Jul 15, 2005 07:27
Yes, finally! WOHO! Yeeey! Wowza! Ay caramba! Hell yeah!
Got woken up 10 minutes ago from the cell but was too dead to answer. But when I listened to the message left on my answering machine I realized it was from TNT (the company that is transporting my iPod from Shanghai) and they asked me to call a number and give them the number of the shipment. Indeed I did, just a minute ago and they said "Allright, we'll take it out today" and I went Yes, finally! WOHO! Yeeey! Wowza! Ay caramba! Hell yeah! So now my iPod is coming and I can't sleep because I'm so damn excited and I don't wanna miss the delivery by being asleep. So nope, I'm stayng up. I wonder what's on Nickelodeon...