You Are The Only Exception, And I'm On My Way To Believing One-Shot

Feb 23, 2012 12:35

Summary: Jack has always had doubts about love, can Alex change that?
Disclaimer: I don't own them, yada yada yada. Title goes to The Only Exception- Paramore<3
A/N: At the end

'To Whom It May Concern,

Love. Its a small word, only four letters, and yet its all people seem to talk about, to think about, to dream about. I used to wish for it too, back when I was young and naive. I grew up watching films and reading books, each with a happy ending. Each filled with wishes of "true love".

Every time I read one of those though, it just made me think this thing called love cant be real. It's written about so often that it cant be real. Its like magic, just something told to children and foolish people to make them happy. It cant be true though. Only fools believe in it.

I became hopeful, wishing it to be true but knowing that it couldn't and laughing at the fools that thought it was. Sure, you can be happy with another person, can be attracted to them, but love? No. That's a myth.

The reason I'm writing this letter to anyone is to let them know. To tell you all that its foolish and to stop kidding yourself. Love isn’t real.

I know. I know from experience.

I recently met a man that almost had me believing. You might have said that he was my only exception to these anti-love thoughts that I always had. That maybe he would disprove all of my pessimistic thoughts. Apparently, this was too good to be true and the experience only made me certain that love couldn't exist. For me, almost being tricked into believing in this dream just made me sure that it couldn't be true.

I met the man named Alex at my work. I work at a record shop and he talked to me about our music tastes. We got talking and I learned that had just moved to town. He started to come into my work everyday after that. My friend Evan told me that he didn't think that he came back everyday for the music.

Later, I found this was true. Alex asked me out and I decided to say yes, I don't have anything against dating or boyfriends for that matter, it was love that I didn't go for.

After that first date we started going on more dates. We spent so much time together, we soon learned everything about each other, we were closer than the best of friends.

We kissed and fooled around and I was happy, I really liked that kid.

Then he had to go and ruin it all. Ruin everything.

"I love you Jack." The four words that had our relationship go downhill. About six months in as we were lying on my couch making out he got this look in his eyes and said those four words.

I stared at him and said "You know how I feel about love." Because he did. I had told him many times.

Whether this was crying at a sad sappy film and saying I wish such a thing could be real or finishing a book and dreaming of this fantasy. But it was just that. A fantasy.

He told me then that he knew, he really did, but he was going to show me that love was true. And that he did in fact feel it for me. I told him that he was kidding himself and refused to say it back. Alex didn't mind though and our relationship continued.

A couple months later, after Alex trying countlessly and as hard as he could, I saw it. I believed. I told Alex that I think I do love him. Those words made him so happy that he started to cry.

Our relationship was flawless for a while after, having finally seen that love was true, I gave Alex everything. Stupidly.

You see, letter reader, I was a fool for thinking I believed because Alex went out one night and slept with someone. I found out and yelled at him. I didn't understand, Alex loved me and I loved him.

Why would he try so hard to make me believe if he was just gonna fuck around? He broke down into tears, said he was crazy drunk and it didn't mean anything, I was the one he loved, no one else and that the thought that he had slept with someone else made him sick.

I didn't believe him. I knew then that I had it right from the beginning. Love was a myth.

I told him so, then ran out of the house, yelling at him to never speak to me again and that we were done. I slammed the door hearing him break down into uncontrollable sobs before I ran home.

And now here we are. That was two weeks ago and I know that love never has existed. And now I hate Alex for making me believe otherwise, even for a little while.

And here's my message for you to take home.

Never be tricked into feeling "love."

-Jack Barakat'

Jack sat there and stared at the letter he has just written. There were tear stains all over the letter because he had poured his heart out, which was really hard for Jack. He didn't know who he would send the letter to, would probably choose a random address and send it. He just knew it had to be sent to someone.

Suddenly he heard a quick knock on the door, who the fuck would visit him at two in the morning? Especially when there was an insane thunder and lightning storm going on. He felt a sharp pang, Alex had always been scared of these. He quickly pushed the thought back and went to get the door.

It was the last person that he had expected. The golden haired boy standing outside was soaked through and shivering, he didn't look at all like he cared about whether he got sick.

Jack didn't say anything except a simple, "What?"

Alex looked Jack right in the eyes and said, "Jack Bassam Barakat. I came here tonight at two in the morning in the middle of a crazy fucking storm to prove a point. Even though you know that I hate storms more than anything in the world I walked here even though I live thirty minutes walking distance away, even though there was a chance that you wouldn't care or let me in and I'd have to walk thirty minutes back, I still came. Even though you might tell me that you don't care about me and shatter my heart, I still came. I fucking love you. I don't care that you don't believe in true love, it is true. The only reason that you want to give us up is because I made one stupid mistake, a mistake that I haven't regretted since in happened! If you don't take me back I don't know what it is I'll do with myself! You are my everything! You are the air that I breathe, the only thought in my head! And maybe you're right Jack, maybe love doesn't exist, between anyone else. But I'M right when I say that what we have? That's true love. We're true love. You're my soul mate Jack."

Alex took in a deep breath as Jack just stood there. He took a minute to really listen to what Alex had to say, opened his mouth and nothing came out.

He knew then that Alex was one hundred percent right. Jack didn't believe in love. He believed in love with Alex. Alex was his soul mate.

Alex jumped then as a really big crash of thunder sounded.

Jack's attention went back to Alex. The only way he responded was to attack Alex with a kiss that showed everything he felt.

After that amazing kiss Jack said to Alex, "Alex. I still one hundred percent believe that love doesn't exist."


"Let me finish!"

Alex looked at him hurt plain on his face, Jack knew his next words would change that,
"But you Alex? You're my only exception."


A/N: I don't really know how I feel about this, it kinda rambles and I'm really bad at making things cute and romantic, oh well. I also feel like its horribly depressing in the middle, again oh well! Thanks for reading!

jalex, jack barakat, all time low, bandom, fan fiction, alex gaskarth

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