Oct 09, 2004 01:54
after the anal sex?
get it...milkshakes are made with milk.
aka cream.
aka jezerai belchar.
tooooo random. back to why i'm here.
This is true a true story.
I went to one of the worst concerts i've ever been to in my life this Friday night. And believe me, i've been to some pretty wretched concerts. It wasn't the music, or the lighting. It was the crowd. I have never seen such a disrespectful display of human behavior during a local show in all my show going adventures.
There were a few metal kids enjoyin' the night, bangin' the head, and throwin' eachother around. But never would they shove with the intent of knocking someone on the ground. By the second band, it was getting pretty out of control so i went downstairs. Now I don't know how Hotboxed, or that other band played, but by the time Sandy's very own Agitated came on....tempers had risen. Perhaps, agitated. And more people were getting shoved violently and knocked on their butt repetdly and.
Well, I guess that happens. Not at the local shows I go to..maybe at a Gwar concert, but never at a venue like The Sandy Community Center. PJ Schoder made a girl cry. It's really hard to listen to music, rather than just hear it, if you're looking over your shoulder terrified you're about to get clobbered by some 150lb athlete every 10 seconds.
There were a few people there who ended up a little out-numbered. I've been friends with the 3x0ver guys for a couple years now. Ryan and Matt are two really nice, down to eart pacifists, but they like to dance funny. And if you've never seen it before, it comes as quite a shock. And what do people do with things they don't truely understand? They Put it down in any way they can.
There were kids there to dance, or mosh, and to enjoy themselves. To hangout with their friends and listen to some good music. But there were about 5 upper classmen who were there to fight. I heard those words come out of Travis Lindstrom's mouth. There to make fun of everyone else and prove how tough and cool they are. Can i emphaize one more time how they were not there for the music?
Quick fix etiquette: Fighting is not moshing. Moshing is dancing. Learn a little. Here is a list of 10 things NOT to do in a mosh pit:
1. no closed fists.
2. help someone up if they're on the ground
3. don't forget to listen to the music
4. don't forget concerts should flow. should have rhythm. not chaos.
5. show respect!
6. don't kick
7. don't wrestle
8. no heads shots. keep the elbows to a minimum.
9. no wepons
and 10. do NOT tag team people
So I was mad. I wasn't mad that they were fighting with everyone. I wasn't mad that they broke every single rule, none worse then 5. And I really wasn't that mad i wasn't having a good time AT ALL.
I was mad because Ryan, after being shoved in the back (for the second time) onto the ground while dancing by himself not trying to touch anyone said he never wanted to come back to Sandy again. Said he completely lost respect for Sandy. The reputation that creates. Not everyone is like that. Not everyone is a superficial hyperactive critical self absorbed disrespectful piece of work.
I'm just trying to say...if you're not going to a concert for the music, why would you go? Hopefully it's not the scene and/or all your friends are going. I really hope its not just because your friends are in the band. Some people take the music they love seriously. And if you can't respect that, you don't deserve their respect. It takes respect to get respect, so don't come if you ain't gettin' none. Because thats not what a concert is all about. Its about the music, the inspiration, and the feelling you get when its over.
You help someone if you knock them down.