WoBioBlog: How Many is Too Many?

Feb 02, 2009 03:01

Unless you've been hiding under a rock this last week, you're aware of the octuplets born to California single mom Nadya Suleman, and the intense ethical debate surrounding her pregnancy. Even before it was revealed that she has six other children (apparently all from IVF, although details are a bit fuzzy), medical experts were ready to lynch the IVF specialist who implanted that many embryos into Ms. Suleman. And since then, the information that has come out has been more and more dismaying. The problem is, much of the information coming out is still speculation, and few solid facts are known. This makes it difficult to do more than speculate and contribute to the signal to noise ratio, which at the moment is definitely loudly on the side of noise.

So rather than continue to discuss the particulars of Ms. Suleman's case, which will have to be dissected in its own due time, I want to open to forum to a related question that has been repeated in the discussion of her story: how many children is too many children?
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wobioblog, bioethics, blog, women's bioethics blog

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