I have now finished all of the work for my first class in grad school. Whew! This took a huge amount of time! Now I just have to wait for the final grade, probably sometime next week. I had a solid A going into this week, though, so I have high hopes of finishing with an A. Next class starts on Monday! In the meantime, I will catch up on stuff I've let go and FOCUS ON THE NEW SEASON OF H50!!!!!! Tested my software this morning and I think everything's a go for making those screencaps!
On a related note, I'm thinking about closing down the Ohana Happy Hour comm here on LJ and just posting my recaps, Thursday Thrills, trivia, and whatnot here on my journal. My blog,
http://OhanaHappyHour.com, is the main site I use now. The comm here on LJ never quite turned into what I had hoped, and it's just me posting my stuff most of the time. I don't see much need for anything separate from my journal, right here.