1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
I was interviewed by
geshertzarmeod:I've actually wanted to ask you this for a really long time. During
services, you always seem to be praying really intently, especially
during the Amidah? I think. What do you think about? Are services a
very spiritual experience for you?
Services aren't particularly spiritual to me. The most meaningful
services I've ever particpated in are the ones that the BJE holds
outside, and I'm sure a lot of us can relate to that. The strongest
connection I have to my
Judaism lies in nature. Your first question wasn't really phrased as a
question, but I'll give you a break. It's kind of hard to pin-point
just what it is that I'm thinking or praying about during the Amidah,
but it is the one prayer that I do pray
outside of the texts. I can tell you that most times, I'm not singing
any of the lines from the Amidah in my head. Often times, I'll say a
prayer asking G-d to give me strength and guidance in the week ahead,
or in a mistake that I know I'll
make shortly. Sometimes its for helping me find the truth in a
difficult situation or become a better friend. I don't have a
dependancy on prayer on G-d, and my thoughts at these moments reflect
that. They're not for G-d to give me $100,
or heal my friend's grandparents, but for me to discover the hidden
strength within myself and divulge in it. Sometimes I daven to get in
touch further with the power of spirit, but mine and G-d's. I try to
make prayer as meaningful as I can,
although I don't consider myself a liturgical Jew..
geshertzarmeod: Would you rather be stuck with your (ridiculously large) music
collection as it is right now for the rest of your life, or take a
chance and have to listen to all new music forever? Why?
It's a tough decision. I mean, I have in my collection the relics of
the best written music in history, yet as I peruse it, I still find
artists whom I love not in it. There is such an immense amount of
back-catalogue out there
that it boggles the mind. But, your question was not whether I'd listen
to everything already produced but what was currently in my posession.
There is so much fantastic new music which comes out, so many talented
artists and singer-
songwriters. The thought of never having new music bothers me much more
than losing my old collection. Thank goodness this isn't an actual
scenario, but I'd choose all new music forever. Despite what many of us
music elitests think,
there is a massive amount of fantastic material released...every month.
We just don't like to try it because we're stuck in our old ways.
geshertzarmeod: What do you do to relieve stress?
Heh. Wouldn't you like to know? Oh, yeah, duh, you do. I'd say
something gross but it isn't true, although you'd probably expect me to
say it. Although I do relieve my stress by something else you'd expect
me to do.
I used to write a lot more. That's where I'd put most of my effort into
when I was stressed. Just put pen to paper and come what may. Usually
it was something completely independant of what my stress was budding
from. It didn't need
to have anything to do with it. Just get my mind off things and let the
beauty of the written word take my mind out of a frenzied ennui. (
bitesizebruin if you read this, I know you're laughing at me..). However, that seems like it was
long ago and far away. I also used to do one thing subconsciously that
I never realized until my father pointed out. I play piano. Ivory
serves as a conductor to my flesh. All the build-up and quivering in my
being runs through my fingers
and out through fast moving hammers vibrating strings of lost love,
failed classes or misplaced discontentment. I let my piano do the
geshertzarmeod: You're so flirty with so many girls. What signals do you send when
you're really interested? (If you know, that is- maybe you don't even
realize them)
If I only knew... I often crush over girls that I know in the back of
my mind I would never want to truthfully date. Often times its a case
in my head where I think 'Sure she's pretty, but I have nothing in
common with
her and find her to be repulsively boring.' So I flirt and flirt but
don't think twice. When there is a girl I truly have extraordinary
feelings for, I'm not like that at all. Often times, I'm shy and
reserved. I stutter, and have difficulty holding
conversation. I blush easily and I'm hesitant to move things along too
quickly. I'm slightly awkward and look down at my toes and smile a lot.
I try to maintain significant eye contact or physical contact (i.e.
touch her arm..). But, alas,
it certainly changes by each individual situation. When I like a girl
that I'm comfortable in conversation with and really gets the true me
out, I know that I've found something special.
geshertzarmeod: If I didn't know you, what impressions could I form/things could I learn about you just from going through your room?
Room raiders, eh? Well, my room is in disarray right now because I'm
still in the process of redecorating. You'd realize I was short,
because only a short kid could sleep in a loft bed with two feet of
clearance between
the ceiling. You'd realize my extraordinary passion for music because
of the albums, CDs and instruments scattered about. You'd look in my
closet and realize I have pretty good, yet quirky style. You wouldn't
find much perversity or
hidden secrets. Those're long disposed of and safely hidden in a ditch
out in Riverside. At the moment you'd think I was an extraordinary
slob, but I don't think I am, because I'm uncomfortable with messes,
just apathetic to their awful
existance. I think you'd find me to be quite an interesting person with
a sense of humor. I've got Jesus Soap-on-a-Rope in there and an
(eventual) recording set-up. A large hat collection and a lot of my
leftover Dodgers memorabilia from
my last decorated room. I decided to update my room from the sports
theme to change to what I reflect now. I wouldn't want a girl coming
into my room and thinking I was a jock who spent his days playing
football or basketball or
baseball. I wanted my room to be mature, sophisticated and visually
appealing. Thusforth the eventual black, white and tangerine motif.
Black and white rock posters, photography with tangerine matting, black
and white album covers.
Tasteful, but not cliché...that's my goal.
//EDIT: I'm lazy and if you haven't gotten questions...tough.