PROPHECY: Sweden and the Return of God in Heaven

Aug 28, 2005 02:53

I had made reference to Peter Stormare from Sweden in a previous post today. He's from Sweden. He was most notable for playing the Drunk Russian Cosmonaut in "Armageddon."
  1. Armageddon = Ar/Ma/GE-DD/on
  2. (A)R = (I)R because A = 1st Letter and 1 = I in Roman Numerals
  3. Ma = Mother
  4. GE = General Electric
  5. DD = Gemini Leo Female
  6. on = Activated
I've been using Spanish to translate a lot of the Latin derivations. Santiago Calatrava was the architect. If you've watched "There's Something About Mary," there's that scene where Mary drags Pat Healey to look the architecture. That's where they run into Tucker.

MARY: Tucker, this is my friend Pat Healy.

TUCKER: Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Patrick.

PATRICK: Same here.

MARY: Pat is an architect as well.

TUCKER: Oh, really? Where are your offices?

PATRICK: Mainly, I work out of boston.

TUCKER: Boston, huh? Did you get your degree up there?

PATRICK: You bet.

TUCKER: Really? Where did you study?

PATRICK: Harvard.

TUCKER: Then you must've studied under Kim Green.

PATRICK: Well, among others.


MARY: You know, pat, um... does projects all over the world.

TUCKER: Really? Where would I have seen your work?

PATRICK: Well, have you been to, uh... Santiago, Chile?

TUCKER: Twice last year! Which building's yours?

PATRICK: Are you familiar with the soccer stadium?

TUCKER: Did you build the Estadio Olympico?

PATRICK: No, just down the street--The Celinto Caliente...Towers. It's quite a fine example, in fact. I recommend that next time you're up that way That you drop in and take a ganders at it yourself.

Notice there's mention of Boston which is in MA for Mother. Then the mention of studying under Kim GREEN. I said that Green is for God.

I was complaining my letter yesterday afternoon about a bunch of women had wrongfully accused me. I had said I was Ted Strohmand. I got cast as Woogie, which wasn't fair. Notice that Woogie was played by CHRISTopher Elliot.

Then you see Tucker make up all this crap about Pat Healy. Pat who was spying gets pissed off and follows Tucker to go kick his ass. That's what happened with that jerk Charlie from Bay City Blues that I get so mad about. I had finished patching things up with this girl Isabella who freaked out and thought I was some crazed stalker. That idiot Charlie came back that evening while we were chatting on the phone.

He freaked out and thought I'd somehow tricked Isabella into talking to me on the phone. He started cussing out Isabella on the other line and even tried to call me up. He was the one who went psycho, and I even asked Isabella if she's concerned working with someone like that who's an emotional rollercoaster. He just jumped to conclusions and started yelling at people.

That's why it was such a farce when I was the one who got blamed for being a psychotic crazy stalker and all the women were all cooing over "Poor Defenseless Charlie." That man is a vile person. He called me up at 4 am in the morning and called me all kinds of nasty things for a full half hour. Then he slammed the phone down on me only to call me up again and then start cussing me out again. Which I took in stride and never ONCE said a nasty word in retaliation because I was sympathetic and understood how it was misconceived. I was very polite.

I didn't even know he was snooping my Journal till Isabella tipped me off on the phone. She even told me not to write anything in my Journal because she was afraid Charlie would read it. She said he was obsessed with me. That's why it's such a slap in the face. He couldn't mind his own business. Isabella was the victim whom I'd already explained things to where we realized it was just an misunderstanding but Charlie went and butt in afterward saying to, "It's ultimately your decision." Then a couple hours later, I find myself banned from the web site.

That's why everything mirrored itself. You had Bay City Blues (Blue) and Moulin Rouge (Red).

TUCKER: Unfortunately, this is not a social visit.

MARY: Really? What's up?

TUCKER: Well, I've got a little more news about your friend Healy.

MARY: Tucker, everything's ok. He confessed everything. He told me he's not an architect. You were right, but right now, I'm kind of, actually, running behind.

TUCKER: Mary, the man's a killer.

MARY: What?

TUCKER: Yes. I have a friend in the boston. Police department. He faxed me this this morning. I'll just give you the highlights. After a short stint as a petty thief, Patrick R. Healy graduated to armed robbery by the age of 14. At 16, he committed his first murder-- a pretty teacher's aide named molly pettygrove. He was incarcerated until the age of 22, when despite a grim Psychological profile, the state was forced to release him. In his mid 20s and again in his early 30s, Hhe was suspected of homicides in the states of Utah and Washington. Unfortunately, the bodies were so badly decomposed, there wasn't enough evidence to hold him. And so on and so forth.

MARY: You guys, what am I gonna do? I'm supposed to meet this guy in an hour.

TUCKER: Well, just calm down. Everything's going to be fine. Don't worry.

MAGDA: Tucker. Why you two never hooked up is beyond me.

MARY: I'm so lucky to have you as a friend.

