
Jan 19, 2010 14:00

I do not even know why I am writing in this? I don't know, I haven't written in this thing in FOREVA, but I feel the need to jot down something for once in my life. If only this didn't have _ffxi attached I wouldn't feel bad about not talking about FFXI. That is a book I have closed, and occasionally open up and again and publicly deface by parading around forums and linkshells like I own them. Why? Because I don't care about the majority of those people anymore!

Life is a dick, you know that? I fucking hate life. Oh god, now I know why I'm writing in a livejournal, this is horrible.

List of things to work on for life (also known as new year's resolutions):

Stop being a bitch
Man up
Work out, get in shape
Focus on studies more, get out of here with your B average
Get a job, even if part-time
Save some cash
Stop boozin'
Not be so trusting of people?

I'm not sure of the last one, I feel like the idea of either trusting people or hating them is a terrible way to live life. There's an ambivalent category but that's reserved for people I don't deal with often.

My ears are ringing, doesn't that mean someone is talking about me!? 
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