I'm trying to keep my Journal as balanced as possible when I draw a picture of Davis. I complain about some of the things he does. However, the reason why I haven't stopped working with him yet is because he's the only real financial ally I have at this time.
In order to hit my goals, I'm going to need a jump-off point when it comes to finances. I'm working on things and trying to clean up stuff that Davis made. Even though Davis claims to have some promising leads, I have to go by the books and what is actually on paper. As things stand, Davis hasn't paid stuff back.
I still believe he will, but I can't just go by what we think will happen. That doesn't put food on the table, and it doesn't take care of these debts. The reason why he's still a decent ally is because he hasn't judged me.
He still thinks I'm weird, but he still works with me. Other people have pulled away from me. That's why people shouldn't be too harsh about any mistakes that Davis has made. He was "under the influence" of bad people last year in the Subconscious Realm.
Regrettably, Davis' Level of Intelligence is low. I know it sounds terrible, but I'm dead serious. You can tell when people are easily influential. If you've ever played Video Roleplaying Games, you have what are called "Barbarians."
Barbarians are really powerful with Physical Attacks. They're big and buff. Unfortunately, they tend to be really dumb. That's why they're the ones most vulnerable to Sorcerer and Wizard Spells. If you play Roleplaying Games long enough, you'll see they'll lose on their Saving Throws.
A Wizard or Sorcerer will cast something like Fear or Mind Control and it will turn your very own Team Member in your group against you. It's the most obnoxious thing. That's what was happening with Davis. Subconscious Charlie was messing around with Davis' mind.
As I said, Davis is a good guy. He just has bad money management skills and needs to be watched. He has a crafty or sly aspect to his personality that surfaces when he's strapped for cash. It's something that most people have in them that they submerge when they're not hard up for money.
That's why if you haven't been poor or lost everything, you really can't judge effectively or criticize "poor people" claiming them to be scams or con artists. If you've never been broke, you shouldn't be so quick to judge.
When Davis and I talk on the phone, we have good rapport and a natural chemistry when we discuss things. There are some people you'll be on the phone with and they're so draining to talk to because they just sap the energy out of you.
For example, I love my mom dearly, but it's difficult talking to her sometimes because she can't help but worry about me and go in to "Lecture Mode." Because I've been spending the last two years cleaing up the financial mess from Chris P. that shoved me in debt, I'm not currently financially stable.
That's why I get irritated because I got a whole bunch of debt, angry film crew, and debt collectors on my ass because of Chris exploiting information I'd given. Chris took this attitude that Davis and I were "trying to be Producers."
He didn't know what the budget was and he co-opted Myna, Francisca, and Donny into thinking that Davis and I were hoarding money. First of all, it wasn't any of their business. Secondly, it was Yoen K. of Netfilms in Indonesia who had taken the budget given by TV 7 Indonesia and was keeping half of it for himself and trying to get us to do it for only $180,000 US Dollars in 30 days.
Then we got made out to be the bad guys. Amusingly enough, Chris P. and the rest are guilty on 3 counts of Copyright Infringement because the Script isn't theirs. So I do have the option of going after them.
However, I just get grim satisfaction knowing that Chris is associated with someone name LEO as a partner. I had said that Leo is for the 5th Sign and the Sun representing God. That's why I'm not really too concerned at this point.
As I said, anyone who goes against me suffers bad luck as well as becomes extremely unpopular in certain ciircles. That's why Chris was given the name CHRISTopher. It's just showing how far-reaching the Planet's influence is and why people shoudn't be smart-asses.
The Planet will always outlive you and can yank your life line at any time. That's why you shouldn't be disrespeting the Planet and fronting an attitude.