Jun 30, 2005 22:47
So, what has happened since last I wrote?
Well, I quit my job. Then I un-quit my job. I cried a couple times. I thought a million really profound thoughts that escaped my mind before manifesting themselves in a physical form. I read the Crimson Petal and the White (very good, I'd recommend it). And, I prepared myself for my impending journey.
I'm terrified to get on a plane tomorrow. But, the strange part is I'm not scared to fly out of Grand Rapids. Which leads me to wonder if I'm actually scared to fly or to leave the safety and comfort of home. Or, maybe if I just flew more often I wouldn't be scared anymore (as oppose to flying once every 4 years). I'm also nervous about being all by myself. I don't even like going to Wal-Mart by myself, let alone a scary airplane ride and a huge airport terminal. Yikes!
I just want this to be over, and I want to be in Michigan already so that this thinking about death thing I've been doing lately can be over for once and for all.
Anyway, on a lighter note. . .
See you all in just a few short hours (except Emily. . . )
Next time I update I'll either be in Michigan or back in Florida writing about what a great time I had in Michigan.
I may even go back to quitting my job by then.