You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Seven

Mar 18, 2012 14:08

Summary:Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new best friend, that may think of him as more also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Coffee Shop Soundtrack-All Time Low
A/N: At the End


Chapter Seven

Alex woke the next morning with a major headache. He noticed he wasn't in his own bed and that it was empty. He was really confused and couldn't really remember what had happened the night before, just that he had been to Ben Bruce's party, Jack had come...and that Jack was pissed at him.

He just couldn't remember why. Damn this fucking hangover, it was one of the worst he had ever had.

After a few minutes of lying in Jack's bed trying to remember what had happened, why Jack was pissed, and wishing more than anything that this headache would go away. Soon he realised that there was clanging and music coming from upstairs, that was probably where Jack was then.

He slowly stood up, and started to make his way upstairs. It was just he and Jack in the house because Jack's mom was at work all day on Sundays. A lot of the clanging and the louder-than-should-be-legal music was coming from the kitchen so Alex went there, each step a struggle and each note of music piercing his brain like a knife.

He poked his head in the doorway. He was right, it was Jack. He seemed to be making a large breakfast consisting of horribly shaped pancakes, sausages, and well, pretty much anything he could find, he cooked when he was in a mood. He was also singing along to the music in his horrible voice that Alex usually thought was the most adorable thing ever but not right now, right now it was killing his head. He needed to put a stop to this.

He clutched his head between his hands and yelled "Jaaaaaaacccckk! Pleease! For my head's sake turn down the music!"

He jumped and looking at Alex eyes wide with surprise, then they turned to slits. 'Oh yeah, he's pissed.' Alex thought, hoping that even though Jack wanted to punch him,for some reason, he would still turn down the music. He did.

"Thanks so much." Alex said and gave him a smile that just oozed relief. Jack didn't reply just turned around and went back to his breakfast making.

Alex sighed because he knew Jack could hold a grudge and he really just didn't want to deal with pissy Jack. He was going to have to try and reason with him.

"Jack, look. I know that you're mad at me and I probably deserve it because you don't get mad at me easily, but I can't remember what I did so could you please just put the anger on hold or something until I do remember or just another day. I'm sorry for whatever it was."

The younger boy didn't turn around for a few minutes just went back to cooking.

Alex sighed. Suddenly Jack mumbled something.

"Have some coffee, it's apparently good for hangovers."

The older boy scrunched up his nose, he didn't really like coffee, it was too bitter, he would prefer a nice cup of tea any day. Which, of course, made him want tea so he went to make some. On his way to the kettle, much to Alex's surprise, Jack said something else,  "Here. Considering I know that you hate coffee, take one of these, they're good for hangovers too."

He chucked the bottle of aspirin at Alex and he caught it.

"So, do you have a hangover too then?" Alex asked, kinda just making conversation because it seemed like Jack was talking to him again.

"No. I don't" He replied suddenly sounding pissed as hell again.

"Um...ok? How'd you know that I'd have one then?" He asked warily. Jack yelling at him was weirdly kinda making his memory come back.

"Really?!" Jack asked sounding surprised, "I don't know, I guess I just figured that what you did last night would leave you with a giant headache."

Suddenly Alex's memory came flooding back and he remembered what he did last night. 'Oh. My. God. I did marijuana. Fuck. No. No. No. '

Jack saw Alex's eyes widen and he knew that he was finally remembering what he did last night.

His face was unnaturally pale and he looked like he was gonna pass out.

"Jack. Jack, I'm so sorry. I-Ben, he offered and I-Well I couldn't say no, I mean he was the host of the entire party and one of the coolest kids there! I won't do it again, I don't wanna end up like my brother."

He whispered the last sentence almost to himself but Jack still heard it. The younger boy just stood there staring at Alex. He looked so horrible and full of regret. He just wanted to wrap his arms around him, kiss his forehead, and tell him everything would be all right. But he couldn't. It wasn't really the fact that Alex had done drugs, it was the fact that he had repeatedly told, no promised Jack that he wouldn't and he did anyway. It hurt.

"Look Alex. Its okay, it's good that you feel bad about it because that means you won't do it again. Right?" Jack said with his arms crossed over his chest to look tough, and maybe prevent him from being all soft and hugging Alex like he wanted to.

"Right. I don't want to get into that stuff, next time I'll say no. It probably won't be the host offering it so it'll be fine if I say no." He said sounding as if he were reassuring himself more than Jack.

'All right,' Jack thought 'He's suffered enough.'

"Okay good. Now, eat something, I've made way too much again and it'll probably be good for that headache."

Alex didn't reply just stood staring at the floor. Jack finally hugged him.
He said softly in his ear, "Hey. It's okay Alex. It was just once, you know better now. You're fine."

Alex nodded, "I guess you're right. Okay, what did you make then?"

Jack told him and they talked about the party while eating, both deciding to leave out the bit at the end.


A/N: Idk this chapter's pretty much a filler because I haven't updated in about a week. I seem to be writing myself into a corner so it's kinda hard for me to think of what to write next, but I hope the next chapter is better!
Thanks for reading, please comment!(:

jalex, fanfiction, jack barakat, all time low, bandom, alex gaskarth

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