May 07, 2008 06:17
I woke up this morning, about half an hour ago, to the uncanny feeling I was forgetting something important. To which I realized: Holy fuck I'm retarded! I totally forgot about my dad's bday yesterday... fucking A!!! What an asshole am I! I've become waaaaay to dependent on Facebook to remind me about birthdays and with the chaos of school right now----- wow.
Way bad form, Smith, bad form.
but beyond me being a total dipstick, there are a meager eleven days before graduation and it's looming large... I have finals, some papers, and then suddenly, I'll be walking across a stage, never to return! Balls!
I have a new home in the valley, Vanowen and Woodman area, if that means anything to anyone. It's a working class hispanic neighborhood and we live in a nice, gated, cool building- completely furnished by craig's list and some fandangling. It looks nice, we have a futon, leather couch, coffee table, bookshelf, entertainment center... it's a big studio apartment, upper rear.
More to say, but the overwhelming guilt is getting to me. I'm gonna call my dad.