if ignorance is bliss, than why are you so sad?

May 15, 2003 20:14

Wow, that was uncalled for... Im over it. Fuck off, them there are fighting words. fuck off, the race has started. fuck off, SINNER. FUCK OFF, please dont cuss around me! fuck off, Ahhh nope, FUCK OFF, not even if you paid me! FUCK OFF! *sniff Sniff* you dont have to be so hard on me. FUCK OFF! OKAY. FUCK OFF! no thanks! FUCK OFF,... *CRACK!* FUCK OFF! well... OKAY! FUCK OFF!, ASSHOLE! FUCK OFF, sounds good hows tomorrow work for you? FUCK OFF, NOW...how about now! FUCK OFF, OK, ill be back in 10

So today was a real good day. I came to school and felt like shit. and went to secound and third. then i skipped 4th to take a nap, but on my way I see hayle, who is also about to skip, so she comes over, and i want to take a nap, but i cant sit still, so im bouncing around like theres nothing wrong with me, but then i decide im hungry and BBQ some hotdogs. and then sit and watch TV, but so secound lunch is about to start, and she wants to get a salad, so we go to top foods. we start playing the word game, where you say a word over and over tell it sounds wrong, it was sooo funny. as I sit here, Ive found out that the reason i was hyper, the mind has over riden the body to think there is nothing wrong, FUN SHIT! I dont feel much... I did the knife test, DIDNT FEEL SHIT! it was cool, so I have a lot of home work to do, tonight, and I have a sleeping pill to take at 10 GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP FOR ME! who am i kidding, sleeping comes during school, and thats how it is. but on a lighter note, I got prom off from work, so ashley we dont have to eat dinner at TARGET!, I know, i know your all broken up about that, but we will find some place nice to go! mark my words. im talking to Odell about sci Fi lit, and the fact that our teacher thinks he is being essy on us, when in all cases he is not, he told me flat out, that it would be watching movies, and having class disscussions about them, so far, a 300 page book, a 550page book, 25 future articals, and 1 pressure write, with a min. of 2 more. people dont take SCI FI, unless you WANT TO, i was unsure, and now i want out. Ashley you should not go to school, untill you feel 100% So just a Litte FYI, Im going to buying a new snowboard, so I will be selling, my old, board, and binding, please, if you would like to purches it let me know. you can come by and take a look at it. I dont know if I ever brought this up, but this season was pittifull, I got up Jack amount of times, it was straight up bull shit! but what ever, i pussed out a few times, so that sucks, I was tought some people how to ride, Never again, or at least not untill another cute girl want to learn. this is the randome entry, but a few weeks ago, i found my lava lamp, and got it wokring again, the only thing that was wrong with it, besides being unpluged, was the fact that i had taken out the light, stupid me. I thin im going to buy the matrix game, it look for sure tight. I feel empty, i think its becasue i just took one long Piss. :) oh droo bly let me barrow his cool boards 2001 game, its tight, i played some vids to relax tonight, Man i have not done that in a while, it felt good. just like old times, when i was not stressed out about home work. Well, this weekend, i think im going to get together with my friends, does that sounds nice or what. so if you would like to hang out, please call my cell phone. and if im not there, leve a message for me. Thanks!

Have you ever wondered if what the world would be like if objects had feeling, like if you stubed your toe, and in anger you hit the door, what if the door could hit you back. I for one, would be one beat up person, yeah i know what some of you out there are thinking, FUCK HIM!, yeah you know what i say, FINE, but nothing in life is free, and just keep that in mind, so here the part where im going to rant for a few lines.

So here my beef today, im driving home from robbys, and Im getting on the free way, and this old guy in frount of me, comes to a complete stop, on the merge lane, so like 5 cars have to stop, its so fucking annoying, then when we do get on the Free way, he drives like 45 in the fast lane, and wont move over, i could have screamed, but I didnt, that took some controll, another thing that pisses me off, is rotten fruit, It pisses me off, you buy some nice looking froit in the store and it seems like before you even get home, its gone bad, next time i go to get some, ill sit and eat, half of it, there, so i dont get screwed out of all my money, only half, more beef, washingtons fucked up weather, i poped out of bed this morning to find it looking like a beatiful spring day, SHORTS, by 3rd per. i was frozen, I was turing purple on my way home from school, it was no good. it was 80 only a few days ago, today its damn neer snowing today. fuck that.

3Well that was a nice little rant. now onto what else is going on today.

So i guess i have to take ashley mom to prom as well... that should be fun! but i dont have to dance with her, but i have to pay for dinner, and the extra ticket....Ashley I hope you were joking.

This is turing out to be one long, entry... some may say pointless, but not me! I feel that this is a good way to vent my anger, and stress. so if you would like to read on, go for it, other wise, i bid you farewell.

So you know what i was thinkning, fuck taking the sleeping pill tonight, ill take it tomorrow night after i chill after work, and then i can sleep late saterday that will be fucking great, it will be fucking grand. I was thining a few games of bowling would be in order saterday, any one any one. let me know. I want to be done with this project for sci fi. hows that sound. Maybe that should be my conclusion, for the whole thing, FUCK THIS THING, IM OUT.

P.S. Im sorry I said, Fuck 22 times fuck... 23 pluse the one befor 23 so i guess its 24 times. Oh well fuck'em
25 :)

Some people are mean... and then there houses get FIRE BOMBED!
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