So I paid a visit to my dear old..old..old home last week. I've rarely had any time to spare this year (eg: six prolong monthes of exam, suicidal road-crossing, enansiomer and bangla probondho), so when I was told " Jaba naki?" I was like "Fucking Hell yeah, why not.". So I set off for a gay country-side destination ( for beginners though, Dhaka is so overly decorated with neon junk that any other city might look like a house-maid in ted turner's/abdullah-al-aman's delux sulpher rich-bath). called Mymensigh. No dudes, its not in mexico, it doesn't have a silicone industry, it does have a rich history and a rich piece-of-shit local representative on the parliment and is nearing its demise as the "(once) Educational center of BD". Named after some random hindu jamindar, this city used to be our home for 12 years (until my dad retired as a fool who 1) won't take a bribe 2)Is too honoured to be a ME Engg 3) Thinks being a teacher is close to being a god 4) Thought it was his duty to safe-guard the money that Bangladesh Bank alloted for the initial dev of Bangladesh Agriculture University). Anyhow, like always..Mymensingh hasn't changed a bit...the same old filth, the same old "tajmahal road" where prostituion goes on by night and The City Governor takes his office by day (hee hee...I love bd, for it provides sarcasm that defys fiction and its polit-principle), same old under developed roads/houses/admin buildings, same old concentration of overly decorated and malformed sweet-shops (not sweat). There's this old river called "Brahmaputra" or the son of a pimp-god named "Brahmaputra" (I've nothing against Hinduism , but having sex with angels in numerical series and producing offsprings like a river, a mountain, a subaru with 4WD, a spiked gyroscope doesn't really suit a god. When I last saw Brahmaputra, it was nearly dead, I wonder what the fuck is it still doing out here? I mean sure once it had a 40 feet deep river bed, an abundance of fish, rich fresh-water shurbs and lifeforms, acinid mammals (called "SHUSHUK", looks like dolphines, but are bangladeshi in nature..meaning they are naughty like satan's half-sister) etc. But hey, there's better things chromium, human secreatory materials, anthrasin , tetramethyl-di ammin mercuric acetate, dead featus, dead village ladies (killed in rapes, family tension, superstition, acid burn and usual stuff like big deal), sand, lack of co-ordination etc. So why should this shit-river stay alive? Or should I say nearly alive... Anyhow, check out these poses I took while on this trip. Yeah, I'm no Colin Ferrel, but hey..I don't wanna be any pimp either.
There were lotsa other fun moments too...but they would appear rathar "uncool" to some who are accostomed to a different lifestyle. I'm not :). Lets sign out today with a word from she-hulk.
She hulk says, to stay the fuck off bangladeshi chat rooms at yahoo (
This is why) . Because usually they are full of 1) Geek pervs from *U*T(omg) 2) Pervs from UK 3)Pervs who have nothing else to do but to read about
how stalin tried to inseminate human females with apes to make the ultimate army of apes ( no wonder I hate commies and everything belonging to their cult) 4) Any wannabe web-protege just stepping into the web-world looking for love+porn (
World of Warcraft see's all, speaks all)+chatting+being a moron. She-hulk also advices you people to check out those hyperlinks in blue.They will conjure wisdom far beyond the usual morphology.
(This is not a markup deformity, I just though this snippet of HTML would look cool)