(no subject)

Dec 22, 2006 11:26

so somthing kinda bad happened last night i was standing talking to my mom and i noticed that my hand had gone numb or fell asleep. i shook it off thinking it had just fallen asleep and would come back.. it hasnt i have no feeling in much of my hand, i can only lift my wrist so far. and parts of my upper arm is numb as well..

i have talked to some doctors but have not gone in yet because this seems to be a nerve problem.. they said it could be a possible small stroke but they dont know and dont think so for certain reasons. it most likely has somthing to do with some sort of nerve damage. from what i dont know.

i cant hold things in my left hand. and i cant play guitar. i am terrified. if this is permanent my life is ruined. end of story. somthing terrible always happens to me.

i am going to see a neurologist and get some tests soon though
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