Feelin' like Pure Shit: Entry One Hundred Twenty-Five

Mar 16, 2006 07:58

So.. I usually don't like to talk about this type of thing via Online Journal. But, my girlfriend just left.. went to school. And she texts me.. talkin' bout "We need to talk tonight.. I'm not happy anymore." This makes me feel like the worst shit that I've ever felt in my life, man. I mean, I try.. I really, really do.. to make her as happy as I can. I text her, saying "What are you so upset about?" and she says "A lot." Now, what the hell? What did I do this time? I don't wanna lose this one. I fucked up so bad in my lifetime but if I fuck this one up.. who knows what's gonna happen to me. She has been my world for years strong. And if I'm making her this unhappy.. what the hell kind of person am I? I've given up friends, as has she. I've given up family. I've given up a lot for this girl.. to only possibly lose her? I can't have that, man. I just can't.
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