Its been a really long week for me.
Fiscal year end is always the worst time of year at work, and this year we're short staffed. There are only myself and three others in our section right now (J has been processing stuff all week, but she can't do that indefinately. She's got too much other stuff to do.), and one of them is the world's most heineous co-worker. I can't even get into that right now; I'm just too tired. I worked some overtime at the beginning of the week, which was just enough to get me worn out, and all week long was non-stop phone calls and problem solving to the extent that I couldn't focus on "normal" processing. It's short term, but still frustrating.
Futhermore, I have no motivation to do my school work (thankfully, I only have one more chapter assignment and the exam in this class), my house is soooo dirty, everything is totally disorganized, and I'm having scheduling problems going and doing my swimming exercises because the "baby pool" has very limited hours.
I'm just feeling generally pissy and pessimistic right now. I'm so glad I'm taking off next quarter from school. I'm hoping it will give me time to focus on some things around the house that I want to get done. There's a lot of sorting/organizing that needs to happen, and that is something Eric is NO help with. He has a psychotic aversion to putting things away. I think it basically comes down to a fear that if his stuff is out of sight, it will also go out of mind. This is one of our few major home-sharing difficulties. I need things to be organized and clean. Possibly this is a control issue, but whatever the case may be, I feel physically agitated when things get like this.
This post has wandered off in a very different direction than I started in, so I'm going to go fold clothes (or sleep).