(no subject)

Aug 08, 2005 20:59

Whoa, what a roller coaster of a time I've had the last few days! Luckily, things are calm, and I feel alot better.

Moving is still moving slowly. Thank heavens my mom paid our rent on the apartment till the 19th! I don't think we'll have everything moved out till then. I would never have expected three people to accumulate so much stuff. Some of it is just sentimental, and I should probably get rid of it. But I love it! :(

Mom says the same thing, as I saw her pull out a box of old school art projects that my sisters and I did when we were little. She's especially attached to this ceramic heart made by moi in 4th grade. LOL!

Oh, my baby sister turned 16 on the first. A milestone in her life that caught me by surprise even though I knew it was coming. Wow...she's sixteen!! Soon she'll officially be an adult!


Jabs's birthday is this month too, as well as others in me friends list. Please do let me know who's having a b-day this month! I've been awful about getting cards and stuff out, but I want to try and improve!

Mucho love to all! :D
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