
Sep 17, 2005 17:56

I've been feeling pretty down lately. Not a "kill your parents in a murderous rampage"-sort of down, it's been more of a "listen to Elliott Smith and mope"-down if anyone knows what this means. I guess we've all had them. I don't really know why I've been so bummed out but I guess it's just a number of little things adding up at once. For one I've been very scared about the whole university deal for some time and visiting Stockholms just made it all worse in a way. I felt very fish-out-of-water and vulnerable. I also feel very alone nowadays, which I think is because after I school was out I haven't really had much of a personal life with friends to talk about. It's mostly been Christopher and of course he gets tired of me after a while and I can't expect him to keep me busy all the time either. I believe I'll have to spend more time with the people I know and generally get myself out of this loneliness-feeling.

I've been a bit irritable lately as well and I'm sorry to everyone about that. My parents haven't exactly been the best support the past few days, especially my mum has started nagging like she used to. She had a period where she mostly left me alone but now she has started over her whole machine again. She give me shit for being lazy and then she gives me shit for not resting enough. She told me to go out and buy new t-shirts and I did and then I get shit from her because I need trousers more and et cetera. She just nags me because she needs someone to nag, I suppose. When she does this I get very irritable with everyone else and I think that's why I've been cold to many of my friends recently. I hope you can understand and in the long run forgive me for this.

I'm not going to be on MSN a lot today. Maybe an hour or two but I'll go to bed very early tonight like I did last night (about 20.00 or so) because I just feel like sleep is much needed for me and it's also more pleasant than being awake and moping. If you really want me you all should have my number. I wont mind being awoken by a friend.
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