How's It ALL Going Down: Entry Seventy-Seven

Sep 01, 2004 02:08

Well, good news for good ol' me now. I'm going to the studio with my cousin, PCC tomorrow. Me, him, and my Uncle are gonna be doing some recording. I spent like 2 hours downstairs, practicing with them. I'm telling you, man - when I get that apartment downstairs, I'm turning that bedroom into a studio. It's gonna all be good. But, until that time.. I'm dealt with the sick, twisted reality of present day. Well, Courtney and Teo and all started up school today. And I gotta tell you, I'm going through hell. I still haven't had any damn word on that security job via Gary. And I don't really know if I'm even GONNA get it now or not. Cuz he was telling me that he was telling the boss that I'll take anything.. full-time, part-time, and what have you.. and I really need some money. And I doubt part-time will exactly get me there. So, his boss said he's gonna call him back within a few days and let him know about all of that crap. So, I'm stuck now - doing jack-shit by myself cuz everyone else is either A.) working, or B.) getting education. And I'll be honest, it's good to not have to do neither one, but it sucks cuz there ain't shit to do by yourself. It really sucks. So, I mean.. I don't get to stay out till 12 anymore, cuz Courtney has to usually be in early. Yeah, as sad as that sounds.. but, that's all I got left around here. So, besides all of that, I've just been sitting back on my ass, doing shit. Well, doing absolutely nothing! And now, I sit here.. on this crap computer, trying to type in my inner thoughts. Quite the Nirvana, ladies and gents. And.. that's about it.. I'm praying for this god damn job, man.. I need money. Well, other than that.. I got nothing.
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