BIO: I Might Have Deleted You Accidentally

Sep 23, 2005 22:13


If you were on my List and have found that I've deleted you, don't automatically assume I have some vendetta or dislike for you or don't want you on my list:
  • It could be that I didn't recognize your Default Picture that were using when I was cleaning out my Friends List.

  • I haven't heard from you in a while or you haven't responded to 2 or 3 consecutive messages or posts, and I'm just updating my Friends so that the people who really do want to be on, get the best of my attention.

  • I don't like wasting people's time or having them waste mine. I especially don't like spamming people's Bulletins with my messages when they don't care, don't listen, or don't even read them.
I do upkeep and maintenance on my list for the benefit of all the people on it. It's for your benefit as well. I stop by and say hello, and it's unfair to the Friends who do give me attention to have people on my List who don't even put in the effort or don't even care to respond.

I take Friendships very seriously and like to make sure that I give people the best that I can give them. Relationships take work. It's unfair to have two people as Friends where you work hard to maintain our friendship and then some other person who could care less gets equal devotion and attention from me.

By continually updating my Friends List, it keeps my List lean so that most of the people on my Friends List are there because they want to be there and they find my Bulletins and what I have to say interesting or thought-provoking.

If you're putting in the effort to make our friendship work that you deserve more attention for the work you put into it than someone who isn't?

If you were removed from my List, it's not like you're applying for a Job and were rejected. This is not like the Garden of Eden where you get permanently exiled and can never return :P. Don't take it personally.

It's not like it's Final. Just re-apply. I've removed some people from my List and some have come back asking to be added back on again. It's no big deal. How hard is it to click the "Add Friend" button?

If you've ever played "The Sims" by Electronic Arts, it's the same way. Your Friends List will subtract 2 points from your Relationship Meter the longer you remain out of contact with them. It's no different with people. If you don't talk to them, they move on.

The main objective of deleting people from my List is so I can focus on people who really deserve my attention rather than spreading myself out too thinly. I get people whom I send messages or Comments that go unanswered after three submissions, and I want to focus on talking to people who actually respond back.

It's a pain in the ass sifting through my Friends List trying to visit people and leave Comments saying hello when you've got other people who really couldn't give a shit either way if they're on your list or not and don't even bother replying when you drop by more three timeys to post a hello and they don't even say anything.

I understand people have lives and are busy, but I've got Playboy Models and people with over 115,000 Friends that can find time to send a simple hello. Unless you're some Adult Star or major celebrity who gets tons of fan mail, it's not that difficult to stay in touch every 3rd posting or every 3 months to say hello.

If you are unable to be on consistently, but you do find my Bulletin Posts interesting, here are two suggestions:
  1. Send me a personal Message or Comment requesting not to be deleted and that you are interested and following along my Bulletins with Divination Readings
  2. Subscribe to my Blog. If you don't usually say or post anything, but you do follow along on what I'm writing, you can be subscribed and get notifications of postings. I always make a copy of the Bulletins I post and put them there. This is especially convenient for people who like reading my Blogs, but they have an extremely large Friends List that makes it hard finding my Postings amidst the rest of the Bulletin Spam.

If you think you were deleted in error, just reapply. Unless you've got some really unlikable aspect, I usually will re-add people. That's definitely a clear indication to me that you really want to be on my Journal if you return wanting to be readmitted.

If you have a busy lifestyle, but you really are reading my Bulletins and keeping up when you can, just send me a Message requesting not to be deleted. That will probably give you about 6 - 12 months before I review your Friendship Status with me.

If you have over 1,000 Friends, please make an effort to show periodically that we have some kind of connection and keep in touch. I really don't want to be on anyone's List with people who are just collecting Friends and where it's inhumanly possible to maintain in contact with all of them. I don't want to be Number on your List. It's as simple as that. Unless you're networking or have a music group or professional career, I think everyone should have that standard.

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