Aug 23, 2002 06:25
Hello,.....I guess I might aswell not even have a journal,no more than I write in it...It seems like the more that go's on in life,the less we have to tell about it..For some reason I cant seem to think of nothing to write about,or that even sparks my intrest these days...One of the reasons is probably me being fed up with the way people are acting towards one another lately...For instance...I have been going to town "Staunton" now for some four years or better,to hang out with friends...But now all that seems to happen when I go there is someone fighting for no aparent reason,over stupid stuff like "Im the owner of this parking lot,and what I say go's",or even more stupid..."Over a freak'n girl that no one is actually dateing,but a girl that everyone seems to like at the same time"...The only reason that Im writing about this,is because I can find nothing better to write about besides gripe'n about the way people act...I sure hope things shape up around here,or atleast in my life anyhow,or Im prolly not gonna write anymore...I hate to do that,but I miss writing about the good things that happen in my life,and the only good things I can seem to write about are my rodeo adventures...But to tell you the truth,...There is alot more to me than rodeo,and I would like to write about other things of importance aswell...If the only thing that I can find good in life is my rodeo,and the only things that I write about are the good things,then it would be a pretty boreing journal concidering it would only consist of one topic now wouldnt it??? Signing out> JOSH