Jun 01, 2003 02:05
I have come to a crossroad in life, and… as I stand here, with a pack of smokes in one hand. And a backpack of cloths slipping from the other. I read the signs. One an arrow that says, “Destiny”. The other arrow reads “Unknown”. Two signs, two directions, one step. But to what direction, the “Destiny” all ready set out, like a picnic, complete with a picket fence and a dog. Or a step to “Unknown” possibly filled with hurt and suffering, like a bad dream that can get no worse, but yet always finds a way. The decision racks my brain. I look down both streets, only blackness. I think hard… I regrip the backpack my body tightens… It starts to rain… funny thing, again I look down the street of “Destiny”… a nice looking woman, but she is crying… why… she… She is standing over something, a body, limp, and I start to step, but before I do, I think… Its changed… I have to look, I turn my head, “unknown” my foot drops to its origin… now my decision get harder. Cover, a place for a sleepy traveler to rest his head, out of the cold and rain. But the woman, and the body, I want to see, I have to see. As I walk past the sign “Destiny” my legs start to hurt, as I near the body, I feel a great pain in my chest, and a twinge of pain surges through me… I turn around wanting to go back. But there is no back now, I have to keep going forward, I take another step, my eyes start to burn, I feel worm tears start to well up. I close them and think… what’s wrong with me? I open them and take another step, the body draws nearer. Soon I see, the man hasn’t been killed, hit by a car, there is blood every where, but he still breaths. The pain hits me again, and I cry out, when the pain slip sides, I notice the woman has not seen me, or she chooses to not, with another step a new pain comes, I drop to me knees and close my eyes, calling out, feeling the rain harden brings me back, I open my eyes, only to be… to be… looking in to the woman’s. It’s not raining, but I feel the wet, its tears… her tears, hitting my face… but how… I went to “Destiny” only a moment ago, I was standing there, looking at the body, and now… was this MY “Destiny”?