Oct 24, 2009 02:51
I am so over health care. Its dead to me. Dead. I have mine, so who cares about all those "other" unlucky people. We know who they really are. I’ll take a cue from my conservative friends and fain moral outrage at all those bleeding hearts who want to prop up these no good, degenerates who refuse to use their faculties and take care of themselves. I'm looking at you, bunch of lazy: children /senior citizens /small business employee who can’t justify taking food out of their child's mouth in order to have the luxury of health care! Get a job, losers!
How can we afford to pay for the insurance of all these bums, when we already pay for that anyway with government subsidies to offset the expense of the insurance companies! If we had a public option, think of how much less fun creditors would have, not being able to ruin peoples lives. That is a sick world, my friends.
You know who I feel sorry for? The Corporations. Yeah, that’s right I said it! Every day, these virtuous institutions uphold our wonderful system called Cannibalism… um I mean Capitalism. And what a perfect system, a virtual gold standard! These titans of industries led by their wall street CEO’s work diligently everyday on our behalf... with a team of marketing consultants to try and find new patterns of manipulating our psyche into buying products and services we don’t need. They have given us a great opportunity (walmart) by allowing us to provide them with our hard earned, and seriously devalued money and leaving us with a shallow, craven lust for material wealth that often borderlines on disgusting. It also doubles as a convenient way to measure our self worth!
Meanwhile these pinhead Washington liberals want to regulate the markets. Say What? They have the gall to try and enact “regulation” - or what some may commonly refer to as LAWS, which prevent things like, you know - criminal activities, price fixing, lead in your Cheerio’s, selling guns to toddlers, etc. Can you believe that? What a bunch of morons! I don’t want any laws telling my bank how they can and can’t steal my money and or property! I mean, can’t we just use the honor system? It is painfully obvious that companies driven by profit always have the best intentions of the people they serve in mind. With products like the Big Mac, cigarettes, lawn darts and the Snuggie who can argue with that truth?
Who in their right mind would want to elect a person, representative of our interests, and see them allow a non-profit entity such as the government to meddle around with the invisible forces of the market? OUTRAGEOUS! We should be giving corporations tax breaks instead… because that is proven to lead to job growth… in other less expensive countries… But mostly because they will inevitably find the loopholes necessary to exploit the law anyway.
So what is the REAL socialist agenda here you ask? To redistribute the wealth! If by wealth you mean redistributing the wealth of opportunity that has been stripped from the hands of hard working, ordinary Americans trying to make a decent living but watching their wages and job opportunities decrease instead. Cry me a river! You want to work a blue collar job and make what? 10 bucks an hour with health care!!?! Zing Yoo will work 50 hours a week for a potato. Get serious! Oh and all you would be entrepreneurs complaining that you can’t keep your small business solvent just because, Unicorp is
A. Stealing your intellectual propertiy
B. Forcing you out of the market with a team of OJ lawyers
C. Opting to buy you out for pennies on the dollar, so they can rake it in! Cha-Ching!
Stop whining! This is the greatest country on earth so learn to live with an outrageously disproportionate wealth system or leave!
If you don’t know how to invest your money, that’s not my fault. I am part of the investment class and I am arrogant enough to think I know how to make my money work for me. I can proudly say that even though I lost roughly 60% of my savings in the sharp economic downturn due to the manipulation of manufactured boom/bust cycles brought on by the banking / insurance industry, I have never been one to complain. Ok, in retrospect, maybe for the average person, managing their own retirement is a TERRIBLE idea equivalent to going scuba diving slathered in chum… and maybe 401ks weren’t the most lucrative replacement for those totally square, but totally reliable pension funds that made our grandparents lives comfortable, but hey… is it my company’s responsibility to take care of me just because I dedicated a life of service to them, 40 hours a week for 35 years! Hell NO, commie! I ain't looking for no hand out.
You know whose fault this is? The liberal Government in power for the last 10 months. You see, they made the government into one big wasteful bureaucracy. That leads to tax increases and also impedes on the private sector. Why charge us all this money when the private sector can do it cheaper and less expensive. For example, I don’t want my tax dollars going toward new roads. I would much rather have private companies build my roads so I can pay 1.50 each way, every day for ever.
And look at unemployment now, we sure don’t need any more government jobs. Everyone I know who works for the government HATES it. I mean, sure you have things like benefits, retirement, yearly wages, holidays, and a contribute to our national interest (UNPATRIOTIC!)… but it must really bum them out knowing the socialist agenda they support each and every day while earning a living.
Now look at the private sector, it is flawless. A lean, mean, fighting machine. Anytime you have a problem with your product, you can call them right up and get perfect service after being transferred 2 times, disconnected 1 time, and then finally speak to Raj… I mean Roger in “Kansas”. For a surcharge. And talk about people that can balance the budget, the private sector is so good at it, that they hire special accountants who can improve their numbers through a financial practice called MAGIC! That way they can hemorrhage away all their capital on the executive staff and supplement the losses by conducting rolling layoffs to pad the fact that they are running themselves into the ground every quarter. SUCCESS STORY!
Well, which is it? Do you want to fix an elected government that has been bought, paid for, hijacked and raped by the private sector for more than 40 years? Or do we continue to put our faith in the very system of unfettered capitalism that vaguely reflects the principles this country was founded upon and has been so pervasively caustic? Sorry, that’s not a question, because really, that’s your only choice. I mean, if we can’t get the cops to do their jobs, then we might as well give the crooks all the tools they need, right?
We know America is number 1, except when we talk about how it isn’t anymore. It just isn’t like what it used to be when we didn’t talk publicly about how run down everything was becoming. Well now that it is, we certainly have found our voices. The one lasting virtue of freedom is that you can simply blame someone else for why all the problems began.