I was catching up on
isabellaval's Entries.
Her car got broken into again. The ID Number is 144337:
- 144 = 12 x 12. I said that 12 looksl like Letter R. 12/12 looks like R/R for my initials
- 3/37 is when my Stepdad born on St. Patrick's Day
Last year, I removed her from my Friends List for safety because the Psychic Readings were coming out all skewed. Her car got broken into the next day. It was retaliation because she was on the receiving end of Bad Karma by everyone else for being unnecessarily cruel and punishing me.
I urgently wnated a response to know if she was actually reading my work, discovered it was for real, and in league with
sensualsky and
erinsfantasy or if she was being the mindless robot under the direction of her Subconscious.
NOW I actually know she had no clue whatsoever. However, last year, she was unreadable. You can't always tell if someone is faking. All they have to do is just "mask their signal" by carefully editing what they say so that they don't leak their thoughts.
The date is 11/20, which is one day after my dad was born. It's also Shayla's birthday. 11/20 translates to the Aquarian(K) Female(20). Because
isabellaval and I are still "linked," she experiences crap. I had said that my Laptop Wire burned out 11/19 that evening.
I know it sounds kind of bad, but I really don't feel as much remorse or sadness this time about her car being broken in. She'll continue to have bad luck like that following her around because she leads a partially cursed life. Because I'm a Pure Virgin, I can touch a Unicorn in the Subconscious/Psychic Realm.
That's why in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone," it talks about how Lord Voldemort killed a unicorn and was feasting on its blood. When you kill something pure, you lead a half life or a cursed life.
That's one of the things about being a Pure Virgin. When people do bad things to me, they suffer streams of bad luck. That's why even with my last employers three years ago, they couldn't understand why they were getting audited by the IRS.
Their sales plummetted from August 2002 - January 2003. They couldn't understand why no one was coming in and why sales were horrible. This was before I knew about the way my Psychic Abilities functioned. I'm tapped int othe IR/S because it's my Initials.
I really do feel sorry for her, but like I said, if someone doesn't want to heed your warnings or take your advice remaining ignorant to how they're suffering the effects, how can you accept blame or responsibility?
It might be possible to turn it off, but the Subconscious Realm is just like a group of women.
sensualsky said bad things about me to a group of women and it spread like wildfire. All the women believed it.
It's the same thing in the Subconscious Realm when you're mean to someone who was a good person and innocent. It spreads even faster. They all know and they're all protective so you get this snowball effect of bad luck or where people driven Subconsconsciously do things to sabotage you.
I know who passes away and for what reason. It's awful. That's why I always try to warn people not to mess with things they don't understand. They're rattling a hornet's nest.
That's why when I was reading about how Marietta in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" suffered from a Hex, I knew it was related to
robynz because I said
my cousin Gwen is the daughter of my Aunt Marieta.
It was mentioning in "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" about the characters Gwenog and one of the Quidditch Players with the last name Robbins, and I noticed it there. Gwenog is Gwen/Red because OG is opposite of Go/Green. I said Go is "IR" in Spanish. Because
robynz is against me, that's how you get a Gwenog.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if anyone got wind of what's happening to
isabellaval and consulted with another White Witch in an attempt to counterspell the Hexes and Curses that have accidentally piled up on Isabella.
Isabella has a nasty way of generating her own bad luck. That's why she's the Cross-Eyed "X." She was in Florida and shes the "Ex." That's how you get "Bad SE/X" or the Bad Southeast/Florida Cross-Eyed.
That's why I'm on the Opposite End originating from Washington, which is the EverGREEN State. Go means Yes. She was born on 11/11 the
same day that Washington was inducted as the 42nd State for a reason. That was no coincidence.
She takes on the name
Isabella Valentine and my business associate who is involved in shady deals is born 2/14, which is Valentine's Day.
sensualsky goes by Sky and is born 3/15, which is the Inverse of 513 for Sunny Leone born 5/13 that
isabellaval uses in her pictures.