Серфинг по просторам интернета был долгим и утомительным. Итак, можно ли кормить грудью при приеме метронидазола? Бросаю ссылки, цитаты, все, что нашла. А Вы уже сами. Я решила продолжить кормление.
Ответ акушерки из Вашингтона Кэрол Гучи:
http://www.drugs.com/breastfeeding/metronidazole.htmlMost believe it is okay while breastfeeding. Make sure he gets bifidus into his body after you are done with the medicine and also while you take it! YOU Eat yogurt and cultured foods to preserve your own and in turn his good
intestinal bacteria! Take probiotics! After it has done its work - Drink lots of water to get it out of your system
as soon as possible!
Борьба титанов "за" и "против" в "малышах"
http://malyshi.livejournal.com/3348687.html Справочник ВОЗ: "по возможности, не назначайте. Если назначается разовый прием 2-х граммов препарата, желательно прервать кормление грудью на 12 часов".
Классификация FDA:
http://www.aafp.org/afp/20010701/119.htmlMetronidazole (Flagyl) is rated by the AAP as a drug whose effect on infants is unknown, but it may be of concern because older studies found its use in pregnancy to be associated with mutagenicity.6 Nevertheless, the amount transferred to the infant through breast milk is much lower than the therapeutic dosage for infants, and no adverse effects have been reported from exposure through breast milk.3 Following a 2-g dose, cessation of breast-feeding for 12 to 24 hours is recommended by the AAP.3,6
Таким образом, метронидазол используется при лечении инфекций у младенцев.
У Хейла логика такая: http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic435.htmDrug Name
Metronidazole (Flagyl, Protostat) -- Imidazole ring-based antibiotic active against various anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. Used in combination with other antimicrobial agents (except for C difficile enterocolitis).
Pediatric Dose Infants and children:
Oral: 30 mg/kg/d PO divided q6-8h
Dr. Newman также считает, что метронидазол безопасен при ГВ, также полагаясь на то, что его часто дают младенцам:
http://www.bflrc.com/newman/handouts/0501-HO09a-You_Should_Continue_Breastfeeding_1.htm Вот перепечатка editorial из журнала © Canadian Family Physician 2000;46:1053-4:
http://www.motherisk.org/updates/index.php?id=328 Breastfeeding
Most drugs are excreted into breast milk in small amounts (ie, less than 5% of the motherís dose corrected for the infantís body weight) and are generally considered safe to use because it is thought that full-term infants can handle that amount of drug. Use of metronidazole during breastfeeding has been controversial, however, probably because it is excreted into breast milk in relatively large amounts, up to 20%. Despite this, there have been no reports of adverse effects on breastfed infants of mothers who took metronidazole.9 Furthermore, in a group of 12 mothers who received 400 mg of metronidazole three times daily and breastfed their babies, no adverse reactions were seen in any of the babies.10