The day took a shit on my face

Mar 08, 2006 13:01

So, like I mentioned before, I was having a pretty decent day. Then, all hell started dancing in fucking....I dunno. Hell, was 'hopped up on the q' and ran me over with its big wheel. My bank account is $200 overdrafted, so I borrowed a bike to go to the bank, the bike had TWO flat tires so I went to the rec center, where I ran into nicole, who asked me for austin's notes, which were BACK where the bike had come from, so I rode back over there, then back to the rec center, then started to the bank, had to ride through some construction where the men stopped to watch me ride in a skirt and make nasty comments, so I spat sunflowers seeds at them and made it to the bank where I broke into hysterics. Then I get back ON the bike and headed down toards State Farm in avoidence of the sunflower seed clad construction workers. (Cause after I spit at them, I was like: "AAARGHHHHHH FAWK!!!! How the hell am I going back!?!?") and now here I am, and I'm only happy cause (this is shallow, get ready for ready? ....are you sure? Okay, I warned you) cause I like my outfit and I'm listening to Dane Cook. And I should cut yoour head off with this little doggie! Don't fucking touch me, Grandpa!!! NANA is a cheating WHORE!!!
Slip and bleed from the aaaanus they should have called this ride. I was like: "Watch this, ma" *slides* aaaAAUGH!! NOOO!! Lucky for me I was wearing that pad.
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