Title: Calm Before the Storm
Pairing: Seb/Chuck (Simple Plan)
Author: Rockyhorror06
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Oh boy do I wish...
Note: Previous chapters available in my journal.
Cross posted.
Chapter 5
I sat in the kitchen writing lyrics in my journal when he entered the room. He walked to the table and sat down across from me. He stared at me till my eyes met his.
"What's up, Chuck?"
"I have something to tell you, Seb," he said hastily. "I love you, I've always loved you."
"I love you too, David," I replied. Wait a minute, did I just said David, not Chuck?!
"I see how it is!" Chuck said getting up from the table and storming out of the room.
"Wait! Chuck, I'm sorry," I called out before I woke up. I found myself entangled in David, with Pat filming us. "God damnit, Pat! Stop fucking filming us!" I yelled at him as I tried to hit him but found that David's dead weight was holding me back.
"You better be extra nice to me, Sebas, because I now have multiple blackmail tapes," he said with an evil smile. "So dreaming about one, but fucking the other, eh?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Get the fuck out of my room, Pat!" I snapped.
"It's my room too!" he said, sticking his tongue out.
"Well get out anyway!"
"It's going to cost you..." he said in his Godfather voice as he stroked his chin.
"Ugh, just take it all, I don't care anymore," I said, trying to get into a comfortable position again. Once I found one though, David slowly started to open his eyes. How that boy could sleep through my shouting was beyond me.
"Morning," he said as he smiled and stretched. His smile reminded me of what I said in my dream, 'I love you too, David.' "How'd you sleep?" he asked with a yawn.
"To be honest?" He nodded. "Better than I have in a while." He laughed.
"Well, I'm glad to have helped you," he said as he stood up and scratched his head, messing up his bed-head hair even more. "I'm in need of a cup of joe," he said before going downstairs to presumably the kitchen.
Great, just great. As if my life couldn't get any worse, I have to go and subconsciously like my best friend. I pulled my pillow over my head and groaned.
"Hey now, none of that," said Pat. I forgot he was still in the room.
I took the pillow off of my head and found him standing next to my bed, camera-less this time. "I don't want to be in the room when you're... what were you doing anyway?" Pat asked, confused by his own statement.
"Trying to make myself disappear," I replied, getting up and rummaging for a change of clothes.
"Oh, I though maybe you were tying to kill yourself or get off by thinking about Chuck or something," he said, putting a new battery and tape into his camera. Leave it to Pat to combine those two things.
"What's wrong with me, Pat?" I asked, looking at him, waiting for an answer.
"Well your nose for one-"
"No! I mean-What's wrong with my nose?" I asked, clamping my hands over my nose. "I happen to like my nose."
"Well, it's kind of, how do I put this, big," he said bluntly.
"No it isn't! It's cute and little and not big and I like it so shut up!"
"Dude, you asked so I told you the truth."
"Do you really think Chuck or David don't like me because of the size of my nose?" I asked, walking over to the mirror to see my reflection.
"So not it's Chuck or David! If you can't have one, you know, you can just fall back on the other," he said sarcastically.
"What? That's not what I meant! You're twisting my words around!"
"Well then, what do you mean?"
I looked at him and suddenly burst into tears. "I don't know what I mean anymore!" What's with me and crying lately?
"Oh my God, Sebastien, what the fuck?" I don't know if Pat was more taken aback or concerned about my sudden mood change. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong, Sebas?" he said, being sincere.
"I don't know," I said, sobbing into his shoulder. "I feel like nothing ever goes right anymore and that the whole world is on my shoulders overwhelming me."
"Why didn't you tell any of us that you felt this way before?" Pat asked, pulling away to look at me.
"I don't know why I do or don't do anything anymore. I guess I kind of told David, just not everything," I said, suddenly finding my feet very interesting.
Pat let out a short forced laugh. "Yeah, you forgot to mention the fact that you're in love with him!"
I groaned, "don't remind me. I have no clue what I should do. I think I should tell him, but, I don't know," I said, defeated. Patrick patted my back as he sighed.
"The only think I can tell you is that he should know, but it's up to you to tell him when you're ready." I looked at him and I don't think Pat's ever looked that serious.
"So does that mean that you'll delete the footage you have of me?" I asked, wishing for the company of my iPod again. There was a long pause before he replied.
"I guess so."
"Yes! I can get my iPod back!" I said, jumping up and starting to dance.
"Hey, hey, only temporarily, 'cause I feel bad for you," he said, looking down.
"Aw, thanks, Pat," I said as I rummaged through his stuff, looking for my iPod. It was at this moment David decided to reappear, with his coffee in hand.
"What's going on?" he asked as I went back over to my side of the room with my iPod. "Did Pat give up his half of the deal? Did he tell someone? Did he tell Chuck?" David asked, starting to look panic stricken.
"No! Don't go assuming things. I, uh, decided," Pat took a pause, "to be nice and give Seb back his iPod and, uh, delete the tapes of him," Pat replied, looking down at his hands.
"Really?" he asked, looking back and forth between the two of us. I nodded my head and Pat reluctantly did the same. "Why the sudden change of heart?" he asked skeptically.
"Because, um, I, uh, like Sebastien," Pat mumbled. What? I don't need anymore confusion in my love life! I looked at him bewildered, mentally asking him 'what the fuck?!' He shot me a look which must mean he's trying to save my ass from telling David my feelings. Some way of helping.
"Oh," David replied, pausing before he continued. "I didn't know you, ehem, swung that way, Pat," he said, draining the last of his coffee.
"I didn't either," Pat mumbled, so only I could hear. I cracked a grin.
"Yeah, well, hate to rain on your parade but I'm interested in D-Chuck, Chuck!" No you, sorry Pat." I almost spilt the beans! David needs to leave before Pat or I say something else stupid.
"Oh," Pat said, trying to look upset. "I knew that." There was a knock on the door and Pierre's head appeared.
"Hey, Dave, wanna play some video games?" Did I ever say how much I love Pierre? Wait, Pierre's timing, not Pierre. Well, I love Pierre, like a brother though.
"Uh, sure," David replied, looking very confused. "I guess I'll talk to you guys later," he said, before exiting the room with Pierre. I waited a good fifteen seconds before I started to attack Pat.
"You fucking idiot! Not only does he think you're gay now but he thinks you love me too!" I screamed as I smacked him.
"I'm sorry! It was the first thing that came to my mind!" he groaned. "He thinks I'm gay! Which I'm not by the way," he said, looking at me pointedly. "I'm the farthest thing from gay actually..." he continued.
"OK, that's nice, Pat. But your sexual preference doesn't help the even bigger mess I'm in now, thanks to you nonetheless." I let out a long sigh and laughed. Pat looked at me strangely. "And I thought it couldn't get any worse."