Dec 12, 2004 14:43
One entry away from my 100th anniversary to Live Journal. But, as I look back -- I've spread out entries. But, as I look on.. Christmas is only 13 days away! That's less than 2 weeks, man. So, this time next week.. it'll be less than a week, can you believe that? OF COURSE YOU CAN'T!!
But, anyways.. stayed the night over Courtney's last night. That was a fruitful time as usual. Played Connect Four, and sh-tuff.. But, after that.. we started to watch Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and she fell out. But, I stayed up till about 3 or so, and she woke back up. Then, I fell asleep, and from what she says.. she was up for a while after that, cuz of her nose bein' all stuffed up and what not. I told her that I'd put her back to sleep by rubbing her back or something, but.. nothing. She didn't want any of it.. Oh well.
So, now.. she's at work again, and here I am -- all alone again. Man, this shit's so boring. I need a job like crazy.. and nothing's popping off. Office Depot may just be waiting till Monday or the week to call me for an interview. I hope that I get something.. maybe they'll hire me as a Sales Associate. They've had signs up for weeks, and I guess no one wants to work there. But, I don't care.. Cuz I applied.. and they better hire me!! God damnit..
I still need to get my 80 dolla-holla's so I can get something for somebody, at the least. But, for now -- I'm out..