TUCKER: Yes, well, don't get all gooey on me now. You're gonna give me a big head. See, the important thing, doctor, is you have to distance yourself as much as possible without pissing this psycho off.

MARY: Okay. I know what I got to do, I know what I got to do. Where's the phone?
[dog barking]

PATRICK: You're gonna pay, fucker.

There's mention of age 14, which is Valentine's Day. Age 16 is the Letter P for the Southwest from S/19 (Superman) + W/23 (Final) being the Answer in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Age 22 is for V the 22nd Letter for the Sun. Utah starts with U that was actually written as V in Old Alphabet. Washington is for the the Evergreen State admitted 42nd into the Union on 11-11.

That's why you'll always hear me bitching about that guy who pulled a Tucker. So when I was trying to warn about strange Psychic Phenomenon, the women all started flaming me about having called him on his private cell phone because I needed to get in touch. It was an emergency. I had saved his phone number from when he verbally accosted me.

Which brings us back to what I said that it's NOT harassment when you feel you have evidence that proves that human lives are in danger and people could actually die. My parents raised me with the belief that it's your CIVIC DUTY to report to the proper authorities when you think something bad is going to happen.

I knew that I was going to get yelled at and burned trying to get in touch with Isabella. However, I had to weigh the unnecessary loss of human life vs. my own pride and ego. It was a low point in my life having to dial that number and call trying to pass on an emergency message to Isabella and her friend whom I felt were involved and able to stop tragedy from happening.

I got a nasty message and her friend went and bitched to my friends Scott and Bliss embarrassing me. Her friend went off on them about me and how crazed and psychotic I was. It was totally unfair. That's why my friend Bliss isn't even talking to me anymore. To add insult to injury she added Sky and Erin to her Friends List and kicked me off. She knew me for four years and she took the word of a complete stranger who was female.

It was just me against 13 women from two different camps all saying mean things about me and all cooing over "poor Charlie" who was suffering from anxiety. He didn't sound that poor and defenseless when he called me just about every foul word in the English Dictionary for a full 30 minutes straight. Even when I "politely" would try to calm him down and respectfully ask to explain my side of the story, he would just yell louder and ignore me continuing with his verbal lashing that I didn't deserve.

Even then, I still didn't hold it against him.

That's why I always warn young people to stand up for themselves and not let older people push them around. Older folk are NOT always correct. Some older folk got by in life by yelling and screaming to get their way. It had NOTHING to do with their level of intelligence. They just made a big fuss and people would roll over because they didn't want to create a scene. That's how you get young fools that grow up to be old fools :P.

When nobody stands up against bullies who just yell and use brute force, they go on to become adults using the same tactics to get their way. Because nobody stands up to them, you get all these meek people that get bossed around or mistreated by these types of individuals.

That's why it's so disgusting. However, the just punishment is that just as he banned me off his web site on the Internet, I used my influence to ban him in the same way in the Psychic Realm that functions just like the Internet as a rival frequency. It runs off the same properties that the Internet does.

That's why I always warn people to be careful about what they do. They've gone into this lull thinking that Science has proven that the existence of God is mythical. The scientific explanation is that God is like a Software Program and is comprised of the collective Consciousness of all living things on the planet all networked together by the electromagnetic field.

So when you say "God" is watching, it's actually a true statement. All Subconscious Minds know what everyone is doing. Every time you take a shower, take dump in the toilet, pick your nose, pop your zits, steal, lie, cheat, eat your boogers, or do any NASTY shit, there are 6 billion Subconscious Minds on the planet that know exactly what you're doing. That INCLUDES your thoughts and what you're thinking. That's how you get GOD Force that is observing you.

If people realized that they really are under a surveillance camera created by their Subconscious Mind that is reporting in onto that person's daily activities, a lot of people would be frightened and or embarrassed right now because they know that they do things that would be deemed questionable when they think no one is watching.

Anyone reading my Journal has a Subconscious Mind that is like a host server of a wi-fi laptop for a brain that is swimming in that electromagnetic field. That's why when Charlie got me axed the way he did, EVERYONE on the planet witnessed it. They knew exactly what he did and how I was trying to rescue people but got shot down. I gained the sympathies of all Subconscious Minds around the Planet. They all witnessed one good, innocent person getting severely punished for trying to do the right thing.

That's why you're seeing this manifestation of all the Subconscious Minds working together steering the people's bodies they govern to nudge events in the news that mirror align themselves to what I write. That's where all these "coincidences" are coming from. It's not random.

