I came across
Chat-fu today and it seems awesome. Basically what it does is, it takes any kind of conversation (chat sessions, written ones...usual addabaji) and then transforms it into a comic-strip with retro looking characters. Like, this is a strip made up of a chat session I had yesterday with a friend of mine in Marylin (no, there's no
monroe in it) .
Now its time for some great shots through a well-rendered viewpoint. These snaps are by GMB Akash, a AHEM! talented artist who was probably send to be born in BD by mistake..because so far his works have remained dormant/unscathed, where as they should have received greater recognition. I stole these pics from
mayamrigo , because after all stealing is what we have to cope with right after our birth (eg : stats indicate that 1 in 14 newborn babies are stolen and sold everyday in BD, thats ok...cause where 9 babies are born every minute, you do consider them expendable..much like used up tofu). Anyways, I think both shots are pretty damn well made. Especially since he has been successful in pointing out the two major aneroxic-shit of bd, population-related problems and social-mutation.
It should also be noted that his photographs depict what is the reality in BD, they are no media-stunts. Infact, those of you who might scream "EEWEE.... grose" when I say that one of the biggest drug/crack/smoosh/broom dump of Dhaka is in and around the Dhaka Medical College and teh Nearby "Chankharpool" area , you should know that someone need not to defy the laws of physics in order to see parallel universes. They are right here..and they co-exist side-by-side, in the street of BD, and to see them not "EYE OF THE BEHOLDER" is needed.
And now at the very end....here are some Wise-words from my "
Adam's-Apple" (FYI, the tangent of the slope is 43 degrees)
Cough...cough...Lets start off with
Optical-Mouse hacking....don't throw out that piece of your PC when you'r done screwing with it. Now onto the human body, remember homicidal activities are for persians (fire-worshipping piece of crap)..you need to preserve your
veins just incase you need to use them for authentication someday. Next on is a Scientific Way to score in the "
LOOVEE GAME" (not in the context of BD though....here creating impression requires an unprecedented level of subtlety and locomotion)