Jun 19, 2010 01:02
- 00:21 has just finished hacking his HTC Desire. It now has no Tel$travel junk on it at all! #
- 09:42 is this crazy? is.gd/cTwAj #
- 11:16 is apparently near @grum house.. #
- 11:18 @ jasonjordan have you rooted and de-Tel$trafied that HTC Desire yet? #
- 11:20 @ grum I'm in Bayswater having my car gas serviced #
- 11:59 @ sammyjay86 desire desire desire!!! #
- 15:50 @ grum just got food at McDonald's maylands #
- 15:50 @ sammyjay86 it is the native HTC app #
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