To: Gina
From: Rod
Hi Gina,
I read your Blog on April 14th about new people in the industry and not working with them anymore. It's funny how all professions tend to be similar. I have similar experiences and it's difficult working with new people that want to do things their own way and a headache.
I do Divination Readings and one thing I have to say about your particular name is that it's unique. Many people are led to choose a particular name that is symbolic.
1) Gina Lynn = G in A LY-NN
2) G = 7th Letter (Green/God)
3) Every 7th Character in the Bible spells a Prophecy
4) 7 in Roman Numerals is VII
5) Leo = the 5th Sign with a Ruling Planet of the Sun
6) Leo = Sign of Sex and Self
7) II = II/Gemini Symbol (Sign of Communication)
8) VII = Sun(God) Communication
9) A = 1st Letter (I in Roman Numerals)
10) G in A = God in God
11) L = 12th Letter (Time)
12) Y = Male Chromosome (5 x 5 as the 25th Letter)
13) NN = N/Nature x II/Gemini
14) Lynn = Time Male(Father Time) Nature Communication
15) Gina Lynn = God in God of Father Time Nature Communication
Even when you chose "GForce31" as a name, it's significant because G is God. Force is God. 31 is for C(3) A(1), which is for California or the Female God.
One of the misconceptions that people have about God is that God is Female. Actually she possesses both male and female genitilia being more of a hermaphrodite, but in the final phase, the Sun as God in our Solar System using the gravitation forces (G Forces) is a female.
That's why there's a joke on how she, as the Sun, is an "Adult Star." That's why Leo is the Sign of Sex and Self. The Sun is one big fiery ovum in the Sky.
I've been doing a lot of research and you'll find that many of the adult stars like Tera Patrick (a Leo) have God-Like names not even realizing it.
The whole reason why Sex was promoted 2,000 years ago as a Sin and terrible is because the cumulative intelligence of humankind back then had not developed reasoning capabilities, Math, Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Politics, or Sociology.
If it had been taught 2,000 years ago that Sex was actually a good thing, it would've screwed up the Balance of Life because everyone would just fuck all the time. It would've screwed up the intellectual evolutionary stage of needing to breed the scientists and philosophers that would go on to develop the other areas of the human mind. We'd all be like 3rd World Countries living in poverty with overpopulation problems and no socioeconomic system to balance it out.
That's why I always tell people in the Adult Industry to take pride in their work and not listen to the criticisms or negativity of religious fanatics or those who oppose sex.
All that's asked of the people of Earth is that they be socially responsible when it comes to Sex avoiding unwanted pregnancy that leads to bad upbringing that creates people that contribute to crime and lower the standards of society.