Feb 03, 2006 21:41
"Dear Diary... There is a bomb in your mother's car, which will be triggered by the scent of that rancid perfume she alwys fucking wears. She was a good woman, but maybe this'll teach you to keep your fucking cat from shitting in my newspaper."
Don't ask me why I put that there... I just felt the need to write something wholly for no reason at all, and at this particularly inebriated moment, it sounds funny. About to start work on Chapter One of Uzumaki once I whip up a fast Author's note page to hold my disclaimers and shit. I never did like putting all that crap above a fan-fic I wrote, but I see the way these writers on Fanfiction .net do it, and I can't stand the way these things are formatted. The only good side to fanfiction.net has to be that I know there are a shit load of Naruto fans that peruse ther place. I'm greeted with a nice look at my story stats each time I log in, and at more than three hundred views, I really can't complain about FF.net too much. I know someone's reading it at the very least. The story is on two favs list, though so far Kate has been the only one to contribute a review. Its not something that praticularly irritates me, but if you're writing and looking for reviews, I can see how it would be.
Anyway, having a decent day. Naruto, dispite being in filler hell has actually come along and ganted me a decnt storyline. Uzumaki will have Anko in a decent spot for the run of the story, and though we're not talking amassive part, I do like that I'm finally getting a spot or two of back story at last to really flesh out her character a bit more. There wasn't much I knew about her beyond the fact that she was Orochimaru's apprentice, and that she always seemed to come at Naruto with some form of deadly instrument in her hand while licking him at the same time. My dream woman, huh? I'm hoping I can squeeze out Chapter one in a day or so of really working on the story. While I doubt my work ethic is that powerful, well, there is always the college try.
In a little comics news, the Grey family is dead... And I don't mean boring or asleep. The ever loveable Shi'ar, those grand do-gooders in the cosmic scheme of things (tell me you don't see some metaphor for America in this writing) are tossing their considerable weight around again, trying to make sure that the Phoenix Force never darkens their collective galactic doorstep again. So, our arrow-headed alien brethren decide to kick a nice little group of cosmic assassins our way, and have them annihlate the Grey family once and for all, just in case my favorite cosmic gutbug decides to take on human form once more. Now, you'd think in comic fashion, the X-Men would arrive in time to save the day, right? Nuh-uh. By the end of this little three episode arc, not only is Rachel sporting a nice nesw little birdie shaped acid burn on her back, but Nana Grey is cursing the day Jean is ever born. She dies a few pages later, so she gets hers. Best part of the story, is getting to see some Cyclops/Marvel Girl interaction, even if he has been a total douche since Mark Millar started writing him.
Theres even more coming along "Deadly Genesis" gets going. Powerful Mutant falls out of the sky, takes out Wolverine, and kidnaps Scott and Rachel... My money was on Proteus returning and being the villain here, however there is a scene where Cyclops notes that our mystery villain believes he has killed our skeletally weighted friend. This makes Cyclops muse that "He knows me, but thinks he killed Wolverine? Who is he?" Could still be Proteus, bus I'm not holding my breath. The fact that Moira McTaggart is playing a huge role in this one though almost kicks you in that direction, though.
On a sadder note, the intervention seems to not have worked. We all set Marvel Comics and Joe Quesada down in the comfy chair, looked into their eyes and said "We're here because we love you, but you're hurting us bringing back all these fucking characters. LET SOMEONE FUCKING STAY DEAD, DAMN YOU!!!!" Yes friends, as though we haven't done this dance before, we now once more take to the floor as our favorite crothety old mutant, Apocalypse once more returns to life... FOr the third time... And, yes... Marvel is of course hyping it...
Since I'm not a total asshole, I won't spoil Infinite Crisis #4 for you, though I would reccomend picking it up if you really, really hate the Teen Titans, or just want to see Superboy go batshit insane... No, not him, the other one... The one with the cape, hates the dog? Yeah, him. Oh, and here's a nice little drama for you..
Agent: Flash! Wally-baby! Come in! Long time no see1 Hows the new writer?
Flash: Eh, not bad, but why is my book being cancelled? I thought things were going well...
Agent: Wally... Baby... Of course they are... But you've got that big scene coming up in In-cough- Cr-cough-.
Flash: What was that again?
Agent Mumbles: infinite...
Flash: God, tell me Crisis dosen't come after that title...
Agent: Well...
Flash: Why is it every time one of thes edamn things comes up, they either have to kill a Flash, break my legs, or turn me into a sentient electric current?
Till tomorrow...