I Said A Hundred Thousand Things That I Could Never Say This Morning [One-Shot]

Jun 16, 2013 09:27

Summary:"For some reason that Jack couldn't tell, Alex was always affected as if he was drunk when he was sleepy. As soon as it got into the early hours of the night, the blonde would just start talking and wouldn't stop until Jack could coax him to sleep."
Disclaimer: Just a lot of made up events thrown together for entertainment purposes. Title goes to From Ritz To Rubble-Arctic Monkeys, Cut goes to Stomach Tied In Knots-Sleeping With Sirens
A/N: At the end

One Shot Masterpost

"Jack, I have to tell you something."

The boy that had been addressed sighed dramatically smiling crookedly all the while. Alex was always telling him things on their sleepovers when he got really tired. These things ranged from things that Jack already knew, such as "I got a D- on my Bio test and told my parents it was a C+ shhh", to thing that the boy probably shouldn't have wanted to know but were really amusing, such as "A couple nights ago, I had this really bad wet dream to that show about the friends".

For some reason that Jack couldn't tell, Alex was always affected as if he was drunk when he was sleepy. As soon as it got into the early hours of the night, the blonde would just start talking and wouldn't stop until Jack could coax him to sleep. The mornings of their sleepovers, Alex would always ask his friend if he'd said anything worth noting an generally Jack would answer no. That was the other thing about the blonde's late night jargon; he never really remembered what it was that he had said.

"Seriously, Jack. This is important! Alex whined. It was always "important".

The other boy put on an air of seriousness, "Right. Important. Go on then, Alexander." Once, the boy had said that the loved it when Jack called him by his full name. Further validating this, he giggled.

A moment or two later, Alex began another installment of his late night "confessions". Jack sat there smiling at him, ready for the usual babble about video games or hot actors.

The older boy cleared his throat, giggling a little bit another time before speaking, "Jack, I've loved you for years. I know that we're best friends and that's all we are but I think you're the greatest human being in the galaxy and I'm in love with you!"

Jack's eyes widened. This had not been what he'd been expecting. "A-Alex. Come on, jokes like that aren't funny. Someone's feelings could get hurt," he said, sounding a bit short of breath, which made sense because he was having trouble remembering how to breathe.

The other boy pouted, "I'm not joking! I'm one hundred per cent, completely, totally sure!" He sniffled for god measure.

Jack had been afraid of that. He tried to toss around the idea that this wasn't really true and Alex speaking now was just tired Alex speaking but he knew that whenever his friend told him things at this hour, they were always true. And besides, Alex being in...liking him as more than a friend would explain why, whenever he'd ask about anything worth noting, he'd always looked really nervous and even let out a relieved breath whenever Jack said no.

But even with that in mind, it was too much for the dark haired boy to take; especially at three in the morning. He decided that the two of them needed to sleep and they'd tackle whatever they needed to tackle in the morning. And so, despite Alex's many protests, they went to bed. While the previously protesting boy swiftly fell asleep, Jack lay awake spending equal time looking at the ceiling and Alex, thinking about what his friend had said.

The next morning, the two awoke to the sound of Jack's parents happily, and loudly, making pancakes downstairs. Their son groaned and put his head under the pillow not ready to face the day. Alex, unaware of what he'd said the previous night, instantly started to prod and poke at his friend, curious as he always was.

"I'd hate to annoy you, but Jack, seriously, get the fuck up. And also, if you'd be so kind, did I say anything interesting last night, you lazy fuck?"

At those words, Jack's body, still face down and under a pillow, tensed. Alex's tone instantly changed from joking to serious, "Jack?"

The boy addressed took a deep breath and slowly removed himself from his hiding place. He bit his lip and contemplated what to do. He could either lie to his friend and give him the usual no, or he could man up and tell his friend what he'd said. Jack frowned as he realised that he had to do the second on because Alex would know that he was lying from the way he tensed up and he wasn't a dick.

The younger boy sat up and started playing with his blankets attempting to gain some sort of confidence. Slowly and cautiously he said, "Y-you, well, you said that I was um, the greatest person in the galaxy..."

"That's not bad?" Alex said, confused.

His friend took another deep breath and continued, "And then you told me that you're in love with...me," he kept looking at his hands fiddling with the blanket and then, when he couldn't stand the silence any longer he looked up at the blonde.

Alex was blushing redder than Jack had ever seen him, "Oh...well I think that...uhm...you...I..."

The younger boy bit his lip again and then said quickly, before he had time to lose his nerve, "I was thinking about it practically the whole night," he looked at the clock, "Yeah, until like, an hour ago. Because I know that you never lie when you start talking when you're tired and because you said you weren't lying. Well anyway, I was thinking about it. And you. And me. And I think that I um...well I love you too...ehem..."

Now Jack could tell that he was blushing perhaps deeper than Alex had been. The silence from the other boy once again prompted the dark haired boy to look up. Before he had time to react, Alex was reaching out and had attached their lips.

When they parted, they were both slightly out of breath. Neither really knew what to say so they contented themselves with goofy smiles.

"What do we do now?" Alex asked, softly.

"Um well...are you doing anything next Friday?" Jack asked.

The blonde looked confused, "No..."

"Cool," Jack replied with a smile, "I'll pick you up at six then."

Alex blushed as he realised that he'd just been asked on a date. The younger boy then asked, "Would it be okay if we did that again?"

The blonde nodded and they had their second in a long line of kisses.


A/N: I'm aware that this isn't the best thing ever but I haven't written in a while and I wanted to see if I still could! You probably won't see me back, but at the moment, I'm not really sure. Anyway, thank you very much for the read!

jalex, jack barakat, alex gasarth

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