Feb 05, 2005 02:47
you are a self centered , egotistical, immature, judge mental freak. I have asked you repeatedly to stop. The only reason why you keep saying stuff , must because you ...hmmm....have no life or maybe your hooked to carthage drama . yeah that sound's about right. I refuse to stoop to youre middle school level any more. I never verbally attacked any of youre "so called' freind's , did you ever think that mayby the reason their your freind's is becouse they may like drama just as much as you, or mayby.. just mayby... you may have some sort of caring bit of a soul and trust me the only reason why I would say that is becouse bryan used to and still does (not as much) love you. other wise I could really give to shit's about you you could fucking die and burn in hell for all that would matter to me. but I really care for bryan so this is the only reason I can be humane toward's you and your animalistic tendences . I am over this , were is all this fighting really going to get us, no were it will just get us cought up in more of this high school carthage b.s, but mayby you like that and that's what you want. but I realized i'm 16 and not 6 and this is so childish and I feel like an ass becouse I even stooped to that level for that moment. so danni if you want to talk to me and act like a child , please be my guest but in 40 yrs you will look back at this and realize how pointless this really is. youre mad to bad it happen's , people piss people off and get fucked around with it's life sorry hunny get used to it, you and I both will have to deal with this for the rest of our lifes. so you can either grow up and let's done be done or you can stay stuck in the moment untill the end of high school. I choose to grow up