

If you can grasp this concept, then you'll understand when I tell you that you're like a Planetary Brain Cell in service to the Planet Earth.

Existence of God
All the Living Things on the Planet put together is God.


If the Human Mind represents the Blueprings of the Planet that functions on the same Principles, you know what it is like to be God. Your Consciousness is a miniature representating of God.

In Scriptures, it says, "God created Man in his own Image."

That was a TRUE STATEMENT: You are GOD in that space between your ears. You rule as God over your own body.

If you want to eat a large, greasy hamburger full of cholesteral that is bad for you and your Doctor said don't eat it, you're GOD. If you want to eat that unhealthy hamburger, that's your choice. Even if every cell in your body is screaming and telling you not to do it, you are GOD.

There ain't nobody that's going to tell you what you can and can't eat.

If you want to smoke cigarettes even though your Lungs tell you that it's bad filling up with tar, it doesn't matter. You are GOD. As God, you can do whatever you want.

Some people are responsible with managing their powers while others aren't.

This is why I disapprove of Suicide. When people commit suicide, that's like Intellectual Genocide. You're volutnarily exterminating all of your poor living cells in your body.

Do you remember that scene where the Death Star blows up Princess Leia's Planet of Alderaan? That was like a human being getting incinerated:
  1. Alderaan = AL/Der-AA/N
  2. IR(1-12/A-L) Blue(Der/Non-Red) Gemini(II/AA) Nature(N)
  3. I said Charlie "crucified" me April 2004. That was the equivlanet of the Death Star
  4. Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone. The Sun is a Star and Leo's Ruling Planet is the Sun
  5. Yoda lives in Dagobah. Da/Go-Ba-H = Give(Da-Spanish) IR(Go-Spanish) Spirit(Ba-Egyptian) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel)
  6. I said Yoda, meaning I(Yo) Give(Da), is a Spanish name because of the name Isabella, which is Spanish for Elizabeth.
  7. S/Pa-In = Superman(S) Father(Pa) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23)
That's why my Psychic Abilites of Royal Blood are seen mirrored in Queen Elizabeth II. I'm Queen Isabelo(Elizabeth) the Gemini(II)

That's why in "Meet Virginia" by Train, they talk about her "shape is quite unusual" and she screams "I don't want to be the Queen."

That would be ME. I didn't want to be a fucking QUEEN, but because people are so damn selfish, sneaky, and sly, I had to fucking CHEAT.

That's how you get a DRAG QUEEN. I said 1//4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car. I'm a DRAG Racer with a Parchate that shoots out of is A/SS :P.

That's why Superman is GA-y (Non-5, 2 in Digital, II-y, Gemini Male). The Sugar Hill Gang sings how "he's a FA/IR-y I do suppose dressing up in Pantyhose" :P.

That's how you get Underoos. Under/O-OS = Under the Sun(O) Operating System(OS).

Like I said, the Planet has a perverted sense of Humor and a lot of the Brand Names of Products you find in the Grocerie stores are also Acronyms. People don't realize what they're eating :o).

Not that anyone every pays attention, but if you read the Back Journals over the last 10 months, I explicitly state what a couple of those Brand Names mean when you apply the Decryption Code to the Letters that comprise their names.

personal, star wars, davis, isabella, forensics, gay, fairy tales, bliss, food

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