Thoughts on Ike Maka, Episode 9

Nov 16, 2011 22:30

Steve is in bed without a shirt. Danny is in bed without pants. Then a bunch of other stuff happens. The End.

Wait, Amber says there was more!! Well, let’s recap then!

I need to do some research, but I think that this is the 3rd time we’ve seen Steve’s bed, and I swear it’s a different bed every time! Why does he keep replacing it? Does it have anything to do with that large mattress from 2 episodes ago?

And did I see a toy train in Steve’s bedroom? I’m so curious as to the reason! The stage dressers (or whatever they are called in the TV world; I’m a theater person) don’t just put random stuff in scenes, do they? Is there some significance to this toy train?

Danny is sleeping on the couch and has been staying with Steve for 2 weeks! I guess he was on the couch so he could have the TV to drown out the Hawaiian Water Torture. **Smirk** Someone once gave me a sound machine for Christmas, and one of the sounds was the ocean. I guess it’s supposed to be soothing. I have to agree with my Danny on this one. It was annoying!

Amber has a question: “Steve, why did you put on your shirt to go downstairs? I prefer that you remain shirtless as much as possible.”

Danny isn’t wearing pants (and how does Steve know this?). Mmmmm…...I shall once again, out of the goodness of my heart, make a public announcement: DANNY! COME STAY AT MY HOUSE! I’M A THOUSAND MILES FROM THE OCEAN! I also have Starbucks Christmas Blend coffee available.

This little “Max is ignoring the ‘gentlemen’ “ gag was so funny! He’s really becoming a great addition to The Show. He was so cold to The Guys and so nice to Lori. Played so perfectly. I loved all the “WTF?” looks among the group. And a soon-to-be-classic-line, “You offend more people than I offend.” Banter on, guys!!

And Max! Let’s play some piano duets together!

SPAM air freshener! What a great idea! Steve needs at least one in his car.

The phone call from Max while The Guys were in the car was good. Steve sounded so cheerful and nice! And what a great face he made at Danny while he was implying that it had to be Danny’s fault!!! Bicker, bicker, bicker guys!

I liked the mural from the Sistine Chapel on the doctor’s wall. Is he comparing his work to that of Michelangelo? Or perhaps to that of God? Or maybe he just likes Renaissance art.

The secret identity thing kept me guessing through the whole show. I thought the murderer did all that to keep the cops from knowing who the vic was. Although that does seem like a whole megaload of work, now that I think about it. Filing down fingerprints? And those facial implants! Ouch.

Steve was so clever to realize that the address was fake. And the name, too! “Is your Spidey sense tingling?”

We see a park with lots of muscle cars and people milling around. Yet, Chin has to tell us that this is a place where people who like muscle cars tend to gather. I am so glad he explained!!! Did you notice that this was the 2nd time that the camera started at Lori’s feet and panned upwards? I half expected to see Steve sitting there reading his Woman’s Day!

Lori and the rest of the team are doing better now. They seem to be less awkward and more balanced. However, she still doesn’t add anything. Does she have some secret purpose that we don’t know about? She rarely does any profiling. She rarely creates conflict even though she’s the Governor’s point person (honestly, I would be suspicious if my boss forced a new person into my team without asking me first.) As far as we know, she rarely reports to the Gov.

The remote control takeover of the stolen car was cool. Did Chin really need that huge shotgun? That just looked so over-the-top! License and registration, please. Or I will blow you to bits with this huge shotgun!!

If I came out of the bathroom at my hotel and found Steve and Danny, I would not grab a lamp.

And now we have McGarrett Rule Number 29: Don’t take Woman’s Day without asking first! Serious consequences! (Let’s give credit to Jim for coming up with this one!)

The conversation with the girlfriend was so touching. She clearly trusted him and now feels betrayed. As if it isn’t bad enough to lose the person you love.
“If the person you loved had to move halfway across the world, what would you do?” Danny knows.

Poor Danny! His hair just doesn’t do well in the wind.

Back at the hotel, the poor girlfriend is being traumatized again. I really feel for her. The entire later scene in the park when The Guys were talking with her was so lovely.

But….we do get to see some awesome Kono the Sniper action!! Did you catch the little nod of approval from Steve? And that camera shot through the bullet hole was Ex-O-lent!!!

We totally did not guess it was the doctor. It seems so sad that he died as patient, all alone while having surgery.

Steve bought Danny a present, and even put a bow on it!! He wants Danny to stay! Awww. And…the now 10-year-old boys shove each other to get through the door first to see the pretty girl. Yeah, I loved this too! Steve didn’t look like he was appreciating Lori’s appearance, though. Not like Danny was. Is it just because he’s not as demonstrative as Danny? Or that he really isn’t all that impressed?

I laughed so loud at the Grease costumes and the reason Max was snubbing The Guys!!! I probably woke up my neighbors!! The looks on their faces after Max and Lori left. That’s my new computer wallpaper for sure!

That’s it! Aloha from me and Amber!!!

02x09, kono, steve mcgarrett, my graphics, hawaii five-0, chin ho

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