Face cake

Sep 16, 2005 17:59

Here are some of the things people are saying about my trailer :

AP2**4: that's pretty cool, have you made the actual movie the trailor is a .... trailor for?

Rocstar131: does it actually make you want to watch the movie?

AP**84: yeah, seems like it'd be cool - - Anthony from Mississippi

"Who says you can't polish a turd?  Way to go Jamie"  - - Gabriel Smiley

"It's better than the movie, maybe you should make trailers instead" - - Emily Shier

" I would pay more to see that trailor than I would to see the whole damn movie lol. Decent choice of song. The transition between the song and Erin could have been better though. Nice job bia'" - -  triplelll7

"It's good. . . "  Dave and Lonnie

Those of you that aren't on this list, I know you want to be.  So watch it here and be cool.  Then tell me what you think, make fun of it, whatever.

Alright, now on to more pressing matters.  (I feel like I'm running a council meeting)

Lets see what the council photographer has for us. . .

Me and Lonnie by the gorgeous fountain at this really cool Indian wedding we worked at.

Our GM, Barb, and her boyfriend, Scott (he sold me my computer) at her surprise birthday party

She was overwhelmed by all her presents.  I sat there (notice my head at the bottom, center) and watched her open bottle after bottle of wine, tequila, and other liquers.  Then we indulged in the best cake ever (Marble cake, strawberries, and chocolate frosting yummy!)

I love this picture.  And I love David Harmon.  He's my favorite. :)

Hold on a second, I have to dance. . .

I'm not used to living in a city with rich people, and charity balls, and a gazillion organizations.  (I'm sure they were around in Muskegon, but they were much less obvious.  Naples is rich, old people heaven).  There's a pirate ball, and a bunch of other cool charity bazaar things.  I think I'm going to volunteer for Calusa Nature Center and work with gulls, pelicans, squirrels, foxes and other cool animals.  I may also try to volunteer for the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, doing almost the same thing.  I've also volunteered for Make-a-Wish, the Film Society, and Naples Equestrian Challenge.  So, I'm really excited about that.

And this year I'm determined to not miss the Pirate festival in Clearwater.  And someday I want to go to a Sound of Music sing-along (though I've never seen the movie), or a Rocky Horror sing-along (if there are any of those in the US).  I bet those would be a sight to see.

I've got a lot of crap on my mind.  I don't even know where to start.  So, I'm just going to leave you with this

Phillip: (on learning that he has cancer in his butt) Will this mean I won't be able to fart anymore
Terrance:  No, it means you won't be able to live anymore

Thus concludes the stupidest journal entry ever.  And now I am going to go make faces at sick people.

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