Contest #64 Winners

Jun 17, 2007 23:57

1st - bunnymix

2nd - riorhapsody

3rd - krinklecut41490

Mod's Choice - riorhapsody

Best Theme Interpretation - bunnymix

Congratulations to all those who won, and thanks to all of you who entered.

Now, I'm sad to say, but rockxstillness has reached its conclusion. This was the last contest.
I guess to put it bluntly, I've grown tired of dealing with the community. There's really no other reason, besides the fact that people don't seem to be interested anymore. It was sort of like pulling teeth, what with having to come up with ideas every week, and then trying to get people to enter.
I was not a very good moderator as well. I apologize for anything stupid I may have said.

I'm very grateful for the chance I've had to be able to make some very good friends through this community.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and plug both rocknroll_glam and rockchallenge (though they are on hiatus at the moment), both of whom are graphic contest communities mainly centered around rock bands. Anyone who enjoyed entering here would definitely have fun over at both places.

On the matter of banners, I'm going to try and work on them sometime in the next few weeks. I'll get them to everybody when they're done either by commenting on a journal post, or emailing them. There's no promise that they'll be done anytime soon though.

It's be fun, everybody. But, nothing lasts forever, and this is no exception.
Hopefully I'll see everyone over at the two communities mentioned above.

- Chris
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