I had said in my previous post that the Swedish Actor played the drunk Cosmonaut in "Armageddon"as Lev Andropov:
  • I said that Lev is actually Leo because V = Sun and O = Sun.
  • If you look carefullly at his bio, he played Satan in "Constantine" where the Twin Sister Isabel was murdered. My name is Isabelo. I'm a Gemini, which is for the Twins. It's about a Psychic who pairs up with the murdered Twin's other sister who's a cop convincing her of Psychic Phenomenon, which is what I'm basically doing here. The Subconscious Mind of the writer who made that script knew about what Charlie did and so he wrote about it and it got pushed through as a movie. That's how you get movies to be prophetic and about real life events.
  • Entry 23 is where he was Oberon in "Happy Campers," which would be King of the Fairies if I'm not mistaken. I said God's a Fairy.
  • "Armageddon" is 32, which is 2 (Gemini/Communication) to the 5th Power (Sun)
  • Entry 34 is where he's in " Mercury Rising." Mercury is the Ruling Planet of Gemini and Virgo
  • Entry 38 is where he's in "Playing God" as Vladimir. V is for 5/Leo/Sun. 38 = 2 x 19. 2 is for Gemini. S is the 19th Letter, which is the Superman Insignia. I said God is Superman
  • Entry 42 is where he was in "Fargo" as Gaear Grimsrud (GG). GG = G/VII x II/Gemini
When you look at the article, you'll notice the pattern:
  • Malmo = Ma/L-MO meaning Mother(Ma) Bad Luck(L=7UpsideDown) Mission Objective(MO).
  • In "Taxi," Washburn says MO is Police Jargon. Belle says, "No it's not. It's Latin."
  • If anyone paid attention to the Summer Olympics last year, the Brazilian runner was pulled over by a spectator with a Sign on his back that talked about the Prophecies being true about God. That person was actually correct and used a Divining Tool and knew that God was watching that telecast and would understand that Sign. Brazil = B-Ra/Z-Il meaning Gemini(B/2) Egyptian Sun God(Ra) Aquarian(Z) Definite(Il/The-Italian). There are people in this world that have been still paid attention to the ancient texts and believers in the coming of Jesus Christ or a Messiah. I know what's going on and anyone who's been reading my Journal for the last four months should be able to put two and two together with all the strange Phenomonen. However, the point of all the Divinations is that it's revealing a Living Will handed down by the Sun in our Solar System. I prefer to say Sun than "God" because "God" sounds so pompous. As I've said, I'm an atheist and an Existentialist. The only reason why people refer to deities as God is because they can do things most mortals can't. However, if you understand the mechanics of how "God Powers" work, it's not different than any human being doing mere errands and the tiny ants looking up in awe at what human can do. We're just talking about things on a planetary and galactic scale that still follows the same Principle Laws that govern Life on all levels from microscopic to macroscopic.
  • When you see them mention about Sweden, it means SW/Ed-EN. Eden is Paradise. Pa Ra D is E = Father(Pa) Egyptian Sun God(Ra) Leo Female(D) is Sun(E). Eden = Ed/EN meaning Education (E/5+D/4=I/9). EN = SW for Los Angeles in the Southwest. SW/Ed-EN = Heaven God Heaven.
  • Norway is N-Or/WA-y meaning Nature Sun Washington Male.
  • In the building, there's an architectural Twist. I had said that God is in the Back. When you turn around you're twisting your back or spine to look back.
  • Time stamp is 14:55, which is 2:55 pm. 2 = Gemini/II. 55 = 5/Sun x 11/Aquarius.
  • It costs $3,700/month. 37 = K/11 when you cycle around the Alphabet. It means 11/Aquarius for Humanitarian Ideals. We'rem moving into the Age of Aquarius.
  • Holland is H-OL/Land meaning Final SUNny LEOne Land. OL = O/15 + L/50 = 65 = 5 x 13, which is Sunny Leone's birthday. In modern,it's L/12 + O/15, which is A/27 meaning the Dark God.
This is why in "Austin Powers 3: Goldmember," you see Austin travel back to fetch the father:

GOLDMEMBER: The Holland Boogie makes me svetty. You and I are both sVingers...You're tOIght. tOIt like a tOITger.

You notice that Goldmember replaces W with V. Double U was V in Old Alphabet. So the overwriting accent is V/Sun/5 replacing W/Omega/Final

When he says that Austin is "tOIght," he's replacing "I" with OI meaning Sun God. That's who it'scalled the Land of Sunny Leone (H-OL/Land).

Sweden's New Skyscraper Is a Tower With a Twist
MALMO, Sweden (Aug. 27) - The Nordics' tallest skyscraper was officially opened Saturday with prize-winning Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava surveying the view from the 54th floor.

The 54-story Turning Torso apartment tower in Malmo, Sweden.

With its spectacular 90-degree twist, Turning Torso consists of nine stacked cubes, each turned slightly.

The bottom three cubes will be office space and the top six contain 147 luxury apartments. Many residents, who are expected to move to the rented apartments in November, will have a view overlooking either the flat farmland of Skane, Sweden's southernmost province, or the Oresund strait and Denmark.

"There was a wish to get something exceptional," Calatrava said after accepting a prize from local authorities. "I also wanted to deliver something technically unique."

The HSB housing cooperative that built the skyscraper originally planned condominiums only, but decided to rent the apartments because of the high costs. The most expensive apartment will be rented for about euro3,000 (US$3,700) a month.

08/27/05 14:55 EDT

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