Amazon Rank?

Apr 12, 2009 21:11

Because I'm lazy, I'm just c&p'ing. (Actually, I'm working, tired, and thinking about gay rights and American Idol, and composing an essay in my head on the two - so really, more occupied and preoccupied than lazy. Still...)

Amazon Rank.

And Amazon certainly is 'rank' at the moment. The short version is:
Amazon seems to be stripping the sales figures and accompanying rankings from GLBTQ books, erotica, and romance novels, particularly those with what they term “adult content.” Authors such as Jaci Burton, Maya Banks, Larissa Ione and Stephanie Tyler have reported that since being stripped of their sales rankings, their titles are no longer found in searches on MetaWriter is also compiling a list of titles that have been stripped of their sales rank.

When pressed for a reason,’s customer service department told YA author Mark Probst:

In consideration of our entire customer base, we exclude “adult” material from appearing in some searches and best seller lists. Since these lists are generated using sales ranks, adult materials must also be excluded from that feature.

Quoted from SmartBitchesTrashyBooks. Read the whole story there.

Also to do? Google Bomb them. Post this: Amazon Rank in your journal. (Just at is, the link address is: Make sure the link text is "Amazon Rank.")

social justice, rare public post, using the internet for good

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