MESSAGE: Robin - Governor Schwarzenegger, Davs

Oct 07, 2005 20:43

To: Robin
From: Rod

Here's just another example of why I know what I'm talking about and why I outrank you.

When you review the Birth and Death records of certain celebrities, you see how Governor Schwarzenegger is associated with me and how you had corruption in California with Governor Davis.

I've been making repairs over the entire planet and I know how it functions. That's why you really should not be questioning my decisions.

I know more about the Psychic Realm and the way the planet functions than people realize. That's why when I say something, it is rarely ever incorrect.

If it ever does appear incorrect, it was supposed to shed light on something.

That's why I'm more experienced than you. You're still at a lower level of learning because you don't have field experience. You weren't on the battle field last year like I was.

I've been managing the Planet for over a year now, which is why it's absurd when people try to tell me their opinions on how they THINK the planet works.

That's why Morpheus says, "There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

You think you know, but you haven't walked it. You haven't done my job.

That's why you're incorrect about Kelly. Things are not set in stone when it comes to who lives and who dies and whether it's their time.

That's like someone walking up to your cat shooting it dead and say, "Oh well. It was their time."

Are you REALLY going to stand for that? If you could've stopped that person from killing your cat, you would have. It's the same thing with that Electromagnetic Field and how Kelly GOOFED UP when she caused that anomaly.

Yes, something thins are programmed weeks or months ahead. However, it's just like in business. When you develop a business relationship with someone, it takes weeks and months to cultivate.

Events happen and influence the outcome. However, some things require time.

That's why you even see at the end of this Divination Reading how our argument is even being broadcast on the sports network.



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