Clouds! For the first time in a freakin' month we get clouds. Pretty nice to be able to breathe for once, actually. It's still nice and warm, only not the smothering, brimstone-oozing kind of hot. Which me likes. Went to the lake and had a bath with mum and the girls today again and due to the not-ridiculously-hot-sun we had the lake all to ourselves. Hoorah!
Got home and tossed away more random junk that's been inhabiting my room for far too long now. Two bags of junk has been rid off and it's almost turning livable again - which is nice when I'm moving in like a week. Nice timing.
But anyways, panyways, people. I got a new deviantArt account a few days back and I have started to post photos in it now. If you love me you'll go there and comment on my purdy work - if you think it's purdy, otherwise you can critique me. I can take it, probably.
The link is as easy as 1, 2,