This as been a busy and eventful week.
First, Eric quit smoking. He smoked his last cigarette Sunday night. Monday, he started Nicorette. It's been hard on him, but he took this week off so that he wouldn't have to deal with work while he was feeling under the weather. I think he's going to be able to stick with it, but he's not really loving it right now. I set up a Quit Meter for him, so he can see his progress. It's
here if you are interested.
Tuesday, I got together with some friends from high school. Mary Pat happened to come into town from New York the same week that Matt came in from Japan, and got everyone together at Matt's dad's house. Andy and Pam came, and Joe came with his family. I'd never met Joe's wife before, and she was awesome, very smart and fun. They also have two adorable kids. Joe seems to really have things really worked out. Mart Pat observed that he seems to really be at peace and in the right place in his life, which was nice to see. Matt looked amazingly the same, and it was great to catch up with him. Maybe because he hasn't changed too much physically, it was surprisingly easy to settle back into talking to him. I've seen Pam and Andy, at least briefly, more recently, but it was nice to really talk to them (although Pam as a little out of it). I was afraid it was going to be awkward since I haven't seen most of these people in so long, but it was really nice. We sat around talking until a little after 12. At one point, I looked around the table, and was sort of amazed to see these awesome adults instead of the kids that we were when I spent a lot of time with them. The only sort of downer for me came when everyone started talking about all the cities they've been to and lived in. I realized that I felt a little like the girl in a movie that stayed behind in the old home town to be a waitress while everyone esle went on to the big city. Still, that's a small insecurity, and the night was awsome over all.
Wednesday, I went salsa dancing with Mary Pat. We were hoping some more of the people from Tuesday would come, but it turned out to be the two of us. Her brother Malcolm was there, and so were a couple of other people she knows from elsewhere, so we still had company. I don't know anything about salsa, so I watched more than anything, but that alone was fun. There were some AMAZING dancers there. I did dance a couple of times with Malcolm, who is also a relative beginner, and at least learned the basic step.
Thursday, of course was Clix, where I lost miserably. Oh well.
Tonight, Eric and I went to see
World Trade Center. It was a really well written and well acted movie, and I feel like it treated the subject respectfully, but it made me too sad. I would have to say that it was a good movie, but not an enjoyable experience for me personally. I cried too much for it to even be a cathartic cry.
Tomorrow, we are having our picture taken by
sequiro. We've decided to get pictures taken in honor of our impending anniversary, and have engaged her professional services. I'm looking forward to it, and to spending the day with Eric since he's still off work. Hopefully, we'll be making the pictures a yearly tradition.