
Mar 08, 2009 22:37

Gazans have been living in a perpetual state of crisis which has only worsened with the overthrowing of it's government curtisy of the Hamas. The Hamas is a Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood whos character calls for the destruction of Israel. Most would consider the Hamas a terrorist organization. Hamas constantly conducts terrorist operations, mostly firing rockets into Southern Israel, which leaves Israel no choice but to periodically bomb and invade Gaza in order to destroy terrorist infrastructure and protect its people. This can sometimes get tricky seeing as the Hamas use the tactic of using civilians as human shields, sometimes hiding in hospitals and schools. They are irresponsible anti-semetics who use the Arab-Israeli conflict to deflect the anger of their own population. Internal problems caused by inept governing can be blamed on Israel, a convenient scapegoat, causing the Palestinian people to blindly support them.

But the main issue that we're debating is the Palestinians right to have their own state within Israel, more specifically, the right to the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip is in no way self-sufficiant. It has virtually no infrastructure, no power, food shortages, and serious humanitarian and economic problems. In fact most of their food and utilities are provided by Israel or the United Nations. It's a small, already overcrowded piece of land with one of the highest population densities in the world. The creation of a Palestinian state will increase crowding, poverty, and economic pressure. And not to mention the kinds of terrorist threat, the kinds of ecological threat presented by a Palestinian state. With their main target being Israel, this greatly justifies Israeli resistance to it.

Palestinians have shown over and over again that they would prefer killing Jews and annihilating Israel than having their own state, stability, and prosperity. How can we expect the Israeli government to negotiate with the Palestinians when all they want to destroy them? The fact of the matter is that by allowing a Palestinian state to be created in the Gaza Strip alongside Israel is very much like allowing the destruction of the only Jewish state in two thousand years.

Although we are in no way for a Palestinian state to be created, there have been other alternatives presented to the people of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian government obviously can't come up with a peaceful solution on it's own regarding Israel, and the Gaza Strip can not physically function as an independent country. That is why the idea of Egypt annexing Gaza has been brought to the table.

• clarify who/what are the hamas/ what are their beliefs.
• do you think its responsible to allow terrorists to govern a state?
• can you tell us who the main supplier of weapons to the palestinians is?
• (lol its iran!)
• so a country that is in favor of wiping israel off the face of the earth is supplying weapons to people currently fighting with them, is that correct?
• why would israel want to allow the palestinians to have their own land when the palestinians are pent on israels destruction?
• (followup) how is the israeli government supposed to negotiate with a "government" that doesn't even believe they have the right to exist?
• how is the gaza strip supposed to function on its own with virtually no infrastructure, no power, and major economic and humanitarian issues?
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